Who knew that those that suffer from mental ailments had their own global holiday? I didn't. It turns out that Friday October 10, 2008 was World Mental Health Day. This mental health initiative is the creation of the World Federation for Mental Health or the WFMH . The stated goal of this quasi holiday slash global mental health awareness movement states as it's priority the "scaling up of services through citizen advocacy and action". The first Mental Health Health Day was celebrated in 1992 and so it only took me 16 years to hear about
Anxiety Guru’s 100th Post
So this marks the 100th time that I've tried to tell someone something about anxiety. It's been nearly six months since I started writing this blog and since that time it has been growing steadily. I wanted to take a moment to thank all my readers. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and making what I do worth while. I work hard to bring everyone information I think is worth knowing and try to present it in a somewhat amusing way. I also wanted to take a moment to reintroduce myself as well. My about me page is bland but
Top Ten Signs That You Have An Anxiety Disorder
Have you ever wondered what exactly makes you officially anxiety ridden? I have thought about this question a lot and I wanted to a create a list of behaviors that say anxiety disorder loud and clear. Now this stuff is only funny when it's not happening, but it can be funny. You know you have an anxiety disorder when... 1. You enjoy checking your pulse AND have other people check your pulse too. 2. You can't sleep at night and watch colorful, cheesy and old television shows to help you fall asleep. 3. You question your sanity at