This week's guest post is brought to you by Sheeva of Sheeva is a lifestyle, food and wellness coach with a deep passion for helping people on their journey toward becoming the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves. For those of us experiencing any kind of anxiety disorder, the emotion of anxiety is usually an unwelcome invasion of our body and mind. We want and would do anything to get rid of the pesky anxious thoughts and the, oftentimes, debilitating physical symptoms. But, the reality is that anxiety is an
How to Create Coping Skills That Don’t Suck
If you're still hoping to find a quick fix to abnormal anxiety, stop. I understand your frenzied hunt for answers; why you spend so much of your time looking for special solutions that will put your mind at ease, but that's not how it works. There's nothing special about fixing bad anxiety. You need to search for a solution, there's no doubt about that, but there's no way that you should spend years on that search. Instead, find coping skills that interest you, make them your own, and then practice them. That's it. Good anxiety
Relaxation Is Control
Recently I was talking to a psychologist friend of mine who was trying to explain traumatic brain injuries to me when we suddenly switched to anxiety disorders. During the conversation my friend blurts out this gem of a statement. He says, "Control is relaxation."As he continued to talk I kept thinking, "Holy moly that was good." I've explained the same concept in way more complicated terms. What he said reminded me of Apple products; clean, simple, and effective. So what does that statement mean? First, I flipped the statement around
Have You Heard That Meditation Can Ease Your Anxiety?
Today's guest post is brought to you by David Starikov of According to a national survey, over 40 million Americans are dealing with anxiety disorders right now. The truth is though, you don't have to be a statistic. Whether its handling day-to-day stress, balancing work and home, or dealing with the overwhelming and debilitating fear of handling it all, there is a natural way to provide relief for your body and mind. Research proves that meditation has the power to teach you to live in the here and now and not get
Do Nothing for 2 Minutes
You ever feel like you can't relax? And I don't just mean because you're nervous, but just in general? Yeah, me too. I always have this feeling like I should be doing something. Whether it's writing, reading, texting, something. I've never really sat around and thought about this too much until I ran into this website called Do Nothing for 2 Minutes Dot Com. The website is weird, but in a really good way. You simply go to the website and do nothing while you look at a clock that counts down for 2 minutes. There is a sunset, the ocean, and
The Fight Against Anxiety Goes Mobile!
As smartphone technology improves, so will the apps for these versatile devices. There are currently thousands of apps available for the iPhone and Android phone systems and their utility keeps growing by the second. These apps can do everything, from showing you where the nearest restaurants are, all the way to helping you figure out the best deal on a new pair of shoes, as you shop! In fact, there are now anti-anxiety apps as well, and today we're going to tell you about one in particular called "At Ease." Anxiety Guru contributor
The One-Step Stress Reliever
A lot of people assume that in order to get a handle on chronic anxiety you always have to do stuff to yourself. That is, you should think positively, eat better, excercise some, and all the rest of it. And, of course, that's all true, but there is more to being anxiety free than just what happens inside of you. For instance, what about what's around you? Do you ever consider how your environment is affecting you? If not, then you should. It could mark the turning point in your long battle with anxiety. Let me offer you a tip to help