The other day we had several people over for barbecue and good times, but before the soiree took place I vowed to do two things - 1. Get drunk and 2. Be alright with being drunk. Usually I'd tell you that alcohol and anxiety just don't mix, and I think this is still the case. Lots of people use alcohol to cope with anxiety but inevitably this leads to alcohol dependence and - ironically - more anxiety. So it really is a non-starter. But this post isn't a celebration of alcohol or alcohol influenced text messages (of which I indulged in
Anxiety and Phobias
Anxiety disorder is fear on tap and as a result you are vulnerable to the development of phobias. Take me for example, I have had anxiety disorder for over 9 years and during that time I have developed a fear of flying, fear of the dark, and walking on streets that have a lot of cars passing through them. Being scared of everything is not unique to you and I either. According to a British hypnotherapists named Joseph Clough has conducted a survey of more than 1000 people which showed that 1 in 5 of those folks has some
What is Anxiety Disorder?
What is Anxiety Disorder exactly? According to Wikipedia "Anxiety Disorder is a prolonged physiological and mental state characterized by cognitive (mind), somatic (physical symptoms), emotional (feelings), and behavioral abnormalities." It is also "characterized by long-lasting anxiety that is not focused on any particular object or situation." Translation, Anxiety Disorder is a state of worry and fear that is generated by your nervous system, which regulates things like touch, hearing and sight. It can be triggered by heredity, a