Today's post is brought to you by Lance Wiles. Lance is a new contributor to AG and I'm very thankful that he's decided to lend a hand to help our community. -- Paul Dooley When it comes to anxiety and panic, nutrition is just as important as any other coping mechanism. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of different views on diet and nutrition, and almost as many on supplements, medicines, and homeopathic treatments. What I will not do here, is dig into the basics of a well rounded diet. The first step in determining what is
The Cult Of Stress
We have all seen television images of cult members over the years. They are usually seen wearing matching clothes and hiding from t.v. news cameras as they dash for cover. Cult members seem weird, brainwashed, even dumb, but aren't we all cult members in a way? What I'm suggesting is that we all, to some extent, follow the pattern of life set forth by society. And in any industrialized nation this pattern is beset with stress of all kind. Work stress, school stress, financial stress, marital stress, so goes the pattern. Clearly we as a