I mentioned a few weeks ago that I've been working on an ebook and today I just wanted to follow up on my initial introduction. I've been working on what I call a special report for about 3 months now. The special report is a 50 page white paper on how to stop anxious thinking. I've been wanting to write and publish this report for some time, but I always put it off because I felt that it takes a lot more effort to write reports than it does to write a blog post. The problem, however, wasn't the increased effort needed, but the fact that
How to Stop the Mind Shift
The mind shift is the switch from normal thinking to saying to yourself something like, "oh no!" or "I'm going to die!" It's the dividing line between regular thoughts and panicked thoughts. It's easy to recognize this shift in thinking, and once you do it well, it can help you to reduce and shorten your bouts of anxiety and panic. This mind shift happens fast, and many times it happens so fast that you seem to fall into a panic state without even knowing how it happened. That's why you'll often hear people say that they were doing
Big Pharma Rejected
News: Pfizer's epilepsy drug Lyrica was recently rejected by the FDA as a treatment option for generalized anxiety disorder. The FDA claims that there is not enough data to support the unlabeled use of Lyrica. Pfizer isn't happy and claims that this drug could help anxiety sufferers. CLICK HERE to read the full story. Editor's Note: Now, is it just me or does something seem wrong here? It seems like anxiety disorder always gets the short end of the stick when it comes to drugs. You always hear about drugs meant for
Learning How To Relax
Today I wanted to introduce you to a great resource called The Reality of Anxiety . The Reality of Anxiety is authored by Aimee who was kind enough to offer some tips for my readers on how to reach that ever elusive state of relaxation. Learning How to Relax This month I have been looking into different ways to relax. Not just take-a-hot-bath relax (although I have been doing that too), but techniques that can have a significant effect on my anxiety. It’s important to reverse the effects that panic does to our bodies, specifically
Why An Anxious Mind Can Make You Vulnerable to Suggestibility
Have you ever wondered why you become so afraid when you have an anxious thought? It could be a thought about a potential panic attack, fear of embarrassing yourself, fear of going crazy or if you're in a depressive mode perhaps fear of hurting yourself or someone else. Most times you might yell internally and pronounce to yourself that you would never take action on that nasty thought. So why all the associated fear? In a word, suggestibility . Like a hypnotherapist, anxiety has the ability to manipulate your emotions and your thought
The Power Of Compassion
To feel persistent fear is to be miserable, to feel sad because of fear is painful, to feel alone is what anxiety can make you. But it isn't simply the fear, sadness or isolation that bends our will and weakens our resolve. No, it's more than this. It is the final culmination of all that we hate about anxiety - the final turn inward, the path away from the outside, away from what we all understand as normal and inside our minds in search of a way out. What then can we implement to counter this inward, self reflective, even self-absorbed
Why We Always Seek Reassurance
photo credit: basibanget Most people seek reassurance at some point or another. The vast majority of all people did this kind of thing on a regular basis as children. And when you have an anxiety disorder it's almost like we are kids again in the sense that the desire to seek reassurance can be almost automatic. But why is this the case? Well, the primary and most obvious reason is because anxiety disorder(s) create a tremendous amount of uncertainty. When we have a spike in anxious feelings or thoughts we become afraid, worried, and
My 10th Anxiety Anniversary
In August of 1999 I had my first panic attack. Since that time I've had a life filled with anxiety, worry, fear, and general apprehension. The fact that I have anxiety is not really surprising when you think about it. My great grandmother, grandmother and mother all had or have the condition. In my case it was mostly genetics that brought this on, but whatever the cause it all sucks nonetheless. In retrospect despite my long struggle with anxiety I've still lead a relatively normal life. Sure I've missed some parties, don't drink, or
Weed, marijuana, pot, hash, dope – it has a million names but I guess the most universal is cannabis so that’s the one I’ll stick with here. After alcohol, nicotine and caffeine it is the most commonly used drug. Indeed over one hundred million Americans have tried it and twenty five million in the past year. And why not? It’s not physically addictive, it can relax you and can cause euphoria. It can turn you into the world’s greatest philosopher! Therefore why, you might ask, am I bothering to write this article? Well, I guess it’s by way of
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