There are basically 6 reasons why alcohol consumption and hangovers make many people anxious and I’m going tell you what they are. I want to share this with you so that you can be more informed and avoid becoming alcohol’s punching bag.
Ever since I became sick with nervous illness I’ve heard a lot of people say that anxiety sufferers should not drink alcohol because it makes you more nervous than you already are.
I’ve always found this to be ironic because there are so many anxiety sufferers that drink alcohol to cope with their anxiety, but true it is.
Now, the fact that alcohol can cause anxiety is just that, a fact. It is a scientifically based understanding, so this is not simple conjecture on my part.
Will alcohol affect all people this way? Probably not, but as an anxiety sufferer you should be aware of the possible pitfalls of alcohol consumption, so pay close attention.
Scientists believe that alcohol causes or at least increases anxiety inย 6 basic ways and here they are.
1. Mood
Alcohol can affect our mood because it can affect the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a feel good brain chemical that when in short supply can cause feelings of anxiety and depression.
A drop in blood sugar can cause dizziness, confusion, weakness, nervousness, shaking and numbness. These symptoms can most certainly trigger a bout of anxiety.
3. Dehydration
This has been known to cause nausea, dizziness, fatigue, light-headedness and muscle weakness. These symptoms wouldn’t cause anxiety per say but they add to a sense of illness which fosters anxiety.
4. Nervous System
The nervous system is affected because in order for the body to fight off the sedative effects of alcohol it puts the body into a state of hyperactivity in order to counteract this effect. This hyperactivity can lead to shaking, light/sound sensitivity and sleep deprivation.
5. Heart Rate
Your heart rate can become elevated as a result of consuming alcohol which can cause a palpitation false alarm and put you into a state of anxious anticipation. Is it a heart attack or isn’t it you might ask. This “what if” questioning can increase your general state of anxiety.
6. Concentration
A hard night of drinking can also make you hazy, bring on headaches and create a sense of disorientation.
So if you’re going to have a glass of wine with dinner I don’t think you should be concerned. On the other hand, if you’re a heavy drinker, or binge drinker, then this might cause a real problem for you.
According to The Times Online, scientists don’t know exactly why all this happens but they do suggest that you eat before drinking, drink water in between drinks, and stay in bed if you are hung over to avoid all the problems I outlined above.
Some would say that maybe you shouldn’t drink at all if you have an anxiety disorder – that’s debatable. Do you think that alcohol should be avoided at all cost when someone has an anxiety disorder?
I don’t think that alcohol should be avoided if drinking is part of your social repertoire, however, I also know that moderation and good sense should be your guide.
In addition, although alcohol does have a sedative effect it should not be used as a coping tool. This type of behavior can lead to alcoholism and worse yet, more anxiety.
So if you know that you’re a light weight, or if you already know that alcohol makes you anxious, don’t bother. Maybe I don’t need to say it, but really some people just don’t know when to say no.
Note: I want to hear your opinions. Let me know what you think about this issue – comment below.
After waiting forever I finally completed a podcast for this article. Press play to listen now.
Maxx says
To Barb and the entire thread: My psychologist turned me onto a Psychiatrist named Dr Amen. He has a ton of books on Amazon. The book I bought was “Unchain Your Brain”. What shocked me the most about this book is he shows you many of the brain imagining of people who drink heavily, do drugs and smoke pot. Some of the these brain scans were enough to scare anyone sober! The good news the brain has a way of repairing itself but it takes time. There was quiz in the book that let’s you know if you are low on serotonin or dopamine and what to take to help you out. Since alcohol seems to deplete these important substances in the brain it seems it can cause many of the problems you mentioned Barb.
Ruth says
Good news and bad. I’ve been on Wellbutin for a week. It has been a nightmare. Anxiety through the roof. I have read a lot into it and the first 2 weeks can be hell. Good news is that I don’t feel like drinking wine so much anymore and anyway while you can drink on it, you can’t drink much. I’m still going to therapy but the problem is that my therapist and I like each other so much that we are not spending my hourly sessions getting to the nitty gritty. Too much chit chat. I will have to have a word with her about that. Wellbutrin affects everyone in a different way and I do have a Dr’s appt before I fly north. But the anxiety is dreadful, sleeping aweful, no appetite… like none which isn’t good so I’m having to drink super smoothies to get my nutrition in. But… less drinking of the old vino, a good thing.
Fizzy says
I’ve been on wellbutrin for about three years now. the first six months or so I was on it I had virtually no appetite, then it evened out. It’s been great for me, but it definitely takes a while to feel a noticeable difference. It is NOT an anxiety pill though, and is usually coupled with ativan or xanex for those experiencing intense anxiety. If you do seek those out I would still keep the doses low and try to use as NEEDed, not just like a bad hair day, but when you just can’t seem to pull it together, and that way you shouldn’t develop an addiction. I hope this helped…
Ruth says
Hi Fizzy,
Thank you.
I called the Dr. One of the side effects is real shaking. It’s a slow release pill but the doc said that the if you can get past the two weeks, things will even out. She said to cut the pill in half even tho I’m on the lowest dosage. I said I had read you can’t do that with slow release pills. She said if you’re having this many side effects, and I am a very small woman so that might be why the pill is having such an effect. I figure if I’ve struggled this week, I can do one more. I am still on Xanax. Lowest dosage too as the Wellbutrin will make you anxious. But my Dr does not like Xanax and will not prescribe it for me as she says it’s too addictive. The only thing I’ve been addicted to is drinking alcohol. I could not care less about anything else for regular use. I use Xanax ONLY when I have to. It does work and if she doesn’t prescribe it, I don’t know what to do as I hate another drug when there is nothing wrong with this. I am really thankful you replied since you are knowledgeable. There is no way I am talking about this to anyone but maybe my best girlfriend. So many people do not get the depression/anxiety/drinking stuggle thing.
Frank P. says
I hope you stick with the meds. Give it a chance. . . atleast long enough to get you over the withdrawal of alchohol. You may not realize it, but your posts are different..You seem much more focused.In late October I had a couple more slip ups, both with drinking and weed. I binged on Halloween and paid for it dearly. . chest pains, sweating, severe depression and anxiety for three whole days after, even with xanax. I made up my mind that that was it period. . .Then in early November after a week of sobriety while hanging with the old band, I smoked a couple hits from a blunt. . and BAM!!! I had one of the worst anxiety attacks ever! I couldnt sleep that night and felt disorientated for the whole next day. I made up my mind then too. . THAT IS IT! I have to give sobriety a chance, just like you have to give the meds a chance. I have been alchohol free for alomost a month and weed free for over three weeks. I also flushed the xanax down the toilet, because I too am guilty of using it as a crutch which makes me wanna drink there after. Today I am 14 pounds lighter, just finished a 20 mile bike ride on top of a 2 mile run. I am doing this every other day. I am spending quality time with my children and avoiding the drinking and smoking buddys. I feel alot better and I think it will only get better from here. Now that I look back on my life, drinking and smoking has always been a part of my life. . .and as long as they have been there, my anxiety has always gotten the best of me, not to mention the gruling depression along with deep unexplainable bouts of hopelessness even when things are going good. I am REALLY trying hard this time. . I hope I can stay on track, because life is too short to spend it suffering.
Frank P.
Ruth says
Life really is too short to be suffering. You are so right. It sounds like you are doing really well.
I got over the severe bout today. The first time I took Wellbutrin, actually the first three times, I had such euphoria that I had to lie down, like had to… and speak to my partner. It was like the best unimaginable extraordinary feeling I have never known. I’m taking the list (b/c I told my partner this is crazy, write down what I am feeling) to my therapist tomorrow and to the Dr, because today I thought I was about to have a heart attack and almost called 911 and felt terrible anxiety and the complete opposite.
Right now the drinking is not problematic as I haven’t been binging or really that interested, but going on a new pill like this is a totally new experience. The only way I can describe it, is like dropping a hit of X or acid, and I have rarely done any of those recreational drugs, but it was certainly overwhelming. But then I have had the shakes and that does make it hard to do anything and I don’t like it. The doc said you have to get over those side effects and they are all normal. I can’t imagine how one could do a regular 9-5 with that going on.
