All right, all right... I know this post might only appeal to the drinkers among you, but I just had to do a podcast on this topic. Today, I want to do more than just answer the question: Why does alcohol cause anxiety? I want to get into details, motives, and provide you with some information that I hope will help you to avoid the panic and worry associated with alcohol related anxiety. The deal is, I wrote about this topic a long time ago and it has become the most popular article on Anxiety Guru Dot Net, so elaborating on the
How I Beat My Worst Anxiety Phobia: I Got Drunk
The other day we had several people over for barbecue and good times, but before the soiree took place I vowed to do two things - 1. Get drunk and 2. Be alright with being drunk. Usually I'd tell you that alcohol and anxiety just don't mix, and I think this is still the case. Lots of people use alcohol to cope with anxiety but inevitably this leads to alcohol dependence and - ironically - more anxiety. So it really is a non-starter. But this post isn't a celebration of alcohol or alcohol influenced text messages (of which I indulged in