Are you starting to feel a little stir crazy because of the coronavirus quarantine? I have been stuck at home for about two weeks now and I definitely get a little restless sometimes. It makes sense. There’s only so much Netflix you can watch before you start feeling tired and bored. So what can you do to pass the time in a healthier way? Well last week I gave you a number of different coping skills that you can use to manage your anxiety during these strange times. On today’s episode I’m going to add to that list to provide you with as many options as possible. I think it’s important to keep your mind and body busy during the quarantine. From the looks of it we may be on lockdown for several more weeks so better to make the most of it. Plus, if you aren’t actively managing your anxiety there’s a good chance you might be feeling a lot more stressed than usual. When it comes to managing your anxiety being proactive is the best way to go. I hope you enjoy the show!
Hi Paul
Great tips and reminders! Thank you. Autonomous control freak that I am, Ive found my anxiety to be off the charts. Normalizimg the situation was helpful for a time until a wierd defiance of spirit emerged. I began using that emotion on the anxiety again and exerting control over what I could. Being newly retired, the disruption of my daily routine of exersize, stress management, physical/mental/ social goals and general life balance has left me feeling depressed at times, but predominantly anxious to the point of resurgence of health phobia {amoung a litany pf other anxiety bombs).
Funny how w hen a situation is imposed upon a person, they are forced to sit with the feelings that arise. My thoughts had been garbage . Journaling consistantly also helps even if it makes no sense. It doesnt have to.
For today I intend to prepare a meal for elderly neighbors next door after the original plan of daily stress management. And no news casts.
These reminders are timely beyond measure. Thank you for what you do,. I look forward to the next podcast on CONTROL…hahaa.
Appreciation and wellness to you and yours.
Shell F
New England
Hey Shell,
I’m glad you have been enjoying the show. Kudos to you for helping your neighbors. That is awesome! Next podcast should be ready in a few days. My small way of trying to help folks get through these tough times.
Hi paul
Im from the uk
Your pod casts have been so much help
Over the years
Just found you again in these difficult times
Was nice to hear you again
Thanks for checking in Will. I’m glad the podcast has been helpful.