So you haven’t made up your mind about whether or not you have an anxiety disorder? Well if your not totally convinced that you have an anxiety problem ask yourself if you experience any of the top ten anxiety indicators.
1. You worry excessively about everything.
2. You experience anxiety symptoms like shortness of breath, palpitations, and dizziness while at rest.
3. You sometimes think you are going crazy.
4. You avoid social situations.
5. You have more than one phobia.
6. You are afraid of being trapped.
7. You are afraid to leave your home.
8. You have repeated negative thoughts and images that won’t go away.
9. You have things you do repeatedly as part of a ritual that relieves anxiety.
10. You think a lot about the past in a negative way.
If you said yes to at least one of the top ten anxiety indicators then you may have an anxiety issue. Remember that if you suspect that you have an anxiety disorder you should speak with your doctor or a licensed therapist to get a proper diagnosis.
Question: Which one(s) of the top ten anxiety indicators describes you? Comment below.
Out of your top ten factors, I think I have about 5 of those traits. Is that bad?
Having 5 out of ten does indicate that you have an issue with anxiety but I would not think of it as bad.
Although excessive anxiety is not good viewing it only in negative terms is.
Have you ever been diagnosed with anxiety?
i have all d indicators, u tink im going crazy? lol
No way Jane. You’re not crazy, maybe anxious, not crazy.
i have 7 out of those 10, and i am pretty sure i have social anxiety disorder, but i’m afraid to tell my parents, and i don’t want to go to a doctor and get prescriptions…
what can i do?
Hey Georgia, Why would you be afraid to tell your parents? Of all people on earth I’m sure they’re the most likely to help you.
It can be somewhat embarrassing to talk about your anxiety, believe me I know, but try not to let that stop you from getting better. Trust your parents, I’m sure they will be there to help more than you know.
i have 7 out of the 10,i think i may need to start taking medication as it is affecting my job.i am very busy through out the day and rush quite alot,when i go to sit down at the end of the day my nerves do go and my hands start to shake.have only recently been experiencing this.i am 26.
I have seven of the ten indicators, and I’m already aware of my anxiety disorder. I would like to see a therapist but I have aprehensions although I know I shouldn’t..
Hi Jess, if you feel you need help chances are you’re right. Try not to fret too much about making the call, as getting better is the most important thing to be focused on.
I’ve never had highblood pressure as a women at 46. Today at work we had a heath assesement and my blood pressure was 156/109 RH and 171/106 LH.
So as I’m sitting there sugar fine, colesterol is fine. So I went to see my doctor and she check my pressure it was still inbetween the two numbers up top. Then we talked about my very stressful job as a Scheduler in a job shop. Talk about stress. People are on me all day. It’s go go go for 9-10 hours and I know by my heartrate and feeling in my stomach that I’m stressed out. Although I may not show it on the outside the inside sure knows it.
Normally by the time I get home its all good, sleep ok, then start again.
How can I lower my stress at work? I’d appreciate any idea’s.
Maybe to years ago I had an anxiety attack when I was putting my daughter to bed, it was awful. I was diagnosed with anxiety n depression and put on Zoloft n Ativan, I stayed on these meds for a year but turned into a complete zombie, so I stopped taking them, I was fine, but lately I am having anxiety attacks around my daughter again? It’s awful. They make me feel like I want to run away from her for fear I may hurt her, I would never hurt my daughter in n e way, I finally broke down and told her dad how I was feeling and he assured me I am an excellent mother, your website has really helped me straighten out my thoughts but I just want to go back to being my normal loving motherly self not fearing being with my baby girl, meds are not an option. I also have PTSD bc my younger brother was murdered about 12 years ago. Could this be the reason I developed anxiety but why when I’m with my daughter?