What is self-confidence, really? Well. Here's one way of looking at it. Do you care about what other people think about you? If you suffer from anxiety or depression then chances are you do, a lot actually. That's one of the biggest reasons why you stay anxious. You're always acting out alternative versions of events that have already happened in that little head of yours. You might often wonder if you said the right thing or if a certain somebody was looking at you strangely. You might also ask yourself things like, what
The Anxiety Guru Show: Public Limits
Social Anxiety Disorder: Show Notes 1. Social anxiety disorder is characterized by anxiety and uneasiness when in public places. a. Some people become afraid in different situations, such as when eating, public speaking - others are anxious when in any public setting. b. This is hard to deal with especially because people are very social creatures. 2. Symptoms that may arise: a. A fear of being watched by others or judged. b. Fear of public embarrassment. c. Sweating, trembling, nausea, lump in the throat, weak legs,
Public Limits: Social Anxiety Disorder
Being that I have general anxiety disorder (GAD) my symptoms and sensations are like a buffet of anxiety. A little social phobia, a dash of panic disorder and sometimes I dabble in OCD but only lightly. Some people however struggle with social anxiety disorder and it cripples them, well socially. This of course can be horrible because as you all know our species is especially social. Whether people admit it or not, people need other people. Sometime in eons past our ancestors decided that the best way to survive a sometimes hostile and
Is OCD Funny?
Do you think that OCD is funny? Well as many of you know there is a television program called Monk and they think it's hilarious. When I say they I don't just mean the producers, but people all over the country. The show is funny, but I wonder what OCD sufferers really think? According to an article on healthplace.com the executive director of the Obsessive-Complusive Foundation (she has OCD) thinks the show is a riot. If you have OCD do you think that the show is funny? Should mental illness be made fun of? My short answer is yea. Don't
Anxiety Food: Fish Oil
The belly rules the mind. ~Spanish Proverb Of all the things you can do to help cope with your anxiety, the most simple would be to add anti-anxiety foods to your diet. I will be posting and podcasting about various types of foods and supplements that can help you cope with your anxiety. However, today I want to focus on fish oil. Fish oil is derived from oily fish like salmon, mackerel, lake trout, flounder and albacore tuna (eat lightly). The food that salmon and similar fish eat produces omega-3 fatty acids that you can consume by munching