News: New Research links high blood lead to increased risk of panic disorder and depression. Lead levels that were thought to be safe can cause damage to the central nervous system. Lead may also interfere with Serotonin levels in the brain. It argued that exposure to lead must be reduced. CLICK HERE to read full story.
What Everybody Ought to Know About Depression Self-Help
As you traverse the confusing landscape of anxiety you will likely come upon it's alter ego depression . In many respects anxiety and depression are different sides of the same coin since both have the capacity to tangle your emotions and leave you feeling utterly hopeless. Luckily like anxiety, depression tends to also respond well to treatment efforts like self help techniques designed to combat depression. In my view the goal of most types of therapy for depression and other thinking disorders is not only to reveal the root of your
If You’re Selfish, You Can Change (podcast)
Now you may or may not be a selfish person at heart but the fact of the matter is that anxiety and depression can make you selfish or at the very least make you seem selfish to others. Do you spend a lot of time wrapped in your own thoughts? Are you consumed by the next possible anxiety related disaster? Then chances are that you're struggling to get outside of yourself and maybe even having trouble in your personal relationships. However, even if this is the case you can make a change and not only preserve your relationships, but also
The Power Of Compassion
To feel persistent fear is to be miserable, to feel sad because of fear is painful, to feel alone is what anxiety can make you. But it isn't simply the fear, sadness or isolation that bends our will and weakens our resolve. No, it's more than this. It is the final culmination of all that we hate about anxiety - the final turn inward, the path away from the outside, away from what we all understand as normal and inside our minds in search of a way out. What then can we implement to counter this inward, self reflective, even self-absorbed
Why We Always Seek Reassurance
photo credit: basibanget Most people seek reassurance at some point or another. The vast majority of all people did this kind of thing on a regular basis as children. And when you have an anxiety disorder it's almost like we are kids again in the sense that the desire to seek reassurance can be almost automatic. But why is this the case? Well, the primary and most obvious reason is because anxiety disorder(s) create a tremendous amount of uncertainty. When we have a spike in anxious feelings or thoughts we become afraid, worried, and
Anxiety And Depression Can Be Funny
Anxiety disorders and depression are by their very nature serious things. So serious in fact that they both tend to suck the fun and joy out of life for extended durations of time. As a result I wanted to help some of you relax a little by sharing some jokes about anxiety and depression. Yes it's true, all this nuttiness can be funny. It's been known for some time that laughter can serve as a great supplemental therapy for things like stress, anxiety, and depression. It increases feel good chemicals like dopamine and simply makes you
Having More Friends Can Reduce Anxiety And Make You Happier
Sadly for the past ten years I have pushed away many friends and potential friends. Anxiety and depression just made me somewhat antisocial, self-isolated, and more focused on myself and my own worries. This phenomenon is actually fairly typical amongst anxiety sufferers but it's the complete opposite of this behavior that could be making us happier and less anxious people. Closeness to other human beings is extremely essential. From a purely psychological perspective this makes perfect sense. Being close to other individuals ensures a
NYT: Depression Gene Debunked
photo credit: Johnny Jet Article Highlights: It was thought that a single gene determined susceptibility to depression. New study finds that single gene for depression is not the case. It's thought that this new study will change future research in this field. Researchers found "no evidence of an association between the serotonin gene and the risk of depression". This will stir great debate. Click the image or click here to read the full article. While searching the internet to bring you even more things that make you say
My Experience In Therapy
Before I dive into this topic I just wanted to point out that I decided to write this post because a reader asked me to (which is great). His basic question was: Is therapy worth it? And what was your experience? Pretty basic on the face of it, but actually the events leading up to this and the subsequent therapy I underwent were rather profound, at least for me. I first want to talk about what happened to me before I went into therapy because I want those of you that see yourselves in me to consider therapy if you haven't before. Like