One of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorder is the belief that you’re going crazy.
You have the sense that you are losing your grip on reality and that you are literally on the verge of a mental breakdown. Anxiety disorder can cause a deep seated fear that sooner or later you’re simply going to go mad.
However, despite this overwhelming fear of possible insanity, the fact that you fear it, and are aware of insanity as a state of being, is precisely why you’re not crazy.
Crazy means a lot things to a lot of people, however, for the sake of clarity let’s say that for our purposes crazy means a mixture of insanity and psychosis . Let’s look at insanity first and how it is normally defined. In the United States, insanity is no longer a medical term and, in fact, is mainly used in legal definitions.
You have heard people say that someone is “legally insane” generally meaning that they cannot comprehend the meaning of “right” and “wrong”. They simply don’t understand what it means to do something horrible, like killing another human being, for example.
Under this definition of crazy or insane would you qualify as such a person? If you have an anxiety disorder the answer is no. You have your mental faculties in order, and you know exactly what right and wrong mean. You know the social norms of society and you follow them.
In other words, you don’t walk around with your underwear on your head because you know that society views this as unacceptable behavior. The second and highest level of so called crazy is a mental state of delusion and abstraction known as psychosis.
Psychosis is associated with conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. These conditions fall under the psychotic types of mental illness. These conditions are debilitating brain disorders that can seriously hinder ones life.
When someone is psychotic they may hear voices or have hallucinations. In addition they might have a serious paranoia and a feeling that everyone is out to get them.
When someone is deemed psychotic they exhibit disorganized thinking and strange behaviors of various kind. Their very perception of reality is not what you would call “normal.”
It is seriously distorted and disconnected from normal definitions of reality. Moreover one of the most critical aspects of psychosis that does not affect anxiety sufferers is a lack of insight.
Having a lack of insight is just another way of saying that you don’t know that you are behaving or acting strangely. As an anxiety sufferer you spend a lot of time thinking you’re crazy or on the verge of crazy but if this were true than you wouldn’t know it. You simply would not be aware of the fact that your thoughts and behavior were strange or “crazy.”
When you have anxiety you are certainly filled with dread and worry. You experience psychosomatic sensations that make you feel terrible and make you think that you might die soon. It’s pretty scary sometimes.
But the bottom line is that your level of mental fitness is not the same as someone that is psychotic or crazy – it’s much better.
You have the ability to make sound decisions, you don’t hear or see things that aren’t there, and you know the difference between real and unreal. Even if you experience feelings of unreality, or dream like states, you are still aware of them as such.
Unfortunately if you were to ask someone tagged as crazy if they were actually crazy, they would probably say something like “crazy, who me?” They just wouldn’t know that they were in mental distress the same way that you would be able to know.
As you can see you just don’t fit the profile of an insane or psychotic person. So the conclusion must be that you are not crazy. When you have anxiety disorder will you have tricks of vision? Yes. Will you have strange sensations and worry all the time?
Yes. But despite this your condition is a completely different tier of mental ailment. You have an anxiety disorder and you will not graduate to a greater and more terrible mental state.
You’re an excessive worrier racked with tremendous amounts of stress, but you are not crazy by any stretch of the imagination.
Hey Rachel,
I am so glad you came to this site! Those OCD thoughts you have are extremely disturbing to have especially when they come out of nowhere. Nobody wants to ask their friends “hey, do you ever have random thoughts about hurting someone?” We definitely feel alone and on the brink of crazy. I encourage you to see a professional if you are able. They can help a ton! There are many techniques to use to combat them. I recently read a book by Healther Crilly, Living Victoriously with OCD. It shares her personal battle as well as some research on those unwanted thoughts. It’s a pretty short book. Easy read!
If ever you need to just email vent or would like to email someone who understands please feel free to email me @
I am 25. I am glad I found this article. I feel like I’m going insane all of the time. I have had anxiety/nervous issues for years, but not like how I have been having them in the past 2 years. They are on and off, and they get triggered by “something” all the time. I have been going to Dr’s for years and taking different meds.
I finally saw a holistic/alternative/wellness Dr and found out that I had so many underlying issues. Instead of just treating the symptoms, they actually try & find the problems. Through nutritional response testing, my Dr has found out that I had a lot of hormonal imbalances, mineral deficiencies, and a parasite (yes, a little bug is screwing me up – and it’s not so un-common)! I am working on these issues in a natural way, which works (plus counseling)!
I only take prescriptions when my nerves get too out of whack! I can’t hardly take them because they make me feel sick, and can sometimes increase things.
I recommend all of you to find an alternative Dr. You never know what they may find. I thought I was going crazy, and it was my progesterone, my adrenals were also burnt out – basically my body was getting out of whack over the years – and it took a nervous breakdown to basically bring it all out.
If anyone has any questions about my experiences (or want to know more), I will be happy to answer them – asouthernwriter (at) yahoo. (com).
Sarah, I know how you’re feeling.. I also just turned 18 recently and I experience these moments that come about randomly where I suddenly feel like everything just isnt real anymore. It happens alot when I’m at work or doing repetitive things. I’m a cashier and sometimes I’ll suddenly be overcome with these thoughts to the point where it scares me because I’m not sure I can maintain conversation with the customers, I often struggle to come up with something normal to say and then analyse what Ive said and question it’s normalcy. When this happens I hope people just think I’m stupid or have bad hearing.
My names Sarah, I’m 18. I was just recently found out I have an anxiety disorder. I’ve gone through just about every fear imaginable: fears of psychosis, dissociative identity, going crazy. You name it I’ve probably feared it. But the one that just hit me last night was doubting everything. Like what if this is just one big hallucination. This fear has me to the point of just feeling completely ill. I see a therapist and have made a lot of progress with all my other fears but this new fear is driving me nuts.
