Last year I was sitting at home thinking about how I couldĀ deliver exclusive content to people who are serious about getting better. What I came up with was a private website packed with rock solid information. And finally, after months of work, my members only website is ready to launch. In the members only area you'll find new podcasts, videos, articles, and a brand new forum. You can take a tour of the new site here. Why is the new website private? Many people with anxiety problems are reluctant to talk about their issues in
32 Strategies To Overcome Anxiety And Depression
I recently wrote about my day in the public library and how I was able to find a few books of some interest. One of the books I discovered is called Healing Anxiety and Depression. The book is filled with helpful information but one of the most useful was the list of 32 effective coping strategies found in chapter 20. I wouldn't say that the list is comprehensive but my goal is to share with you every little bit of information that you might find useful, effective, and worth trying to help you ease your anxiety. I didn't particularly agree
The Secret To My Semi Success
One of the biggest problems I had with unmasking my anxiety disorder and managing the related symptoms was tied to my utter ignorance about anxiety disorder(s) itself. The good news is that if you are reading this post than clearly you have some clue as to what's bothering you. But don't stop there because knowing is just half the battle (yes that is a line from G.I Joe). I really didn't know what I had back in 1999 when anxiety first struck me. I was confused, afraid, and worst of all I had no idea what was wrong. This leads me to the first
How To Defeat Negative Thinking
As we search for the best ways to defeat our anxiety symptoms sometimes we assume that the best solution to our problem just has to be complicated. How else could such a problem be dealt with right? Well I think that this is in fact not true. You've heard all the cliche's before, the shortest distance between two places is a straight line or how about the best solution is usually the most simple one so on and so forth. Although not always true, like if you wanted to build a space shuttle to reach Mars, simple is usually better. After all