One of the reasons I wanted to go for this is because I hate starting things but not finishing them. I know we all suffer from procrastination but doing it all the time leads to more dissatisfaction in your sense of self esteem. The W drug seems to lessen this they say.
I will keep with the meds. Oh and the other reason I wanted to go on W was because it supposedly makes one more apt to exercise. I am in great shape physically, have no weight to lose and for all the damage actually a great cardio and good results from Drs tests. Why my liver is not fried from all the Chardonnay, I have no idea. But it is good to hear your confirmation with staying on it.
It’s great that you are doing so well. Staying away from drinking buddies is a good idea. I won’t spent any time with drinkers these days. I’d be up till 4am and talking rubbish. 14lbs is a lot to lose, congratulations, it is not easy. I’m down to 112 and happy with that.
Thanks for your time to write.
J says
Its always interesting to hear your comments Frank. Thats so odd, yet something i can relate to about how bad you get panic attacks from smoking weed, even though you used to smoke dailY?
Also, what i mainly wanted to ask about, is does the “depression” really get better once “one” stays away from alcohol for a few days/weeks?? I’ve been kinda depressed lately big time, but i havent really given myself the “chance” of being sober for more than a day or two….I dont get “drunk” drunk when i drink, but 6-8 light beers most nites is the norm…..Will the depression subside and maybe make me feel better if i abstain from alcohol for weeks or better?….and i mean WITHOUT taking depression meds which i really dont want to do…..I’m not suicidal and never have been, but im always just very depressed..
Frank P. says
My depression has been as bad if not worse than my anxiety at times throughout my life. I have had times where weeks passed and I could not get the quesion. “why do pepole live?”, or “What’s the point of anything” out of my head. This has always happed during the times I was drinking , smoking or in and around a weekend of tripping. In fact now that I look back, I experienced anxiety at an early age, but depression and panic attacks came when I began experimenting with drugs.In my later years I have always blamed my eye injury to my condition but now that I am sober I am seeing the lighter side of things. . “coping”. Since I finally really quit everything I have not had anxiety and my outlook is much better. I have not slept so well in years. No more “doomed feelings” while trying to sleep. No more waking up repeatidly in a confused anxious state. No more sleep paralysis. . . I am so releived. I am enjoying the exercise as well, and I think it is my medication right now.I wish I could say that in the future I could be a social drinker every once in awhile, or enjoy a couple beers on the boat occasionally, but I know that will only lead to 6 to 12 beers a night and binging occasionally and then me right back in th hole.Dont get me wrong, the first week was HELL. I wanted to drink just a beer to sleep, but I fought throug it and started exercising when I had the urge. And as for the weed, again I wish I could enjoy a spliff like I used to, but I have proven to myself over, and over and over, that it’s just not fot me anymore. For so long I would think that life would be so empty with out being able to partake in some brew or buds, but it is so the opposite.
Getting ready to go jogging on my day off!
Jason says
I stumbled upon this site in my daily search for “a answer” to whatever is going on with me these days. I have been dealing with varying degrees of fear and anxiety that goes from extreme to moderate with no explainations from doctors…. simply “you have anxiety”. I refuse to accept this answer. I think ive begun to realize that this is all due to alcohol.
It all began 9 years ago after a horrible break up. this lead to a very bad weed trip (last time i bothered to smoke) and a 33 day drinking binge. I was utterly lost but carried on day after day. Gradually it got better with only bad days spaced further and further apart with no understanding why. Recently it came back 10 fold and i began to realize that i was going out and getting drunk with friends day after day after day. Not every day but 4 or 5 times a week. Now its to the point were i cant drink AT ALL or i slip into this f’d up state for 4-5 days and I UTTERLY HATE IT. If i drink now i cannot sleep AT ALL that night whatsoever.. its horid. The Irish call it “The Fear” (Irish menaing in Ireland) and its complete terror. Heres the thing i need help with. hoping someone here can help: Im usually anxious and alcohol gets rid of it while drinking.. however the next day the anxiety is worse.. thus i drink which gets rid of it temporarily which in turn makes it worse. WHAT DO I DO???!! its a catch 22. im anxious because i drink, so i drink to cope which makes me anxious.
I enjoy drinking though!. i dont get trashed, i usually have 4 or 5 beers and just a good buzz. it never really bothered me this bad until recently.. so WHY does this happen? Id like to have a few beers now and then. it helps me relax and talk to people openly and be myself. Lately when im sober im in this closed off state of terror and fear and anxiety and i dont want to do anything.. when i have a few drinks i feel like my old self again. Id hate to just “give it up” becasue my brain cant handle the chemical reaction anymore. There must be a solution to reversing the issue here and get me back to normal. I understand getting trashed day after day and this having an effect. I believe i suffered from a form of Delirium Tremens at points, but i dont nearly drink as much as i used to. Id just like to be normal again and not have anxiety… not feel messed up constantly and be able to have a few drinks with no effect screwing me up for DAYS. If anyone has any solution id appreciate it.
L says
i only found out last week that im sufferring from anxiety , i thought my head was going what gets me about them i think something guna happen to me. i watched that parnormal activty a few mths back don’t even like sayin the name off it , thats how much scares me out , buh i kept thinking its guna happen to me or the ground goin to open mad ino but ive started talking to my family more n friends about it , just to hink positive n try get outa ur head it is hard at times but im hopein i will get there! iv’e took panic attacks aswell scary isnt the word for them , i would rather take them any day that take them anxiety attacks , ive found when i used to mix my drink i would get panic attacks more ive stoped mixing myy drink n just stick to my cooler’s light , tho i only drink once a week does this mean i ave to give it up? ino i have to change my sleepin pattern , food do more excercise to get this sorted and i do intend to get it sorted cause i dont want to b feelin lik this the rest my life!!
L says
sorry gave u the rong email its meant to be instead com
Scott says
I drank for years without anything but an occasional mildly annoying hangover. I was a bartender in a relatively small town, didn’t cost me anything to drink.
The first hint of any sort of problem happened during the day, when I was sober. This was after I quit bartending. I was working days, but still drinking nights. I was driving down the freeway, and I suddenly got dizzy. I pulled off until the “tunnel vision” went away. This randomly happened a few more times, only while I was driving.
My breaking point came during a staff meeting. I suddenly got very dizzy, left the room, and my heart began to race. It didn’t go away, and I wound up in an ambulance with a BP of 160/110.
I’ve quit smoking entirely, and quit drinking for the most part, but when I drink socially and get buzzed, I have mild anxiety the next day (My particular anxiety consists of dizziness, upper left chest discomfort, and dread).
FAMILY HISTORY, because it may be useful… My mother had me when she was 18, she began having panic attacks when she was 33 and working in a stressful job. She also drank beer regularly. I was diagnosed with leukemia at age 8, chemo for 6 years, age 38 in 2011. Mom’s on Alprazolam (Xanax) as needed, Kaiser gave me Ativan (Lorazepam) as needed. I’ve tried both. Xanax works faster, but for a short period of time. Ativan takes about 20 minutes, but lasts longer. Mom and I both start with 1/2 recommended dose, then take more if required.
Currently neither of us abuse alcohol, but do enjoy having two or three socially on the weenend… And we don’t have the severe panic attacks.
Todd says
Hi Scott- I think family history is a significant aspect of the tie-in with alcohol and anxiety. Some of us are pre-dispositioned through genetics for sure. For instance, my mom never drank and my dad was a raging alcoholic later in his life. I never drink during the week nor miss it, yet the weekends I feel I am very much an alcoholic, drinking sometimes out of control.
So the week would represent my mom’s side where I truly could care less about alcohol. When the weekend comes, I want to reward myself and the lush comes out of me and I just don’t drink a bit, I drink A LOT. This is my father in me, no doubt about it.
Lately my right side has been aching/anxiety feeling and I think it’s my liver trying to talk sense into me. The binging is taking its toll. I mean how many decades can a liver take this abuse?? I have reached a point psychologically that I am either going to give up drinking for life or I am going to choose a life where drinking is as rare as a UFO sighting.