Hey guys just testing to see if this message gets out before I write a long one
Hey everyone… i know im not alone but it always feels like u are…its like my mind is its own person… 🙁 im a 22good yr old female who has been s aufferin qg massive socialanxiety … i started getting symptoms when i was 16/17 and been like this since then… i used to do a lot of hard core drugs when i was younger n smoked alot of weed i think the drugs really did a number on me 🙁 i started gettim really depressed cuz i was turning into someone complete opposite … it started mr not being able tp sit in a room with more then a few ppl i could only be fine when i was one on one with someone …more people made me feel like they were talkinh about me, lauhing at me, i stsrted to get really hot and my heart pounds feeling like its goin to explode then i dropped out of school n isolated myself from everyone it only got worse …. at 19 i seen a dr and got prescribed xanax was on it till last September it wasu helping n made me feel normal till ilate atarted to believe i was possesed thethe devil then i switched to klonapen up until last month then got on valium
Sorry if u cant read some of the stuff my cell is acting crazy but i was saying i started to believe i wass possessed by the devil and that i was the devil it got so baf it tuoned me and created ulcers in my stomach from so much stress … i used to not be able ti sleep til the sun came up it was so bad n this was on the xanax i learned that shit didnt help …. i tried n tried while the many years on xanax i tried to gwt off of it but it was to late my body wouldn’t let me …. 🙁 long story short i got off xanax last September switched to clonzapen then last month to valium them two weeks ago i finally got off that … no withdrawals thank god only my anciety came back pn full attack … now i quit my job n i dont hang out nemore n im a constant panic … i just took a valium cuz my mind was wondering off where it shouldnt be .. i want helo but my mom thinks im makin excuses to not finish school … i also am physic believe it or.not i read minds even when.i dont want to so.i kbow this.makes me alot worse … what do i do? Its been 12a days n.i dont want to get back on those drugs but i also dont like how its ruining my life i cant think normally n feel lije im running out of air i made myself so sick i developed an auto immune disease against myself n pain in my right leg that i have to get fluid drained out every few months n cant walk at times .. im 22 135lbs and very beautiful that i should be really confident which i am but when around ppl i show as if im scared n shaky all the time … what do i do???? I lost energy to do anything including work 🙁
You may email me!
I hate feeling like this. People are so cruel. They laugh at my illness. I thought I was hiding my anxiety but for the past several months people have been calling me crazy…too sensitive….stupid..a coward. I really see no reason to continue living. There is no joy in life. People are not familiar with this illness and just think I’m being childish. It’s so frustrating. I wish I were stronger.
To Janice… Please don’t ever say that. I can tell you from living a majority of my life with this that it only gets better. You don’t have to be superhuman to be a strong enough person to realize that I does as WILL get better. But you also need to realize that the anxiety will come back sometimes too. When you come to tat realization your able to get by, with you head held high. And to those who mock you behind your back, excuse my French, but screw them. They are insignificant to your life and do not know or have the slightest idea what you are going through. So don’t waste your time and emotions thinking about what they think because in the long run it is an isignificant thought someone else is having about you that will not matter. I’m still learning each and everyday that everyone is going through some sort of battle on their own and that each and everyday you get closer to better and better. You cannot use those words , and I know it’s hard not too because I have before. Soround yourself with people who love you, don’t search for those who understand because quite frankly we don’t even understand ourselves. Life is precious and we are given this gift fr a reason, don’t give up, breathe.
I’ve been through it all…don’t hesitate to email if any of you need to talk. Know one matter how long it takes, or what you feel at the moment, your going to be ok.
Hello, I was reading this and It’s kind of what’s happening to. I can tell wrong from right but doing it sometimes can be hard, because sometimes I have a hard time knowing what’s real or not, sometimes I can’t tell if what I’m looking at is real. I’ve been know to step over things that art there and talk to people that’s not there, and all of this makes me get this feeling in the back of my head, and out of nowhere all this anger comes up and I just want to let it all out,but the only this that’s stopping that is this little voice in my head saying that I can’t, that if I do that everything that I have done would be for nothing, and that the only resen
E That I don’t let it all out would be lost, but the thing is that I don’t remember why I don’t let it out, and thing are just getting harder for me sometimes I talk to myself and don’t even know it, I aways hear thing and see thing that I know that’s not real, I keep saying that to myself but its like my mind want take it in. So can anyone help me.
Hey Dirk what kind of professional help.have u tried? Has meds ever helped?m sorry dude ur goin thru that trust me i somewhat kno what its like if u want to talk email me i can’t tell u how to stop it yet but kno ur not alone
Hello All, I am a 34 year old male who has been battling anxiety/depression since I was a teen. I have tried many rx’s and one thing I would like to do is take the time to give my input on benzo’s being prescribed for anxiety. Please do yourself a favor and NOT take these medications. I have been on Klonopin for the last 5 years and have been spending the last year trying to get off the drug. It is hell. Infact the withdrawl brings back all your original anxiety issues x10. I feel for everyone here and what we all go through. The best medicine is yourself and support. It is all about managing your anxiety, there is no “cure” but managing. I am battling very badly right now with it. These are the types of places to seek support. Please feel free to email me if you would like to discuss anything!! Todd
I am so relieved I have found this website. I am a senior in high school I just turned 18 back in October. Ever since I looked up the “early warning signs” of schizophrenia on and noticed that a striking amount of them applied to me, I have been living in constant panic and anxiety. I am TERRIFIED. I am so scared that one day I will wake up hearing and seeing things, lose control, and turn into a completely different person. My doctor has reassured me this is and won’t happen. She has put me on Prozac and it is working somewhat. I have been over thinking everything now. Every thought that pops in my head, I analyze its normalcy. I look back on my childhood and think “was that normal?” “is that a sign?” I feel as if I am doomed. My dad keeps telling me that this is all in my head and I need to stop convincing myself of something that isn’t going to happen. But I can’t seem to stop worrying. I feel nothing like my old self and it makes me sad. I just want everything to go back to normal. I’m not even going to college in the fall because my parents think I can’t handle it right now. This really sucks. I miss having nothing to worry about. But it’s hard to get through life, knowing one day I may be schizophrenic. It’s terrifying and depressing. I just need some reassurance that I am normal and always will be normal. But no one can tell me my future..
