I'll be honest with you; this isn't a question I thought a lot about when I suffered from abnormal anxiety. I focused more on when my next panic attack was going to strike. Looking back though, I wish I had. Perhaps I would've understood what I needed to do sooner, or not. See, even after I knew what to do I stayed anxious anyway. It took a long time to go from "I get it," to "I truly understand." This, I think, explains why my two eBooks are so different. I recently had a reader email me this question: In the first book, you
How to Cope with Your Breathing Problem
Do you ever feel like you can't take a deep breath? Ever feel like you have a lump in your throat that just won't go away? Anxiety disorders can cause you to feel what seems like millions of symptoms and sensations. The feeling that you can't breathe right is a very common one. So your sitting there minding your own business when all of a sudden you feel like you can't expand your chest all the way. You yawn and sigh so that you can suck in more air, but as soon as you stop doing that you're right were you started. So what the heck is