Either way, I am good with that.
J says
Scott, great post. I would be curious to ask, that if the panic attacks went away after you gave up drinking heavy OR after giving up cigarettes?? I’m coming to notice (at least in mY case) more and more that when i’m hungover and use nicotene(i chew ) that the anxiety comes ten times more than if i use no nicotene that day…
Todd–…I’ll repeat this again, you are certainly NOT an alcoholic, not even by a medical standpoint or societys standpoint (please no one chime in and say how we hate lables, i KNOW THIS already), but i’m just saying as judgemental as a label is for alcoholism, you are definitely not one… You may and are a “binge drinker” when you do, but your not an alcoholic. Anyone who takes 5 days off from drinking EVERY WEEK, is NOT an alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who drinks EVERY DAY, and sometimes even morning, noon, and nite, to the point where they have the TRUE shakes when they dont even drink that morning…..Now THATS an alcoholic…..I probably am considered an alcoholic because i DO drink almost every day, as i’m sure some of the closet posters on here might also … So i think you are LUCKY to be able to not touch a drop all week, and only drink on the weekends…And as per the previous post from Scott, he only has 3 or so drinks on weekends, so maybe you could do that?? I thought from your last posts you were doing good, and keeping it down to “every other” weekend at least?? I honestly dont think your liver could be “going” if you drink only on weekends.. Your liver is the one organ in your body that will “self repair” itself, and if you drank EVERY day, i could see it maybe going, but not if you only drink on weekends…Maybe its appendix or something else??Well good luck to all, and continue posting…..
JP says
I read a couple of interesting things here. First, someone mentioned Welbutrin. I still take 150mg of Welbutrin with 30mg of Celexa now. Orginally, the Dr. had me up to 300mg of just Welbutrin, it really started to work! However, I started having manic episodes. Welbutrin triggers Dopamine and it can be too much for some people. Different meds do different things to different people..hopefully this one works for you, I was kind of upset I had to back off it, I was starting to feel really into the groove again; however, if it doesn’t work, or the side effects are too much, your Dr. will give you something else, they rarely get it right the first time, it can take months from what I hear, I’m not sure they got it right yet now for me.
Anxiety after drinking, yes, I started having this problem a few years ago, way before the meds. It was very strange and I never understood what caused it, sometimes it would happen with not even that much drinking – I usually stick with beer or wine. I don’t even get hangovers, really, just the anxiety that is mentioned. Unfortunately, I’m going through it today.
I found the serotonin and blood sugar comment quite interesting. It makes a lot sense as to why I had a hard time predicting when this would happen and when it would not. The one thing I noticed about last night was I did not eat that much yesterday, I am sure that was a BIG reason why I am having this problem today. I definitely probably had a few more beers than I wanted, but I was by no way wasted at all! I was in control and remember everything. I even hooked up with a girlfriend, you’d think I’d be happy today, no.
The meds obviously complicate things, yes, you really shouldn’t drink while taking ssris or anti-depressants, but even the dr. will tell you, depending on if your male or female, 2-3 drinks in a day (male), should be okay (unless your body has some sort of bad reaction to the mix obviously). For example, I did that Saturday and I was fine.
We need to watch ourselves and take notice as to what and how much of anything we put in our body. If I ate better yesterday, there’s a chance I’d be ok, there’s also a good chance I wouldn’t have drank as much. I also really need to start drinking water more when out (when drinking). When I was younger, as long as I paced myself (and stayed away from hard liquor) I was fine; however, now, the mass consumption, I guess the overall blood alcohol content, obviously affects my nerves.
My big Achilles heel, and I’m wondering if anyone has this, is when I’m out with friends, old close friends. All my friends are pretty much big drinkers and my office is a big drinking office, this comes down from my boss as well. I find that I lose track, easily, when with old friends and they just order up pitchers like there’s no tomorrow, which is basically what happened to meet last night. Regarding the office, I actually declined to X-mas party, I don’t feel like dealing with that sh@# show this year.
Oh, the other thing I noticed when I was on the high dose of Welbutrin was my appetite for alcohol dimisihed considerably; too bad I couldn’t hold that dose.
Michael says
I needed to read this. I am sitting here hungover and feeling nervous about the way it feels. I know I can stop drinking. I just need to do it.
Frank P. says
Some good post here lately. Definetely helping me in my latest quest for sobriety. I am releived that Scott also has the upper chest discomfort after heavy drinking. I have told Doctors this and they looked at me like I was crazy. During some of my worst hangovers (after atlest 12 to 15 beers and shots etc.) I would get the discomfort to the point of an achy pain at a pin point area on my left upper chest. This is one of the more scarry symptoms of my episodes. Thanks giving was hard for me and I offended family by staying away for the most part. I felt pressured into a glass of wine and from there my craving shot through the roof. I had to leave and go for a Bike ride. My Dad’s 70th B-Day was also an issue as he insisted I drink a beer with him. He ordered me one and I left it on the table. I am really trying hard this time. It has been almost 5 weeks sober! The last episode was one of the worst and I continue to take myself back to the point where I was in total dreaded misery, completely incompasitated laying on the bed, sweating with chest pain. So far the anxiety is mild here and there, the depression is pretty much gone with the normal worry of finances etc., but the hard part has been trying to learn over again how to have fun and occupy myself without getting a buzz. It’s the hardest part, but I am starting to feel myself for who I truly am again. Some of my old interests and passions are trying to come back. Things that I totally forgot about in my alchohol and reefer haze for the past several years. I know I have a long way to go, but I am really going for it this time and reading posts here help me to remember the absolute misery that drinking brings me.
J says
Frank… I think that is my BIGGEST problem, and major reason why I cant stop the nitely few (3-8 ) beers, is because I get bored, and decide to start cookin (which i love) and then i actually get an “excited” fun feelings about cracking that first beer of the evening and having a few beers at nite just makes every mundane task seem “funner”, like watchin that favorite christmas show, or calling a buddy, etc etc….Am i alone here , or do other know what i’m talkin about here? And ANY advice on how to combat this, and be able to have that “fun” feeling wihtout crackin a few beers would be appreciated?..
Also, its weird but lately i’ve notice myself having the anxiety(mind you not major panic attacks, but just that “anxious” feeling) not the next day, but “while” i’m drinking. After one or two light beers i’m fine, but when i get to like 5 or 6 its almost as if i could feel the blood rushing to my head , the heart beat increasing , and just an overall feeling of “discomfort”……This is probably the only thing saving me from going on to beer #9, 10, and so on…..But its definitely not the next day is my point and is happening “during’ the drinking…….anyone else experience this?
Frank P. says
J, I started getting the uncomforatable and agitated state of mind also after a few drinks. I think this is where my binging got triggered. After 3 beers I am literally opening another cold one on the last sip of the one in my hand just to get past that point and move on to being shit tanked. Even after a severe hangover after a binge I would still feel very agitated and anxious for a couple days after. I dont know the answer to the feeling of boredom, but I can say from experience after enduring a couple weeks of this feeling while getting sober, “it has gotten better in small steps.” Exercise has been my medication for now. I beleive that endurance training of any kind (running, biking, swimming etc.) has an affect on seretonin levels. I feel great after a good run, but then again, everytime I start to feel good I feel the need to have a beer or fire up a joint to further my relaxation.In the past I would start to feel good on my own and try and inhance the feeling by smoking or drinking only to put myself right into “suffer mode” as I call it. I have been fighting the urge of either with everything I have, and it is starting to get easier. The major problem is alchohol. . . period. I think anyone regardless of anxiety conditions could end up in our position. Its all about control. Too much alchohol of anykind causes damage to the brain, and you dont even realize it until its too late. Good news is that the brain will heal itself given enough time of sobriety. The problem is once the damage begins to show itself the victom is addicted. A vicious cycle indeed. Quitting for a long period of time or quitting permanently is the only cure for someone who is self inflicting the damage. And then someone who truly suffers from a disorder on top of an addiction may have to consider meds. Even though I am currently doing very well, I still am considering anti-depressants so that I dont fall back into the time where I began to drink heavily in the first place. Only time will tell. All I know right now is that I have not had chest pains, doomed feelings, or panic attacks since I stopped drinking and smoking.