i got a issue, sum times my mind attacks me, like if i do a stupid mistake in my mind, i call my self retarded or yell son of a bitch… its a curse sum-times i get a guilty thoughts and it attacks my mind, like i call my self retarded, or just swear until the thought leaves my mind i need help bad
Hi everyone,
It is really refreshing to read all of these comments. 24 years old, I am becoming increasingly more aware of my anxiety and its possible origins. I’m not really sure when it started- I was very shy and runt-esque since elementary school, but it was not until i was around the age of 21 that my anxiety became more intense. I think that paired with the natural progression of growing up and becoming more self aware, has caused my anxiety to build. I had a breakdown a couple of months ago. I had just begun a same-sex relationship for the first time, my grandfather passed away, and I had focused on applying to art schools with a vengeance. I was hiding my gay relationship from my parents, who I currently live with, feeling extreme anger towards this person for who knows what reason (she is so great) and feeling like I was on the verge of snapping. THe anger was generalized too. I had anger towards family and friends as well, putting myself above them, thinknig they couldn’t possibly understand the intensity of what I was feeling. For some reason, 28 seemed like the year I would commit suicide. Suicide had never crossed my mind in such a serious way. It was vivid. I couldn’t see myself making it past then. I felt like I could hurt someone. I was gripping onto my last bit of sanity. I would look at the cement and it would undulate-I freaked out that I was hallucinating. I had my first panic attack. I ended that relationship, not wanting to drag her through the mud, and have started seeing a psychologist. I am feeling way more even-keeled, but not all there. It was like every quality I never liked but suppressed in myself, every mistake, anything ever done with bad or careless intent, every negative thought just came hurdling to the surface and I felt that at my core I was a bad person. It was terrifying. I convinced myself I was a sociopath. I have been going on long walks, practicing breathing, and “singing from where it hurts”, but I want more than anything to feel my heart beating in my chest. I have had moments where I feel a dormant heart, beating deeply inside, but a lot of times, anxiety and anger mask it. I am always polite and try to do the right thing in every moment, but inside the anxiety rages. I have started to date the girl again and am figuring it out day-by-day. I have immense anxiety that I will hurt her (emotionally) because I am not sure of myself or my sexuality. I look at things very black and white. It is either, I don’t like her or I love her. If she says something that I don’t like or if I don’t feel authentic when I spend time with her, I automatically feel like I need to run. In reality, I’m figuring out that I just need to have more conviction and be okay that we are different people with different personalities and experiences. I am moving in 2 months, so there is an expiration date of sorts, but I cannot bear to hurt her more than I have. It takes all that I have not to just run away. This is so incredibly long, but I am looking for kindred spirits. Any and all advice is welcome.
things happened in my life and im feeling very different from feeling very secured and in-tuned with my abilities and with myself and being very real about myself, and some days ago i opened up to my parent about hidden parts of my life and i felt a super heavy anxiety boost in my psyche and i feel like im disilluisioned and i cant be myself and im hallucinating like crazy and i felt like a huge release of openess when i opened up and happiness, but then i felt betrayed as hell and VERY depressed with no meaning to life, i feel cognitive dissonance and i cant stop feeling like this, i get b ad thoughts all the time that i dont like and i feel like i wanna become violent but i dont wanna hurt anyone, and im so fucking stupid for telling my parent about who i am, i feel like i cant defend myself i just pray to god or whatever to just save me from the clutches of the devil, its fucking scary, its the most scariest thing ive ever experienced in my life and my whole sanity is decaying and it feels like a fucking roller coaster and im only in my early twenties, im afraid that i have or getting schizophrenia, and im so afraid of thoughts if someone knows anything about psychology or being a therapist please try to contact me asap. just type here or send email to (i prefer not to have email sent, but do if you must)im having anger bursts because i cant control myself and i just WANNA BE NORMAL AGAIN
sorry for typing so much, im just cant think straight!
I felt like that before Christmas. I am sitting here writing this remembering how upset I was. I was seeing 2 different therapists – one medical and one religious. I found that the best thing for me was to know that ‘this too shall pass”. It will. I have schizophrenia in my family and was fanatically afraid that I too was on the verge of psychosis. This did not happen. Please know that you are not going crazy. The fact that you are worried about it means that you don’t have it. You will be ok. It’s so so hard to wait. It will pass.
@Simon,, natalie is right dude .the fact that your aware of it means you are not going crazy ,crazy is something that happens with out you knowing and it becomes real and natural too you ,you are aware of it so stay focused and positive on the good times ahead it suxs being in supense but things will slowly work them selfs out,some people are different but you will get there .the fact u have come in here and have said how u feel is awesome stuff dude .that’s s great step and take them as baby steps .be strong it does get better
Hi everyone
I’m glad I found this post it as really put my mind at ease knowing I’m not alone in this I’ve had anxiety since I was 13 I’m now 27 I’ve always been able to manage it in the past but the last 3 months hve been hell I’ve developed a fear of my life being a dream I know this may sound silly to some but its really affecting my daily life I’m no longer the outgoing fun person I was I’m always questioning everything around me and the irrational thoughts are really freaking me out I feel as though I’m losing my mind does anyone have any advice
Hey all! I am so glad to see that I am not alone in this. Just reading everyone’s stories helps raise my optimism for life, thank you all for sharing! I have severe hypochondria, to the point where dwelling on the idea of any illness (mental or physical) gives me an anxiety attack. I worry constantly that I am developing psychosis, even though it is nowhere in my family. Even things that should be good (like having 13/20 vision) lead me to falsely believe that I am seeing hallucinations, when in fact I’m just terrified at the thought of hallucinating. I even worried that I had tape-worms after looking in the toilet, in reality – I had eaten rice recently… Wow, gladly I can still laugh at myself XD… I’m a 21 year old student and have dealt with anxiety and depression since middle school. I should also add that I’m transgendered; having the wrong hormones in ones brain makes mental health like 10x harder to manage. The real and imagined social stresses of being trans also make anxiety worse. I’m seeing a therapist now, and that does help. I already live a balanced lifestyle and avoid all drugs (even caffeine), though part of me is still stuck in worry-mode. I am considering taking medicine as well. Any advice on medicines and techniques – like SSRI’s, or short term benzdiazopines, or anything else if anything?
BTdubs lennon: some days I worry about very similar things! I often ask friends if they hve the same sensations as me, things as simple as “did you see that car go by?” I less and less do that, because I have more or less accepted “reality.” Like, even if The Matrix was real, we would NEVER know. At least for me, trying to figure out what is reality by questioning everything makes the fear worse. But accepting things and the ambiguities around them makes less anxiety, so when questioning everythin I breathe and “let it go” as much as I can.
hey guys… Im Marissa and im about to be 21… I came across this forum looking for answers to my problems. I don’t understand what’s wrong with me or why i am the way i am but i have been this way for as long as i can remember. Im really a great person but it seems totally different to my spouse. Here’s whats going on with myself…..
