When you become an anxious person one of the first things to go out the window is your ability to tame fearful thoughts. This, of course, makes total sense. When you become sensitized by anxiety you literally make contact with the dark side of your mind and come to be over-focused on death and derangement. In your mind these two things aren't just likely outcomes of your ordeal, but imminent threats that need to be warded off. However, what's interesting is that if you want to get better you have to do the opposite of fight or escape.
How Relationships Boost Anxiety (and What To Do About It)
Have you ever wondered where your anxiety comes from? Have you ever thought about what keeps it alive? Some people think that it occurs in a magical moment, but let's not forget one important detail - magic isn't real. Abnormal anxiety doesn't just appear. There's usually a trigger, like a panic attack, in most cases though that's not enough to animate full blown abnormal anxiety. What if I told you that your family had something to do with it? Yup, you can even add your friends to the list. One of the biggest, and most ignored,