JP says
Frank P.,
It is a known fact, it’s actually proven, that running is a natural anti-depressant. I’ve actually trained and completed four marathons because of this, now I think. I would assume any endurance sport would do the same thing.
I’m on anti-depressants now, as I mentioned before, and I will tell you this, it can take awhile before they (drs) get it right. I literally find myself thinking clearer when I’m playing a sport, running, even working-out with weights which is my least favorite physical activity.
Here’s where I’m faltering, similiar to you, with boredom. I’ve gotten the week down quite good – I’m fine having none, or say two beers if I meet friends during the week; e.g. I have a date tonight, I may have one or two glasses of wine and that’s it (or beer).
I haven’t been as active as I should be on the weekends and Sunday rolls around and I love football. I love watching football, I love watching football out with friends. I live in NYC and Sunday football is very big here – meaning as a day out at the bars. I also have pent up energy from doing basically nothing during the weekend, that I have some endorphines to spend – with my friends, who are all big drinkers, it’s easy to have more pints then you want when they simply fill your glass without asking.
Like you said, its a gradual process…I mean in addition to “getting lucky” on Sunday I also met a hot, young attractive girl that night too who just emailed me…what do I need to be anxious about??? I obviously wasn’t acting stupid or anything like that and I know I wasn’t because I can recall the whole night. The after feeling just isn’t worth it.
As far as meds, if you can handle the side effects and don’t get manic with it, ask your Dr. about Welbutrin, it’s great for me. It gives you energy and actually increases your libido. I still take 150mg (not sure why), but the real dose 300mg, started putting me into manic states after about 2 1/2 weeks or so….different meds affect different people in different ways. Oh, and with the upper dose of Welbutrin, you most likely will not want to drink that much..I can recall my buddies buying me a beer (I didn’t want) and literally putting it down in disgust after 2-3 sips…you’re also very aware. Anyway, best of luck to you (to us all).
JP says
The editing function isn’t working, that should say it “initially was great for me”…I had to get off it.
Jb says
Hey Guys.
Ive been reading alot of your posts and i have the same friggin awful..Started a few yrs ago, i was really hung over one morning and had to drive 5 hrs home, well if it didnt hit me, an anxiety attack, sweaty palms, feet, shirt soaked, heart pounding etc, anyway i stopped the truck for a while and try to sleep..was awful..anyway i made it home, went to dr and they put me on .5 of this stuff i cant even remember..long story short.i lost my sister in the last few months, got seperated and i was fine, drank 5-6 beer a night, then about a month ago, it started again, this time so much worse, i get scared to drive anyway, feel like everything is closing in on me, cars driving to close and like im about to loose control..a scared feeling, i do drink alot, im hoping thats the cause, ive been reading ur posts and def seems like heavy drinking will cause this..i do drink every night but at the same time i run 3-5 miles everyday and am in good shape , you guys think the 10 beers sometimes or the 6 crown n cokes can cause such thing? i have ativan, and it goes away, and when i drink it goes away, but when i get up, its starts, i already start to think about the feelings i get and its friggin scary..So im gonna try and stop for a week and see if it makes a difference, but i thknk ill b ok with one or 2 watching tv at night.. your thought?
Ruth says
Well, after hell on the Wellbutrin, I mean HELL, every single side effect they said, I reduced even the smallest dose in half and at two weeks in, it finally seems to be kicking in. It reduces how much I can consume alcohol, like it just does not taste good anymore, though I am still drinking in truth and should not be, but certainly not getting drunk. I don’t want a seizure. I’m finally feeling more at peace with myself and starting to really like who I am and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that is one of the best feelings in the world, as narcissistic as it might sound. I think it must be the combination of not being depressed, not drinking all day and night and doing the therapy, which by the way, is not easy, nor are the meds but I do it and have every intention of carrying on. Just to feel good about yourself instead of worrying about everything else: the next bottle, everyone elses and the worlds problems really helps yourself and everyone in general. I feel I can have more honest relationships with really decent friends and cut out the ones that do harm. Does any of this make sense?
J says
Ruth, i’ve been here following your struggle and posts for a while now, and you seem like the sweetest, nicest woman in the world:) …I’m very glad the welbutrin is working for you. I personally refuse to ever take “any” of the anti depression drugs…I just dont “trust them”, and afraid of what they “really” do to your body and mind that the dr’s either dont tell you now, or dont know…..My question is , to all those on here who have been praising welbutrin, what happens if you “stop” taking it?? Is it something you have to take for the rest of your life to keep “feeling” good ? or is it something you just take for a few months, and then you can ween off it?? If its something you have to take your whole life, then in my opinion, your just replacing one drug(alcohol) with a potentially other dangerous drug….Just my opinion here..
J says
from my personal experience (yes i do have a few lite beers myself EVERY nite almost), that if you have 1-2 while watching tv, you probably WONT experience any anxiety the next day (alcohol related anyway), but once you get to the 5-6 beers or even 2 “stiff” hard liquor drinks, it WILL affect your anxiety/nervous level the next day……try only havin like 1-2 beers for like 3 days and see how it makes you feel…
JP says
J, Wellbutrin can have some nasty side effects as Ruth pointed out. I heard hives are common, in some cases it can cause anxiety. For me, as I pointed out, I started getting manic (different than anxiety), my mind just started racing and I was all over the place. From what my parents told me, I was actually quite pleasant and funny, but I wasn’t being me and the manic episodes caused me to freeze – my mind was racing so fast I couldn’t do anything. I still take the 150mg dosage with Celexa. Ruth, if that is all you need that is great! I am very happy for you that you found the right combo.
As far as swapping drugs for drugs, I don’t necessarily disagree with you; it was why I was hesitant as well. I started going through serious depresion again when my marriage broke up and it was to the point that everything seemed meaningless. The drugs themselves are not the whole answer. Therapy is required and excercise is a big key as well as we dicussed. My therapist told me she wanted me to, well, obviously continue therapy, get back into my physical activities and make a considerable effort to be in social situations, and go on some meds.
Most people do not go on forever. I seriously doubt I will be on meds forever, it’s actually probably slim to none. When getting off them though, yes, I believe you wane off them, you don’t go cold turkey, but that is something to discuss with a doctor.
So, I have a non-anxiety drinking story to share. So, I went on this date last night as I mentioned. It was great! I really like this girl. I know I said I was going to keep the glasses of wine to two, but I had three (actually three and half, the bartender gave me a litle extra, she was drinking her third kind of slow ๐ ). However, definitely drank enough water and we both had a lite bite. So, I was a little bad, but I feel fine today. I woke up fine, no problems, etc. But like I said before, we all need to watch it. The third glass came about because we were having such a nice time, and honestly, I was tempted for a fourth, but knew nothing good would come of that.
JB, the .5 of the stuff you were taking was most likely Xanax. That is the usually dosage for that…it’s anti-anxiety medication, like valium.
J says
thanks for the great post JP.
Ali says
My patterns of addictive behaviour pertaining to alcohol definately relate to issues of low self esteem that i garnered in my earlier years.
I alo come from a dysfunctional family, this seems fairly common place with addictive personalities
These addictive traits also function as a primal “self reward” as well as the more obvious self medication.
I would be very interested to know, if anyone else has similar experiences, ie low self esteeem issues and a dysfunctional family background.
JP says
J, you’re welcome.
Ruth says
Hi J,
Thanks for the nice message. The funny thing is that I find the therapy way easier to deal with, than the Wellbutrin. I also have not felt myself on it and I would not have started taking it if the Dr had told me about the side effects. Having lived a life of organic eating, really good nutritional knowledge, good cardio, never any weight issues, etc, I would never in a million years think I’d be WB and Xanax. But the WB makes me highly anxious, even at this minimum level. I’m sticking with it only because of forums I’ve read to say you have to get over this initial stage, but it hard and I can’t imagine how anyone could go to work when you first start taking it. It just makes you feel totally dysfunctional and the last thing I want to talk about with the therapist tomorrow is the issues of the effects of the drug when the whole point of seeking therapy is so I can get over grief and loss and learn how to not let people abuse/take advantage of me.