I tend to get angry/upset at times but when i get upset i really lose it. I scream and say hateful things wich leads to me hitting/attacking spouse. I get overwhelmed with the knowing that i hit him and then start hitting myself. Scream out loud i just want to die or kill myself…. Growing up i always turned to self mutalation and would cut or burn myself scratch my face or pull my hair out. Im not like this everyday and im not like this to everyone it seems as im only like this to the ones closest to me. Every relationship i have been in has ended because of this problem/phycotic behavior i cause. They always leave hating me…. Its never been my intentions to hurt anyone not even myself but when it happens its like someone or something has taken full control of me and i don’t know how to stop. Its like i start to go into a panick attack and ill start to hyperventilate and most of the time it can take 2 hrs to calm me down then i just curl up and cry in disappointment and shame of myself. When i was 14 i was hospitalized and diagnosed as severe bi polar add and adhd but i feel as if there’s more to it. Can someone please help me find answers because i feel like my life life is being ruined and it sucks…. Contact me @
Reading all of your comments has given me a little bit of comfort in what has been happening to me. I started on anti depressants about 2 months ago for depression and anxiety, i had severe side effects which was thought to be serotonin syndrome so stopped them all together. They basically made me feel like a zombie with no emotions and completely disconnected, due to this i was referred to hospital for head scans and blood tests which all came back clear. Since the day of leaving hospital i have noticed my anxiety levels go completely out of control. I am now thought to be suffering derealization which is a horrifying experience. I ask myself if everything is real which causes extreme distress as i think what if this is all just a dream, what if everythings not real? Its hard to comfort myself as the feeling of derealization causes me to question this even more as how can i prove to myself everything is infact real if it doesnt feel like it? I am so worried about losing my mind or going crazy. I have been convinced of having schizophrenia or fears of psychosis. The thought of this makes me feel like im losing all control over myself and like the walls are closing in on me. I question whether or not i have infact done something strange or referred to as being crazy which is deeply distressing and i constantly worry that if infact worrying about things like that can actually cause you to go crazy? I feel constantly on edge and my fight or flight response is switched on constantly. If anybody has felt anything like this or if anybody could give me any advice i would be very greatful, please email me:
Wow everyone here seems older than me. Hi I’m Erik I’m 15 years old and I suffer from anxiety. I don’t really know why my life is good and everything is great but almost every day for some time now I feel so worried about every little thing. I came here because I thought I was going to lose my mind if I kept going like this, it has really taken a toll on my life for instance with my family friends and girlfriend and I care a great deal about all of them and I can tell it hurts them to see me like this. I hate it because I constantly feel emotionally numb I can’t feel the way I used to when I was happy and full of energy without a care in the world, I don’t feel like myself. I feel out of it a lot like my preception of how I see the world has changed like it’s still me controlling my body but if feels different somehow, kinda like I haven’t slept good in a while but I do since I’m on summer vacation, if that makes any sense, it’s not hallucinations or anything I just feel different. It happens quite often some days I feel great and normal but others I feel like I descreibed above its weird my friend Christina suffers from the same thing. Then that worries me and I go into anxiety mode or anxiety triggers that I don’t really know yet but for the rest of the day or however long I last feeling like that I analyzing everything I do or when I mess up when I’m talking or doing something, constantly worrying and questioning if I will keep my sanity. So I finally got up the courage to look up if you can go insane from anxiety and found this and a bunch of stuff saying no I can’t and also other people asking the same question, it’s really nice to know that you’re not alone and it’s actually a common fear, thanks for posting all you guys you have helped me calm down a little and I hope we can all one day live anxiety free.
Hey guys.. If this applies to you you’ll know who you are. This happened to me about ten years ago. I’ve since made a lot of recovery, but at the time it seemed like i was going crazy.
Anyway if this is happeneing to you it will help to know there are others it happened to..
Its a about depersonalisation and derealization…if its not you you don’t want it, but if it is you itll make you know at least your not alone.
anyway here is the site:
hi everyone, i am 27 and have had all the episodes of anxiety for the past nine months. it feels good to know that there are so many people that i can relate to. feel free to email me for we need each other in times like these.
dear katie.
its like i wrote your comment. you’re not alone. i’m sorry i can’t help more. 🙁
i completely understand what everyone is going thru. i have suffered from anxiety for over 7 years now. i’m currently 43 years old. i used to think i was going to die from a heart attach, but the hospital ran all tests on me, even a stress test, and the doctor told me that i had the heart of an athelete. so at that point, my axiety started to get better. then i tried seeking the help of my church, and they prayed over me and when i didn’t instantly get better, they said it was because “i didn’t believe enough”. needless to say i don’t attend that church anymore. but over time, i got better and better, but it never truely left. then my wife was hospitalized a couple of years ago my wife was hospitalized and put on full life support. she stayed that way for a couple of months. during that time i was able to overcome my “seperation anxiety” that i suffered with, partly because, in my mind i did not have my wife to go to for “help” if there was an emergency. then as she started to get better in the hospital, oddly enough, my anxiety began to come back and get worse, the better she got. now my nerves are totally shot, where i get panick attacks that give me that cold sensation all through my body, and at other times it feels like needles. there were alot of mistakes made by the staff at the hospital, which lead to them calling several “code blues”. i lived there in the hospital with her in an ICU room for the entire 13 month stay. now that she is home, my anxiety has “hit the roof” and i dont know why. my greatest fear now is not dying, but going insane and not even knowing it. i’m scared that i will hurt someone or myself because of my anxiety. i know this isnt true or possible, but the doctors say that some anxiety comes from depression, and i have heard that depressed people are the ones that commit suicide. any advise to clear my mind on this would be greatly appreciated. thanks
yes u r not alone though it may often feel that way, different symptoms come and go , i use to have the chest pains and get the shakes bad shivering….now it plays with my balance and makes me dizzy DO NOT GIVE UP or try to end your life over those damned cortisol chemicals that flood your brain, a cheap pill ( 4 bux a month ) has helped me a lot , beta blockers shut down all those kidney chemicals and give peace of mind. also try to exercise kind of hard to get your blood moving and learn to breathe better and more fuller, DO ANYTHING U CAN to fight it , listen to jazz or classical music, LAUGH MORE !!
