We all spend a good amount of time looking for information. In fact you may have come across this very site during your internet search for something anxiety related. But having access to so much information is, among other things, a double edged sword.
In this brief screen cast (below) I pointed out some of the problems associated with information overload. I specifically talk about the news media and their attempt to bring you obscure stories of tragedy and sadness for the sake of entertainment.
For the last year I have seriously reduced my intake of bad news, which means most news in general, and have found fewer things to worry about as a result. I recommend that we all stay informed but I also suggest that we don’t over saturate our minds with negativity. Ultimately many of the stories that surface on CNN, Fox News, and other networks do not add anything to our life experience.
Moreover, many of the stories we are fed we can’t do anything about. It seems to me that we are shown a series of random, disjointed, negative events that are chosen arbitrarily. A little bit of global warming, some local crime, and a few images from a war torn region of the world seems to be the recipe.
This issue matters because as anxiety sufferers we already deal with a great deal of stress, fear, and uncertainty. We don’t need to add fuel to the fire by wasting brain cells and creating even more stress for ourselves. We need not stick our heads in the sand, but we should also refrain from consuming useless bits of information that create a warped and incomplete picture of the world.
I was talking with a friend just this morning that one of the major news stations (NBC?) is now saying that they’re answering people’s call to hear more positive news & looking for the glimmer of hope in these hard times. We’ll see what that really looks like – the skeptic in me says that they’ll report on whatever makes the most money. In the mean time, I’ll continue to stay away from the news!
Unfortunately there’s a tv on one of those brutally absent of anything happy 24 hour news onlky stations. Im moving my desk because it drones on and on day after day and I hate it. Even when Im not listening I can still hear it. I havent watched or consumed much news in over 10 years. I’d rather read a magazine where I can filter and choose the news I want.
i was watching this video …and i saw this part where it said forums..do u have a forums on this site?? cause i didnt see any tabs saying forums ?? that would be great if you did