Ali: Someone once told me, or maybe I read it, that all alcoholics have had terrible relationships with their fathers. This seems a rather ‘generalized, across the board’ statement but in those that I have asked of late, all say yes. My family, my father was highly dysfunctional: raping my sister, beating us, a crazy Catholic man with extremely strict rules. It’s been a tough road. He is dead now but did not show much remorse when he was alive. Strangely though, he was not a drinker, neither my mother.So does anyone else agree that the father issue and drinking are related?
What bothers me is that I took to drink when neither of my parents drank a drop and none of my siblings, I have a few, really have an issue with drinking. Perhaps it’s a second generation thing as apparently after my Nan died, the man at the gas station said she bought a bottle of gin every single day under the excuse that she needed gas.
J says
it sounds to me like you have started drinking exessively when you were younger to deal with the trauma of your childhood life?? i mean, sister gettng raped, and you guys getting beat by your father is probably what drove you to drinking—not anything genetic.. I hope the WB works out great for you…I’m curious Ruth, since alot of us on here cant afford or dont have a therapist, did you ever ask yours about the correlation between panic attacks,/anxiety and the drinking/hangovers?? I’d be curious to see what a professional says about this.. Its obviously not just “withdrawl” symptoms since many on this forum experience the highest anxiety 3-4 days “after” the drinking binge.
Ruth says
Hi J,
Quite honestly, I think I am too early in on the ‘wellness’ thing with my therapy, so I am not sure I can quite answer that question yet. But I am staying with this therapist and Dr,and when I think I can answer it properly I certainly will.
Here is what I do have to tell, but I’m not sure it’s much help. I have told my therapist about drinking, but she mainly doesn’t really talk about it at all. My thing is, and maybe I’ll get all sorts of irritating messages about it, is that I do not drink to get drunk. So many might wonder: why do you drink then? I absolutely hate getting drunk. Because I know the effects the next day or two later. I’m almost always coherent when I drink because I don’t like getting ‘out of it’ and I like to remember conversations with my partner and others.
The main reason I became and am an alcoholic is because I have had a trust issue with men, due my my father. So I lived a life of partying and having lots of lovers back in the day. It was easier to deal with, when others were having babies, getting married, buying houses, living a normal life. Commitment I could not do. I was not allowed a childhood so became a later bloomer, I suppose.
I took to the road for 10 years with a travel trailer. But drank every night. No one ever seemed to understand what I had dealt with and drink gives you that nice buzz and promotes sleep. But after that I stopped after the buzz.I have gone over the top, still do occasionally, will probably do again, but have recently decided I just can’t do it so much anymore. I’d rather not puke, thanks. Age could contribute with that.
But I never dealt with my issues professionally. Most of us can’t: I could not afford it, nor was never in one place. I think I could have done it some time in my past, but was too scared. Can of worms kind of thing. Don’t open it.
I won’t say I have enormous regrets, because I met some amazing people and lived a wonderful lifestyle and have been so restless I’ve gone halfway round the world. But now is time to face the mirror. But I am only at the beginning. So I will answer that in a few weeks, I hope!
So you must all think I’m lying or in denial. I just got into a habit, like people go to McDonalds all the time. I go in and out of sobriety and not. All the time. I mean ALL the time. I am always trying to make myself a better person. I have a therapist and a Dr. But the Dr has never taken Wellbutrin and I talk to my therapist about my issues mostly, so I will see as time goes by how things pan out. I’m only getting this free for 6 months, since I can’t work right now for several reasons, so I have to work hard at this, since I cannot afford it once it runs out. I know that doesn’t answer your question, but I will add to it as time goes on, for sure.
I have at least tried to be honest. But still, we are hopefully in this group working on getting better, whether it is by inch or by mile.
Ali says
Hi Ruth
Thank you for that open and honest answer, and i think that you are doing brilliantly!!
I think that for years I had externalized the problem, but i think that one of the key points of understanding, is that no-one but ourselves makes us drink, and it is not until we look inside ourselves that we can really understand what is happening, maybe this seems fairly generalising, but it would seem that there is some truth in it.
Thank you for a brilliantr and brave post.
Ruth says
One of the things I have learned, and I guess we all know it, is that there is no such thing as the ‘golden life’. We can see it on FB or by looking at celebs but the truth is that there is an awful lot of pain in life and we have to realize, I suppose, that this is just what life is. It is what shapes us, it was what was meant to be. Some have it easier than others. I’ve had a rough ride but I believe that it has made me a much more compassionate person because of it. When you understand pain, you can be so much more empathetic and so much less about yourself. Our ego is the main problem.
The self esteem thing I think is really bad for us drinkers. Absolutely. It’s not just social anxiety that makes us drink, it’s to feel better and alcohol will temporarily do it. Otherwise we would not drink at all, since we all know it’s empty calories and damaging to our bodies. But if there are no understanding people in your life and you are around a lot of drinkers, you will feel more justified to ‘go with the flow’.
When I’ve given up, as I frequently do (but go back on it), I have had issues with friends telling me I was boring. And the opposite: you get back into it, they have given up and suddenly you are toxic and they have seemingly turned their lives around and you are not seen in such good eyes anymore, like a shameful human being. Rubbish. If we can get past this state of caring about what other people think, it would really help a lot of the anxiety, stress, depression and excessive drinking, whether day to day or every weekend.
I am very into this idea lately that ‘people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones’. It’s a hard one to get over. To stop beating ourselves up because we want that fourth glass of wine. But I think alcoholics are more self-judgmental than the other way around.
I have this notion: I don’t know whether anyone agrees but I think that alcohol and anxiety are much more prone to those that are imaginative, introspective (in the true sense of the word as this is often misconstrued), creative and for want of another word: ‘left of center’.
For years I would be almost jealous that I could not be outgoing, could not just shrug things off my back like nothing cared, that I could dance without drinking, that I could drive 85 in the fast lane without a care, but the way I think now is that we are who we are. We are all going to live and die and have opinions and in the middle of it we need to just be happy and make others happy too. I wonder if it can be just this simple? And alcohol free.
Fizzy says
Ruth-“When I’ve given up, as I frequently do (but go back on it), I have had issues with friends telling me I was boring. And the opposite: you get back into it, they have given up and suddenly you are toxic and they have seemingly turned their lives around and you are not seen in such good eyes anymore, like a shameful human being. Rubbish. If we can get past this state of caring about what other people think, it would really help a lot of the anxiety, stress, depression and excessive drinking, whether day to day or every weekend.”
This part especially resonates with me. I have lost a LOT of friends over the years and keep very few. Looking back, the one thing that I can see they all have in common is substance “abuse”. We weren’t addicts, but we did drink, smoke, or do some kind of mind altering substance together. I’ve always felt like ‘sober’ people wouldn’t understand me on some level because they wouldn’t be as accepting or haven’t gone through the things I have, and thus wouldn’t really be compassionate and trauma bonding is a very powerful thing. These friendships were like any other relationship that is intense, it is strong at first, then usually dies over what feels like something stupid, and often substances are involved.
My two most recent closest friends that I acquired since living in LA “broke up” with me about two months ago. They were best friends that are now dating and the gf accused me of stealing molly from them. (accusatory, paranois), her bf constantly uses her and even took a lot of her adderall back in the day and would share with me, thus she accused me of stealing that as well. Ultimately, I didn’t fight it, there was no way I could defend myself without looking petty by telling the truth about her best friend and lover. A truth she knows, but is unwilling to see at the current time.
My point is,this is an old story for me, same shit different people. I didn’t steal from her or any of the others for that matter, and I spent hours thinking about why this keeps happening to me despite this fact. The consistent theme is often drugs. Somehow they relate, if only as an indirect object. (or drinking as well, which would lead her bf to frequently black out and try to come onto me aggressively, leaving me to fight him off, which he never remembered). They weren’t addicts but something about the high or drunken state induces addict like behavior. Causing people to guard their substances jealously and act slightly paranoid. Drinkers are generally happy to share,but it’s a passive subconscious way of not having to be on self destruct mode alone in many cases.