Hello All,
I have been suffering from severe anxiety since Oct 2, 2011. I had a massive anxiety attack that night and have been completely different ever since. I’m 26 years old. 27 this year in October. I had an uncle who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at 17 and committed suicide at 26. Ever since my event on Oct 2/11 I’ve been vigilant about certain aspects of my life. I became highly suspicious and worried for 24 hours. I thought that people’s eyes were too blue or ‘weird’ for 2 weeks – but knew that this was false – being worried that thinking this was an undeniable fact that I was slipping into psychosis. I have ever-present issues dealing with my fear of slipping into psychosis. I graduated with second highest marks in my bachelorette degree program and am very afraid of the correlation of psychosis and intelligence.
I was worried about a light in my parents house and thr fact that I ‘noticed’ security systems – not that I thought they were ‘watching’ me, the fact that I noticed they were there.
I believe now, 7 months after – believe that I was extremely stressed. I was building a new house, struggling with very high job demand, and living with my parents with my boyfriend. I world in Alberta in the oilfield and am very busy. Living with my parents with my boyfriend of 8 years was extremely difficult. I am still trying to learn to be intimate.
I’m writing this to let people know that there is an end to the anxiety. I was seeing a community mental health practitioner and a religious based counsellor (I’m not highly religious it was just that I wanted a second opinion of my state).
Neither party concluded that I was suffering from nor slipping into psychosis. I couldn’t go into all details with either but was assured that I was struggling with an extended period of stress and may have been depressed.
I have a very depressed father which likely plays a role in my depression. I have strong tendencies to ‘please’ my parents at the expense of my personal interests. My Dad is very ‘needy’. He once was hospitalized for heart simply cations when I didn’t call him for 36 hours.
Needless to say, I have multiple issues and am working on them.
What I can say is that the unpleasant issues of anxiety can and will dissipate over time. Always remember and repeat to yourself… ‘This too shall pass’. Time heals all.
I wish everyone a full recovery. My heart goes put to all of you. We are human and the definition of that has yet to be fully described by our existence. We are all learning. Time heals all.
With respect,
Hello All,
I have been suffering from severe anxiety since Oct 2, 2011. I had a massive anxiety attack that night and have been completely different ever since. I’m 26 years old. 27 this year in October. I had an uncle who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at 17 and committed suicide at 26. Ever since my event on Oct 2/11 I’ve been vigilant about certain aspects of my life. I became highly suspicious and worried for 24 hours. I thought that people’s eyes were too blue or ‘weird’ for 2 weeks – but knew that this was false – being worried that thinking this was an undeniable fact that I was slipping into psychosis. I have ever-present issues dealing with my fear of slipping into psychosis. I graduated with second highest marks in my bachelorette degree program and am very afraid of the correlation of psychosis and intelligence.
I was worried about a light in my parents house and thr fact that I ‘noticed’ security systems – not that I thought they were ‘watching’ me, the fact that I noticed they were there.
I believe now, 7 months after – believe that I was extremely stressed. I was building a new house, struggling with very high job demand, and living with my parents with my boyfriend. I world in Alberta in the oilfield and am very busy. Living with my parents with my boyfriend of 8 years was extremely difficult. I am still trying to learn to be intimate.
I’m writing this to let people know that there is an end to the anxiety. I was seeing a community mental health practitioner and a religious based counsellor (I’m not highly religious it was just that I wanted a second opinion of my state).
Neither party concluded that I was suffering from nor slipping into psychosis. I couldn’t go into all details with either but was assured that I was struggling with an extended period of stress and may have been depressed.
I have a very depressed father which likely plays a role in my depression. I have strong tendencies to ‘please’ my parents at the expense of my personal interests. My Dad is very ‘needy’. He once was hospitalized for heart simply cations when I didn’t call him for 36 hours.
Needless to say, I have multiple issues and am working on them.
What I can say is that the unpleasant issues of anxiety can and will dissipate over time. Always remember and repeat to yourself… ‘This too shall pass’. Time heals all.
I wish everyone a full recovery. My heart goes put to all of you. We are human and the definition of that has yet to be fully described by our existence. We are all learning. Time heals all.
With respect,
i have been shut away at home now for 10 days after the stress level i had been under blew.i made serious allegations to police,family,work,ect.the babble i talked freaked me never mind others and each day brought different thoughts and emotions.i have gone through anger,worry,scared and now paranoia.yet i have known since day one what i was doing and saying was not normal but still couldn”t stop it but was mind had gone somwhere unknown to me and not being able to understand made me worse.i went to see a doctor yesterday and came out in worse state than i went in and none the wiser about what was going on or why or any reassurance.Today has been a try to sleep to forget day but mind still ticking away.i have serious matters to attend and cant meet people like i am and sort can i get a professional to see me who will help.the lack of concern from doctor has left me feeling there is nowhere to turn.
You are all so effing wonderful! I can’t believe how lucky we are to have each other..and that I found this site.
I have been suffering from anxiety my whole life. I can remember my first panic attack, and the thoughts that accompanied it. I just felt DIFFERENT. Not even that I was going to die, but that something was wrong. For a few days, I had to force feed myself just so people wouldn’t know something was wrong. That’s how I dealt with EVERYTHING. I don’t even know why I did that, because my parents are wonderful. They always help me. (That’s another problem I have — guilt!)
I was, say, 8, and I would sit my mom down and get in a panic and tell her that I tapped a girl on the shoulder. She was a friend and I was playing, but I of course thought I was going to just rip her to pieces. I also had these times when I would think of harming my parents, or loved ones, or anyone. It would SCARE. ME. TO. DEATH. I could not believe these things were happening to me. I am the nicest kid you will ever meet. I was always told that, and I know I am. So, to even think of slapping someone or hurting them or whatever…just drove me bonkers.
As time went on, it would cycle. Good –> bad —> good..etc. Pretty much always the same thing. As time went on and I learned more, I would get better/worse. I would know things and that would help – but then it would also hurt. I remember reading that story in school about the man who sold himself to the devil. (not a crazy religious story – but a kids story. I can’t remember it!) And once I thought about that, I was convinced that I was being taken over by the must have been why I was so messed up!
Well, I guess that was my first irrational thought. I know that isn’t true – it’s my anxiety. I’ve also worried about religion, the end of the world, and oddly enough, getting better. (I worry that if I get better and don’t worry, it must mean that I am getting worse….makes sense, right?) Recently, it has been schizophrenia and heart problems that have really done a number on me. I am so worried I am becoming schizo! I found a website with symptoms and OMG. It scared me to death! I talk with myself -like, work things out, like meetings, or like just to comfort myself about what my therapist might say. I have always worried that means I am going crazy.
