Learning the facts about abnormal anxiety is a good way of getting your healing efforts off the ground. But chances are that you'll need more than facts alone. I say that because most people who read this blog are anxiety experts that stay anxious despite their impressive knowledge. All you have to do is read the comments on my most recent article to verify this. The power of anxiety, worry, negative thinking, and hopelessness are such that no matter what you know, it's not always enough to keep anxiety away. What helps more, I think,
10 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationships
Today, I get personal. But it's not because I'm looking for undue attention, it's because I thought it was the best way to describe how anxiety can come between you and the people you love. I also wanted to show you how you can overcome this phenomenon. At the height of my anxiety my wife and had problems, to say the least. I often had my head in the clouds and did nothing but complain about my anxiety. Eventually my wife and I ended up in a cold war of sorts. Unable to come together fully, but still had to try and find ways to deal
Self Care Plan
photo credit: psd What could be more important than taking care of yourself? Even if you’re taking care of others you still need to take care of yourself to keep going. But for those of us living with anxiety, taking care of ourselves can present some special challenges and is even more important for a lot of reasons. A self care plan will help you to remember what to do to start feeling better and remind you of ways to deal with those sticky moments when you’re feeling anxious or panicking. So why do you need a self care plan? Well,
Are You Lazy Or Is Anxiety Slowing You Down?
One of the most unfortunate symptoms of an anxiety disorder is insomnia and to those that deal with it bless you all. Not being able to sleep is horrible but what if you have the opposite problem? Leave it to anxiety to be confused about how to make your life harder. It is true however that anxiety can put you in a near slumber and never ending state of sluggishness. Although feeling tired and slow are not startling (for the most part) they can put a damper on your daily routine. Want to go out? Not really. Want to exercise? Nope. Can you
The Modern Anxiety Epoch
As an anxiety sufferer it is normal to feel like you're all alone in the world. But according to some studies you are part of a growing number of people with an anxiety disorder. Some scientist believe that as much as 16% of the worlds population will have prolonged anxiety during their lifetime. That means that out of the worlds current population of 6.6 billion people a little over a billion of us will have problems with anxiety. Clearly you have plenty of company and you are by no means a special case. In fact, anxiety disorder is one of