I hope that as I am sober, I will attract better people in my life, and that I will still find people who can relate to me despite my easy boredom, high risk-taking behavior and need for stimulation, and desire to not be in my current mind-state. I am trying natural approaches to achieve that end. Exercise, meditation, snowboarding, dancing, pretty soon I’m ready to jump out of a plane just to say, well…I did it. I achieved an altered mind-state sober, so ha! (to myself mainly :$)
JP says
Hey Fizzy, I can relate to a lot of what you have to say. I also think we’re trying to achieve the same things in our lives now. Like you, me and my friends were into a lot partying and it did not just include alcohol. I should also add, I still don’t see anything wrong with recreational drug use, just know what you’re getting into. For example, in college we would do LSD, we wanted to expand our mind, sometimes it got too expanded. Would I do that now? Very unlikely, I prefer to have certain doors closed now in my older life (mid 30s). Then there was cocaine, but now, I really like to sleep ๐ It’s funny, of all these things, I found alcohol the most difficult to manage. And I agree with you, I don’t think any of us are or ever were addicts; irresponsible, maybe, but not addicts.
I’ve been avoiding my work colleagues, socially, not professionally, because my office is a big drinking office. We have a lot of young people and my bosses actually encourage. I understand the commraderie, but I think they overdue it a little. Our young associates of a false sense of success as a result of the office trying to boost their confidence and give them uncesssary “pats on the back” this way. As a result, none of them have done anything remotely interesting professionally, they think their of value, but they are very easily replaceable. This is why I opted out of our XMAS party, which I know I am going to get recieve crop from one, probably both, my bosses. I am one of the more seasoned people and few that actually knows what he’s doing in this office. I remember last year at St. Patty’s Day we had a little office outing, I wasn’t drinking and my boss actually was giving me a little crap.
I actually went to a X-mas party at my club (old school athletic/country club), this kind of goes in-line to what Ruth was saying I beleive, about self-esteem and comfort. First, I planned to go with 2-3 beer rule, I broke that big time. However, I was concious about eating, should have drank more water though, but as a result, I don’t have the anxiety today, I’m slightly hung over and I stress slightly, I feel rather fine; more guilty because I broker my rule (I have to take the meds into consideration as well).
One of the problems was I went by myself. Now, I know a lot of people, but there more aquaintances. I was married/committed for such a long time I made no real friends during my thirties (36 now). So, I felt kind of, weird, I guess. I should also add, that despite having a rich history (well over 100 yrs) in supporting athletics, my club is a BIG time drinking place. So, while I am pacing myself, properly, eveyone else around me is getting TANKED! I think that made me loosen-up my guard a little, I’m like what the hey, it’s a holiday party. I wasn’t even CLOSE to what the shape most of the people were by the end of the night.
However, if I just walked around a little bit more, even awkwardly, drank club soda, I eventually would’ve found the people I wanted to hang out with. And as I mentioned, I made sure I ate, even bread, I never eat bread, I’m sure that was probably smart. Ha, its kind of funny, I justified breaking my rules, because everyone around was annihilated, kind of funny. When I say everyone, I mean from the people in their 20s to the old f’ers in their 80s – one guy, I couldn’t believe the rug he was cutting on the dance floor!
I think one of my problems is I haven’t been as productive as I like to be at work (this has nothing to do with drinking, althought that doesn’t help). Perhaps this is all just the bumps I need to get over to start chapter two of my life.
Thanks you for listening (whoever did) ๐ . I also very much enjoy what you all have to share. The only thing we’re all guilt of, is wanting to better ourselves, that’s all, really.
Ali says
I enjoy a “creative” side, I write poetry..possibly because I cannot paint!, but in effect, I try to paint with words, ..I wonder if we have harnessed these creative streaks, because in our younger years, our imagination was our portal of escape..before we discovered substances?…just a thought.
You seem on the right path, no doubt about it…and i think the absolute key to it all is finding an acceptance and contentment with who we are..when we can do this, we will have nothing to run from..there will be , no shame, no guilt, no holes to fill…now that would be fantastic!!!
Good luck to you
and JP, nice post!!!
JP says
Thanks Ali, I actually write as well. Well, actually, I’ve been pretty bad about it, but I know what you mean. My therapist strongly enourages me to do more of it. I really should. I think part of why I still feel somewhat empty is because I haven’t been excercising any creative outlet.
It’s very important. Ha, it’s probably why I post on these sites.
Ruth says
I will respond to JP, Ali and Fizzy properly in a bit.
But: I have an important question. I caved in today and realized I just cannot stay on the Wellbutrin. The side effects were too much. I had two days of almost dizzy happiness, but too buzzy, and all the other days, the two weeks here too hellish. I did not make it out of the house for a WEEK. I’m serious.
So, this morning I had an appt with my Dr and told her all about it, how I had reduced it to so low but it was giving me this, that and the other dreadful side effects and she agreed I should get off it. I also told her I was about to take a 5 hr flight on Tuesday for a huge social event, well more than one, that I have to be a major part of and that there was no way I could do it without taking something before I got on the plane. And I have to function when I’m there because I’m seeing friends I haven’t seen for two years and they are all way more outgoing and city people than me and I’ll be in downtown Chicago for a while too: adrenal overload, possibly.
Anyway, now she’s got me a prescription of Zoloft. It will be ready tomorrow. I am about to look it up but thought that it was dreadful from things I’d just seen on the internet. I’m going to look it up right now but is anyone on it? I’m scared. Swapping one major pill for another? Yikes. Any help would be appreciated.
I do want to respond to the creative element, so what the heck I’ll do it now. Creativity is one of the only things in my life that takes anxiety away and if any of you can do it, do it. I am a fine artist, I work with watercolors… like botanical illustrations, large abstracts, make clothes… I’m a book maker, photographer, writer, poet, make jewelry, make mixed media art, paint gourds, sketch, spend hours every day looking at other peoples art, read about Miro, this artist that artist, and it really helps.
For some people it is exercise. That will work too. And watching good films helps as well. But there was a book that I read once that was about ‘engagement’. Real, real engagement which is much different from watching a film. It means not passive but active engagement and there is a HUGE difference between the two: learning, studying, focusing and getting inspired at the same time. That will get anxiety off.
Sounds like a dream come true? Well when you suffer from anxiety when it hits, it is hard to focus or do anything. My boyfriend plays guitar and piano. I will say that any time I do anything creative… and I do, just not as much as I should, that it really does help. Most people don’t do creative stuff b/c of this ridiculous belief that we can’t call ourselves ‘artists’, cos we don’t paint, cos we don’t do…whatever…. but all creativity is good and should not be ever looked at as negative. There is a blog by Keri Smith that is worth looking into.
Anyway, I’m rambling cos the Wellbutrin in screwing my brain so I’m off to look up Zoloft and hope to God it won’t be worse than WB. I’ll reply to the other messages later. Thanks for letting me ramble. I want to talk more about writing and also some other stuff that I think would help anxiety.
Btw, I have been a self employed person in the field of psychology for 16 years, by myself mostly… this is why it is hard for me to go to counseling as I’ve been doing it for SO long. I’ve seen over 30,000 clients and I’m not lying. So it’s hard for me to hear things I’ve never heard before: the best and the absolute worst. I’m used to giving out.
You’d think after all this that it would be enough of hearing other people’s pain to not drink, but it doesn’t work that way. Other people’s pain can sink into you so much. I’ve had to walk away several times because the things that people tell me are so terrible, I cannot comprehend it and have to cry. So maybe that’s one of the reasons for my issue. All people’s pain, your own included, makes you want to forget,and the bottle is right there. But there is no end to it. For me, I’m kind of screwed, because if I cannot do a job that helps people in some way, I can never be fulfilled, but it comes with a price.
I’ll write morecoherently later. Sorry for the rambling.