I have also felt like I am in a dream, did you see that? Did I just hear something? I guess I am paranoid…..anxiety, right?
I do not have any schizophrenia in my family, I only have anxiety disorders. My grandma had a few nervous breakdowns, and my other grandma has developed Dementia but always had such low self esteem. My mom also had a bout with major anxiety….so I know this is not real. I know that I am normal – – as normal as normal can get with anxiety. Could anyone just reply back and tell me they, too, understand what I am going through? It is hard telling people that you feel like you are going to just go completely mad and hurt people or that you just feel different. I know these thoughts are wrong, but our anxiety just tells us that we are crazy.
But, to all of you..reading your comments make me understand that we are all in this together. We have gotten through SO much and realize that we are all in this together. Anxiety will always be a part of us…but hey, we can work through it!
A! I feel you on this. This whole anxiety is just anxiety and it always plays tricks making you think there is something more wrong! But it’s never ever the case. I’ve had anxiety all my life but didn’t full bloom till I was 18, im 21 now and it’s been such a toll on my life. The number one thought I get is the thought of hurting someone and its scares me so bad, so bad to where I’ve avoided hanging out with friends. Its such a hard time to go through but everyone will get through this no matter what. The thoughts are just thoughts they can’t hurt you!
I have the exact same thing. I dont leave my curtains open whether its day or night. I feel like people from the opposite window are watching me and judging me! I had done something wrong in my room like masturbating behind someone without them know when i was young. Now im 20. I felt guilty and paranoid everyday thinking that i might go insane. Is this anxiety causing this?
What a great article! I’ve dealt with anxiety my entire life (didn’t realize it was that until a few years ago though). I think the problem is, we are overloaded with information! We are already in tune with ourselves more-so than others, and then we have medical data bases at our fingertips.
I was convinced my anxiety was actually a heart condition until a few years ago (after spending thousands on a heart doctor… yeah). But looking back, it makes sense. I get bad anxiety when I am around a group of people I don’t know…especially in restaurants. But if I teach a class or facilitate an event with hundreds of people, I am just fine. I hit the panic button when I’m a passenger in a car, but have no problem driving. I have severe anxiety when I feel nauseous except when I’m actually sick with a fever. Everything points to me making things worse by thinking too much into the situations.
What I have found works for me is
1) reading other people’s stories (that’s why I’m creating my own website).
2) NEVER stay at home all day everyday!!!! NO NO NO!!! Get out. Do something. Even if it’s just walking down the street. Or going to the store for no reason.
3) Take on a role that you are in full control of. I’ve often found my anxiety has a lot to do with my lack of control of a situation. Leading groups or doing something where you are in control for long periods of time leaves you with a gap of no anxiety. The more gaps of no anxiety, the less likely anxiety to occur when you are in high anxiety situations.
4) Be hesitant of meds. I have found that completely leaning on a med for control has resulted in increased anxiety. “OH NO, I left my meds at home!” Bam, panic attack.
5) Get a pet. My anxiety just doesn’t seem as bad when my dog knows something is wrong and snuggles next to me.
6) Figure out what works for you (Reckon this should be #1). Everyone’s anxiety is different and manifests itself in different ways. I can give an hour long talk in front of hundreds of people but can’t sit down for dinner at a 6 table restaurant. I’ve had to remember (some may need to write down) what I did to deal with that. Know what triggers your anxiety and know what eases it.
I am a firm believer in a ‘cure’ for anxiety. It requires staying healthy, embracing that annoying habit of being in tune with oneself, and knowing what to do when you know it’s coming. I’ve even found that personifying an anxiety attack can help. I have treated it like that annoying ‘friend’ who always takes but never gives. I just say “I don’t have time for you right now, maybe later.”
And yes, I am very well aware that all of this is easier said than done. But if you think you can’t do it then you won’t. But if you think you can, YOU WILL!
WOW first of all very thankful that I have found this article, finally read something that describes exactly how I feel.
I don’t really know when I started suffering from anxiety, my dad has suffered from depression since i was very young and I suppose over time its rubbed off on me, when i was younger I’d get rare hypochondriac type thoughts that I was going to die from some accident/illness, but I think this was pretty average. Then when I was around 14 I had my first panic attack, I was climbing this cathedral (i think) in Italy and there was a very narrow part of the staircase where about 10 of us were cramped in, I was stood in the same spot for probably 10 seconds when I started to hyperventilate, i shoved my way through and made it out.
My next panic attack was 11 months ago when i was 18… the day after I got my A level results and found out that I was accepted to university and would be moving away from family and friends in a few weeks. I think the whole idea of growing up hit me at once and at the time of the panic attack I got this feeling that I was in a dream (because I lucid dream quite often). I put it down to anxiety of getting older and probably getting closer to death also lazing around everyday waiting for uni to start meant that I had nothing else to think about.
During the gap between the panic attack and starting uni I was the passenger in my friends car and we were in a small car crash, this shook us both up a lot and I think it was after this that I starting getting thoughts now and then that at any moment I could be crashed into or be in some other accident.
At uni when I got into a routine things got better and I thought about it less often but it never fully went away. I felt very disorientated at uni as I was with completely new people in a new place, this made everything even more dream like, even though I knew it was reality it felt like I was convincing myself that I was going crazy. I don’t think all the psychological thrillers I’ve watched have helped. Mostly I felt anxious and feared that I was becoming depressed or crazy rather than actually feeling depressed.
Because my sleeping pattern was so messed up from uni lifestyle, it became worse when I had trouble going to sleep, sometimes I’d convince myself that because I’d be sort of talking to myself in my head that I was hearing voices.
I’m actually too scared to read all of these posts because I think that I will start doing the things that people have described about their own anxieties.
I have always been a very positive, confident person, have always been self assured and happy in my own skin, the worst thing is when I feel like this feeling of not being myself is never going to go away. I have told myself a million times that I’ll get a counsellor and get help, this is the closest I’ve got so far.