JP says
Let it out. Welbutrin, as we discussed, definitely has a speed effect to it. It specficically works on your dopamine receptors-not sure if that is the correct terminology, I’m not a Dr., but that is most likely what is making you bounce of the walls and “rambling”. It had mine elevated so much, I couldn’t even ramble – I was sitting in my office wide-eyed, racing thougghts, not able to move or speak. Zoloft I’m pretty sure is a SSRI, like Lexapro, Celexa, etc. I’m actually taken the small dose of Welbutrin with Celexa – Welbutrin with a SSRI is a common prescribed cocktail. Some nurse posted somewhere that Welbutrin is basically legalized speed and all should stay away, I don’t know, maybe she’s right…
With full disclosure of that I am not a Dr., I’d be surprised if Zoloft will effect you the same way, meaning the manic episodes, racing thoughts, etc. They work in your brain very differently.
Everything comes with a price. You’re stronger than most.
J says
Ruth, i knewwwwwwwwww that Webutrin crap was no good…Seriously a few weeks ago when you started taking it, it was from the advice of someone on here who i never heard post before, which leads me to belive that “possibly” there are some people out there that are paid to promote these very bad drugs on these forums that have people like us on?? If i find out that is the case i will do some major roasting to these “self promoters” of these drugs………As far as your trip goes, i would suggest just take a few xanax with you…Good ole xanax we could always count on…..I take maybe half a xanax every other week and it helps, and its NOT addictive as long as you dont take it daily…….And also, Ruth, i’d like to be penpals with youa nd help you out by being there to chat with directly, so if you want, leave me your email address and we can chat that way;)…good luck withe veryhing buddy.
Ruth says
Well, I just had the most godawful day. That Wellbutrin is bad stuff for me. Seriously bad. All day I was shaking and tripping. I have lost way too much weight than I think is healthy. My boyfriend told me I was looking gaunt and that he was more than worried. You literally cannot eat a thing on it. I could not eat a single thing yesterday. That is just crazy. I am tired of opening and closing the fridge with no appetite. Even juice is hard to get down. So is wine. It tastes disgusting (not a bad thing!).
Some of the shaking was probably some DT’s as I’m coming off the wine and so I had a glass before bedtime, struggled to get that down, as I read you should not cold turkey. But the Wellbutrin has given me anxiety so badly, I will never take it again. The mental crap it has put me through is just awful.
So I made a decision: no more pills other than simple Xanax, so J you are right. I don’t get any side affects with it, other than occasional dry mouth. Early this morning I have an appointment with a new Dr and am going to make sure I have enough supplies of Xanax. The other Dr who prescribed me the WB and Zoloft won’t prescribe Xanax because she says it is too addictive. Well I know it can be for some people but when I’m not drinking too much, I rarely take it. The reason I have two Drs is that the new Dr will not subscribe anything for depression or anxiety until I went to the behavioral center to see this other Dr for a psych evaluation.
I’m tired of Dr’s appts and daily pills. There really isn’t anything that bad about Xanax… for me anyway as long as it’s occasional use. At least it means I cans still be me and get on a plane.
J, I’m fine with writing to you directly. However, since this is an anonymous site, I don’t really want to put down my private email. You can send me yours or maybe there is some other way to figure it out.
And when I looked up Zoloft, I read so many awful reviews. So with no drinking and carrying on with the therapy, I reckon I can manage my life better. I am actually amazed that my Dr prescribed Zoloft… there are lawsuits going on with it… since there are enormous side effects and people saying on forums they wanted to kill themselves.
On the WB yesterday I literally felt insane and almost canceled my trip, but I want to go as a friend of mine is turning 90 and I’m scared if I don’t get up there, I might not see him again and also I’ve committed to friends and hate to let them down. The worst of it is that cos you can’t eat you’re weak, also makes you dizzy, and your mind flashes unpleasant images and then there is blurry vision. You really can’t go anywhere or do anything. Why would anyone want that in their life? I mean you have to have nutrients in your body.
Waynazz says
I’m finished with this page. When i first found it I was so happy, so pleased to find ppl suffering with similar symptoms to myself. I felt less alone. But i’ve discovered one major difference between myself and most ppl on here, I want and am trying dam hard to get better.
I get the feeling some on here enjoy the sympathy they get, maybe even get off on it. They need to move on, stop reporting the negative, personally i don’t want to read it, it brings out more anxiety and depression in me.
I advise anyone who truely wants to get better to stop relying on this page for answers and cures. All the answers you need are in your own mind and body. You just need to gind them. Continuing to read this page will only delay wellness.
J says
Ruth, hang in there buddy…..You’ll be fine, just take a few xanax with ya.. I take about half a xanax MAYBEE 2 -3 times a month, so i dont see it being addictive, just make SURE you dont take that crap, or any other crap daily….
J says
sounds to me like a MAJOR “promoter” and advocate for Welbutrin got their feelings hurt….Sorry, but WB is a NO GOOD DANGEROUS drug!
Fizzy says
To be fair, it STILL is an individual thing. It’s easy to over generalize on medications. Some are for a more select group of people than they are targeted for and that’s the producer and drug reps irresponsible pitch, but like I said, I’ve been on wellbutrin for three years now, and I should try to get off it soon probably, as I don’t want to be a lifer on any kind of anti-depressant, but it has been mildly keeping my head above the surface. A lot has gone wrong lately, but I feel able to manage it all, and happy despite everything.
Let me tell you a little story about personal choices that also can skew statistics. When I was 15 I took a whole bottle of wellbutrin, about 13 pills, that I had only been on a couple weeks (not enough to have it really start working yet) to kill myself. I passed out, had a seizure, and couldn’t walk for about a week. Now, I went to the hospital, and suddenly I’m another statistic of someone who had a seizure, because I told everyone I had a bad reaction rather than admitting I had tried to commit suicide.
rose says
my anxiety started when i decided to quit smoking and started on patch for the first 5 weeks it went well ,but later i just kind of got messed up i can’t sleep most of nights nomatter how hard i try and then it has always been subconsciously triggered by my baby waking up at nights most of the time couple of times ,then early morning so when i can’t sleep my brain is thinking and planning all the time.then at some point the next day afternoons i really feel so exhausted even to loss of appetite started at the same time i quit alcohol consumption is bottle of white wine not daily,but on fridays and saturdays at home.i don’t know what to do
Ruth says
I went to the new Dr today.
I had had a sleepless night from the effects of Wellbutrin which were not working for me. I mean a BAD sleepless night. My appt with the Dr was extremely early. I was highly anxious, took a Xanax and had a glass of wine. I felt ok in the car (did not drive of course, have not in months) but when I got to the office, I was shaking pretty badly. Xanax does not make me shake. Only going cold turkey on the wine will which I haven’t done, so I knew it was the effects of the WB – when I took that my whole body was shaking badly.
I told her I didn’t want to take the Zoloft and just wanted some Xanax and therapy only. She said no way, as there was no Dr who would prescribe me Xanax alone as it was not meant for alone use. I said my other Dr won’t prescribe it for me as she sees it as very addictive. She said well it is. You try to get off it, she said, and you will have a really hard time. I disagreed and said in times I had only taken it once or twice a month. She told me I was most likely still addicted. So I said, well what are my options if you won’t help me and my other Dr won’t help me? She said you HAVE to take it with an SSRI. I said there is no way I’m going to be another guinea pig for another strong drug since the two week hell I went through with Wellbutrin. She was actually quite nasty. I told her an older Dr, about three months ago who moved away prescribed me with Xanax only, and she said it wasn’t legal. She is wrong.
Anyway even though my blood pressure was perfect, I was still shaking and told her I was going away. She went off and got me a small prescription for something like Xanax, begins with ‘b’ (Benpar, Baynar, not sure…) but I can’t remember now. I read reviews on that and they were WAY worse than Xanax. So I’m going to get another Dr who will give me occasional doses of Xanax without giving me some head trip about it. I know it’s addictive but I only take it when I have to and I told her that. I told her I wasn’t going on Zoloft b/c there were law suits after it, and she said there was for Xanax as well as people were blaming their Drs on getting them addicted rather than the drug.