Thankyou to anyone who has read this
Hey guys… i am a recent sufferer of anxiety and i would say that its the most painful experience to think you’ve lost touch with your real care free normal self… It all started when i did a little at home study about Schizophrenia, after reading up about it and watching some videos of the absolute horrible mental disorder, i just couldn’t accept the fact that this mental disorder actually happens to people… From then on i watch and observe my every thought and choice i make in my life… Of course this only caused worrying about pretty much every thing… As long as i can think of it, i will begin to worry about it, my brain takes it to an extreme level of deep thought… Besides the point whats most terrifying is that i began to fear my own thoughts due to the thought, that if we had no thoughts we would simply diminish psychotic disorders… I am not for sure if this is correct but i am only 19 years of age so i might be misled. Either way these deep thoughts cause extreme anxiety for weeks at a time… I would more than love some insight on these thoughts it would be a great help…
Hi, everyone I am 25 and a married mother of three boys. Anxiety runs in my family but it seemed to have hit my late grandfather and me the worst. Before my grandpas passing he was so bad he became agrophobic and rarely if ever left his house. I became that way when my oldest son turned 1 back in 2008. I went to therapy and got on medication and it seemed to help. I slowly got better and soon it was only a memory for me. But, April 2011 I lost my grandpa and I was 8 months pregnant with my third child and I was trying to keep calm and not put so much stress on the baby. Plus my mother was a mess and I felt I should be strong for her. Well, April of 2012 rolled around and my mom finally started dealing and getting better…I had my healthy baby boy and we moved all in a short period. My anxiety came back full swing…I always feel as though I am faint, weak, etc. pretty much all the symptoms that were listed besides the hallucinations and hearing voices. My biggest fear is that I will fall over dead and my three small children will be left by themselves until my husband gets home or until someone realizes something is wrong. I have this fear all the time and it never happens. I have gotten blood work done a few years ago and everything came back fine. So, I was just coming here for support because none of my friends really understand what I am going through. Feel free to e-mail me
Well.. I’m here again. But it’s always lovely to come back to this and not feel so alone. Right now I’d say that my anxiety is pretty bad. Does anyone else find themselves fighting their feelings, like you get so confused and stressed as to why you are thinking these awful things. That only makes it worst. Ugh. I guess what I’m trying to say is sometimes I feel so stupid and ashamed of my thoughts it just makes everything so much more worst. Lately the thought in obsessed with is this absurd idea that I’m going to go insane and kill people, just murder people. I’m sure you guys have heard about the Aroura Movie Theatre murders.. And when i heard about it I just could grasp the concept on how another human being would do that. So of course my brain does the over thinking and twisting all my thoughts I end up believing that one day I’m going to snap and do that. I feel so incredibly stupid for all the things I worry about. They are all so unrealistic and pointless. I feel so lost and alone. I worry constantly about the future and how I’ll be and I always find myself thinking I’ll be insane by then. It is nauseating how much I think about this. And the fact that I think about it makes me think even more. For example.. I had went to a theapist a few months back and she had told me to just let yourself feel things, even the bad thoughts. And for some reason I think that that means when I have these thought about killing people and going insane that it bothers me so much because I really want to do that and I fight the feeling of it. CRAZY HUH. I just don’t know what to do anymore. It’s an awful feeling when you can’t even trust yourself.
I get scary feelings of going insane all the time but it does ease . I’ve been on this website a few times now and it’s always nice to hear that you’re not the only one to be feeling so anxious. Im 21 and battling this right now. I did find something that’s been really helpful and its a website called I deff encourage you guys to at least visit the site because it could be life changing. Its always nice to help one another and I live talking to other suffers like myself and this so dont hesitate to email me if you’d like, =D
Its funny. Reading your experiences makes me feel immensely better about myself. I’ve suffered with anxiety for much of my life. When I was very young, I was thrust into a situation that I should have never been put into by a very damaged, mentally unstable person. Thanks to that incident, I’ve been largely distrustful and paranoid of others. I get very anxious when put in social situations, and have recently been having awful worries that I say things and do things that I know I don’t do and worry that I do these things and are not aware. I had a panic attack at work, and felt like I was just coming back to reality. Then I worried that I did or said something inappropriate and worried about it for the rest of the day. I had a procedure a few months back, and think that the stress of that, coupled with general anxiety and such is giving me these terrible thoughts. I feel like I’m going mad, but realize that this isn’t the case because I’m aware of the psychosis. I’ve also had an increase in libido that I find strangely disturbing and that coupled with the anxiety makes it much worse:( I’m just trying to deal with this and know that eventually it will pass. Just have to find techniques to deal with my stress and anxiety. (Meds bother me and I’ve been trying to cut caffeine which is pain and a half.)
Its funny. Reading your experiences makes me feel immensely better about myself. I’ve suffered with anxiety for much of my life. When I was very young, I was thrust into a situation that I should have never been put into by a very damaged, mentally unstable person. Thanks to that incident, I’ve been largely distrustful and paranoid of others. I get very anxious when put in social situations, and have recently been having awful worries that I say things and do things that I know I don’t do and worry that I do these things and are not aware. I had a panic attack at work, and felt like I was just coming back to reality. Then I worried that I did or said something inappropriate and worried about it for the rest of the day. I had a procedure a few months back, and think that the stress of that, coupled with general anxiety and such is giving me these terrible thoughts. I feel like I’m going mad, but realize that this isn’t the case because I’m aware of the psychosis. I’ve also had an increase in libido that I find strangely disturbing and that coupled with the anxiety makes it much worse:( I’m just trying to deal with this and know that eventually it will pass. Just have to find techniques to deal with my stress and anxiety. (Meds bother me and I’ve been trying to cut caffeine which is pain and a half.) sorry for the duplicate there.
I have this on my bookmarks in order to read it every now and then as I need the confirmation that I’m not going crazy.. That feeling is no picnic! Since I’ve stopped smoking I’m always worried for no reason, and worried about being worried and that it will eventually drive me crazy or make me do something horrible or stupid.. And yes it does ease and there are times that I feel so relaxed and so into life and making fun of things that makes me anxious! It all goes under mood swings but the thing is, when I’m in a good mood I remember that bad moods, and I would say to myself “See!! It comes and goes, nothing lasts for ever and it’s not as serious as you think”. On the other hand when I’m having a bad mood, I cant get myself to say “remember the good times last week?” I’m stubborn even with myself!
I’m 17 pregnant & have anxiety, depression.& A hyperactivethyroid , I suddenly started feeling like I don’t know who I Am or anyone else help me know that’s just anxiety and all
Nikki..knowing that your ok makes it better. So know that you are ok. You may feel these things..but you do know in your brain other people and who you are..the feeling is awful though but it will pass if you don’t obsese over it.
email if you have and questions…but getting proffesional can’t imagine it but it will make you feel better…
i have morning anxiety really bad–my question is: does anyone have anxiety so bad that they constantly feel like something is terribly wrong with them health wise/physically? that any little twinge or cut may lead to something bad? i think my brain is in constant overdrive–always fearing worse–but, then most of the time–i feel better in the afternoons–does anyone else feel this way?
@Marissa –
Have you heard of some of the things associated with the label “borderline personality disorder?” Some of the things that you describe, especially the agression without feeling in control of oneself, self-hard and early diagnosis of bipolar. Obviously I don’t know you well, but from everything I’ve read, it sounds like you may have a significant amount of BPD. Unfortunately, there is a LOT of stigma around BPD, but it is actually very treatable and a majority of those with it who can find non-biased therapy DO live peaceful and functional lives.
Here is one of many available links:
I hope this helps 🙂
Hi, I’m an 18 year old girl and I’ve just completed my a-levels and I’m waiting for my results. My anxiety started about 6 or 7 months ago when I had my first panic attack when I was home alone. The symptoms of panic I had such as numbness in the arm and face led me to believe I was having a heart attack or stroke (which my nan died of 4 years ago and spent 20 of her life in a nursing home because she was paralysed down her left side from having some earlier in her life and I have always feared.)
Since that day i have never been the same. I went to the doctors and had blood tests and I had counselling for the best of 5 months but I felt even she thought I was going crazy and just didn’t want to tell me!! I spent all of this time diagnosing myself with terminal illnesses and personality disorders and every time I am stressed or worried my arm and face will go numb but I’ve managed to control the panic attacks with breathing patterns and mind control so it’s not often that it gets that far. I’m worst in the morning and late at night.I wake up and I feel so worried and nervous about everything. I’ve had a boyfriend for a year and a half and it’s definitely strained on our relationship. I’m so paranoid of what he’s doing and who he’s with and my anxiety makes me terrified that he’s going to break up with me and I’m not going to be able to deal with it mentally. I’ve been to the doctors about 20 times until I had to just deal with the fact that I’m living with anxiety and there’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t know what my trigger is, in fact I don’t even think I have one. My relationship with my boyfriend is so rocky and everyone close to me tells me to end it because it’s bad for me but I’m scared I can’t live with out him since I’ve become anxious. I used to be a strong independent person and now I’m weak and dependant on everyone. I have an overwhelming fear of my loved ones dying or people abandoning me or hating me. The second anyone confronts me my heart is pounding through my chest and my arm is numb as usual. I’m a people pleaser and i feel this contributes to it. I don’t like saying no. I’m too busy for my own good which means when I’m home alone and I’m left with my thoughts I think I’m going crazy. I used to self harm at the age of about 13 but didn’t do it for years until about 5 months ago when I thought my boyfriend hated me. Honestly anxiety can completely change who you are, as it has to me. I hate who I am. I hate all of my thoughts of going mad and being capable of killing myself and/or someone else. I imagine my death quite a lot but would never act on it. That’s how I know I’m sane. But I’m getting better, I’m trying to pick myself up. I’m trying to feel like myself again because I won’t let it defeat me. No ones there for me, it was worse when they were, I pretend I’m fine to everyone now, because that way you almost fool yourself. It’s all just one massive mind game isn’t it?
Last year I had a really bad attack for two days. So not me, always very laid back and calm with EVERYTHING. Knew ssomething was not right. Long story short, they found nodules on my enlarged thyroid. A biopsy showed Hashimotos disease. My blood work for it keeps coming back normal but still have symptoms that I could live with, EXCEPT the anxiety. I have researched this and when I am having an episode I really research almost to just reassure myself that I am not going crazy. I avoid the news because the first hour is about people hurting people and I would sit and think what makes them so different from us? Is there something in the brain thatjust switches, what if mine switches?? I will freak and get an overwheming fear that I would be so scared I would just clam up and not know what to do. After I read this article I became relieved because it expalined so much in just a few paragraphs. I am thankful for this article and glad I have something to go back to
I am also thankful for the above article. It is just what I needed to hear. After reading all these posts, I am amazed at the insight these young people
have over their anxiety, whereas I am 65 and still don’t seem to get it
at all. I have had bipolar since the age of 15, so have never known anything
else really, and the anxiety that goes with it has been debilitating on and
off. At the moment, the fear of going mad is back although I have absolutely
no reason to believe this thought. My practical world is comfortable, I have
some good friends, and yet I still feel on edge about everything, nothing
in particular. I know certain things help – i.e. breathing exercises,
soft music, relaxation exercises but, for some reason, I am resistant to
these because, it seems, I want to punish myself for being a bad person. Then again,why would I think I am a bad person? Obviously, that is
irrational, too, but I can’t help feeling alone because I don’t deserve
to be loved. You could go on asking why, but there are no answers. I wish
you all well, and hope we can get to grips with this awful feeling very
very soon.
I am so grateful for this post because, I am only nineteen years old and since I was Fifteen yrs old have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and I sometimes just feel like it keeps getting worse.. I recently moved with my boyfriends family 7hrs away from where we were close to my family and i feel very anxious where i am. But i try to feel better. I constantly obsess about the thought that i might hurt my boyfriend even though i dont want to and the thought makes me get anxiety so i stay clear of horror movies and shows like snapped but even the slightest things paranoid me about it and its only him im scared it might happen to idk if its because im closest to him and sleep with him but it sucks this has recently been a scary tought i have never had before and i feel it will never go away…Even though my family says im sane and i know i am..I just cant help but worry thinking what if i just get sick of the thought and end up doing it! I over think but I believe we all do.. im just loking for suport because im the only one in my family and friends with this bad of anxiety i also get horrible unreality feelings which make me wanna sleep cuz im weak ad heavy… All this because at 15yrs old i thought Weed would be a fun experience…I was wrongg.. I used to take meds but i have learned to control it except lately have felt very overwhelmed since i moved… Will i be okay or do i sound crazyy? Someone please give some support :/ I love my family and my boyfriend
Keep your head up Natalie! The first few times I ever smoked weed I was alright, but then after this time I did a couple years ago I’ve never been the same since. I had a huge panic attack and which at the time I didn’t even know what it was. I’ve been very anxious since.