So anyway, today I only had one and half glasses of wine, but did feel strange most of the day cos I will have to wait now for the WB to get out of my system. I have looked up herbal supplements and might try going or them instead: Valerian, Kava Kava, Passionflower, etc and see. She made me feel paranoid that I was already addicted to Xanax and said I could have 3 months of hell if I wanted to get off it. My bf knows how many I take and said she was talking rubbish. So yes, I’m sticking with it for now and know I can find a Dr who will prescribe it for me without anything else. That and the much lower consumption of wine till I’m down to nothing.
J says
Ruth…OH MY GOD..i cant believe what an IDIOT Dr’ you must have…FIrst of all yes yoU CAN BE prescribed Xanax with nothing ELSE along with it….I’ve gotten it and never EVER took anything else with it or prescribed even with it……You should threaten that Dr. office with a lawsuit for fraudulant practice!.. There is also NO NO NO WAY you are “addicted” to xanax if you take it once or twice a month, or EVEN once or twice a week (in my opinion)….My mom, who is NOT a drinker, takes half a 1mg xanax several times a week sometimes for sleep…She just has bad anxiety i think…..and she is on NO other SSRI or anti depressions meds .. Change doctors Ruth, and get someone that will HELP you….They wouldnt prescribe you xanax to help you when you were only taking it 2-3 times a month? yet they want to PUSH these HIGHLY expensive other drugs on you to take DAILY…..HHHMMM…..what does that tell you people?? These Dr’s are just pushing these meds that are expensive, and dont want you taking something only once or twice a month.!
Barbara says
I have had the same experience, pretty much. I do not know why. I mean, I don’t think i have “drug-seeking behavior!” I have relatives that can get anything they want, but not me. These doctors act like we just want to take these drugs for the fun of it.
I’m taking Paxil 10 mg now, because it’s the only anti-d I can afford. It’s $4 on the Kroger list. It seems to be helping some. I really don’t want to go to a higher dose. I start wearing my 30-day event recorder (EKG) tomorrow to see if this is heart related. I am going to need more Ativan soon and am dreading having to talk to the doctor. I really am going to have to find another doctor.
I am going to have to break down and make an appointment with a neurologist and ear doctor. Is this brain related or inner ear??? I just don’t know.
I’m getting dizzy, and the blurry vision is really scaring me. Is this multiple sclerosis. Is all this really just anxiety???
Some doctors are funny about prescribing anything to help — Xanax, Ativan. I’m counting my Ativan like they are golden nuggets because I know how ridiculously annoyingly difficult it will be to get more from my doctor. Guess I need to call some of my wayward relatives to see what they can get for me! (OR at least get the name of their prescription-happy doctor! ๐
Good luck to us all! I had a bad “spell” yesterday. I’m glad the kids weren’t here. I knew not to call 911 this time, though, as it was just same crap, different day. I took an Ativan and just waited it out, tried to breathe, then took a 4-hour nap and had a ton of work waiting on me when I woke up.
I am a medical transcriptionist, work at home, so at least I can still work. I do not think I could hold down a job right now if I had to work outside the home. Couldn’t drive to get there probably, being sent home time after time. just could not handle it. At least now I can lay down if that “feeling” hits. Prayers and hugs to all of us. This sucks.
JP says
Ruth, I’m surprised your Dr. let you stay on the WB with all those affects for that long, finding a good Dr. is hard. I was actually asking my Dr. about Xanax today because I often like to take it as a sleep aid, but didn’t want to get addicted to it. She told me that a lot of the reports on the addictive nature of it are very misleading, especially if you take it as prescribed. if you’re an addict, you’re an addict – whether its Xanax, booze, whatever, you’ll be jonesing for something. For example, if you’re popping 5 xanaxes a day and looking how to score more, illegally, then you have a problem – pain killers also tend to trigger more addictive personailities.
Wayne you’re an ass. I haven’t seen that all. All I have seen is people sharing the experiences with certain medications and share some stories. I haven’t seen anyone on her ask for any pity. It sounds like if there is any problem, it is within you, ” personally i donโt want to read it, it brings out more anxiety and depression in me.”
Ruth says
Hi JP,
I had a GREAT Dr when I lived up north who would prescribe me Xanax alone. No problem, all done over the phone after one session, no questions asked and I was always at the lowest dose. But I live in a different state now.
About X as a sleep aid: it won’t work necessarily. I guess it must for you. For a lot of people it might get you off to sleep but might not keep you asleep. Of course everyone is different. I have had insomnia for years and for a while took sleeping pills here and there, esp if I had a tough work day the next day. But they will give me 2 hrs of sleep. A lot of it depends on what you eat. Some say the good old milk and banana before works better. Eating well really helps. Plus less alcohol! But X is not really for sleep, unless you are anxious of course, then that is a different story.
I TOTALLY agree that you can be an addict of anything. I’ve only ever been addicted to alcohol myself and that is bad enough. My boyfriend’s daughter has taken 14 X in one go with pain meds on top, oh my lord! But then she is a street drug girl.
I don’t know either what this Wayne guy was going on about. This site is about anxiety and alcohol, so of course some meds will come up in our discussions here and there, when necessary. I’m certainly not looking for sympathy, I just find it easier to talk with this group as it’s private and we’re all struggling along in the same boat and it’s really nice to actually hear the opposite of what he is saying: I have personally found the nice notes and advice really helpful. This site has worked better for me than talking to my family (who’d think me whacko) or going to AA. Just saying…
JP says
I should have clarified, I was given the Xanax originally when I had that manic episode with WB. She said I could use it when needed if I felt it was necessary and to even break in 1/2 also, if needbe. It’s the lowest dosage as well. I found with sleepaids that sometimes, well, they just wouldn’t work for me and some times if they do, well, I’ll get into that in a second.
I would take the Xanax, yes, simply to relax to get to sleep (say after I had a night run and feel a little wired). I notice it was more kind of like getting to sleep naturally, but yes, if I woke up, there wasn’t necessarily the chance I’d get back to sleep. I know some people keep a 1/2 on the side of their bed incase that wake up.
Now sleeping pills, you need to make sure you have like 7-8 hours of time devoted to sleep othwerwise, you might have some problems functioning the next day. I have some simply not work. My Dr. gave me Restoril. One would kind of work, two would put me out (and was I prescribed to take one or two), but I’d have STRANGE dreams. The Xanax, I kind of just nodded off.
Well, one time I took to Resotril, went out cold, had a really stranged dream and woke up to a halucination. It was this ratty, scrawny, evil-looking cat. The cat first came to me in the dream. In the dream I was sleeping and a cat was purring by my neck (didn’t see it). Then I realize I am in my bed and I feel the same sensation. Now, I’m awake, lying on my side and like okay, “this is weird?” Did something sneak into my place. I then fully wake up and stan by the side of my bed and there is this demon cat, “WTF?!?!” I say. The thing is swatting its paw like cat’s do, it even looks kind of ghostly, and let’s out this creaky, low, but biting sounding meow’s. I even swat at it. This goes on for a good 7-8 seconds. I then turn on my nightside table lamp and the image slowly fades away.
I figure out quite quickly what happened and knew what caused it. I never halucinated from prescriptions drugs so I was a little freaked at first. I’m sure whatever else I’m taking may have had some reason why this happened. She game me Trazadone to try now for at night. She even said its ok to take with xanax, e.g. perhaps I took one earlier in the day for some reason. Or, which I’ve had happened, I wake up from the sleeping aid at say 2am, you can’t pop another one of those.
Anyway, I rambled too long.
Patrick says
For anyone else looking over these posts…. I was on Xanax for 5 years daily. Coming off it was a bitch….but can be done. Just remember this treat that drug as a last resort and respect it’s power, or it will own you.
JP says
Wow, I’m having a bad day and really hate myself. For the longest time, I really wouldn’t do much socially with friends, I like to stay into to avoid getting in trouble, but that’s no way to live. I went out with some friends to a game, we drank, I felt fine. I ended up going to a girlfriends house, we drank a little more, I stayed over and I feel awful! This is the worst anxiety I ever felt from this. I am so mad at myself, I mean why can’t I just learn! I was doing so good, knew not to go to my office sh#4 show party, which it was, I saw the pictures. But I can’t hang out with my friends. I think part of it is me slipping back into what I did when I was single, which was a long time ago..god I really hate myself right now…