When you think of meditation you probably picture something like these guys. Everyone wearing white, barefooted, and doing a real special kind of zoning out. Well, that's one picture anyway. But the reality of meditation is a lot more useful and varied than you might imagine. In this week's episode of The Anxiety Guru Show I explore meditation in a brand new way. Usually I do a little research and combine it with my own experience to deliver something of value. But this week I went above and beyond. I reached out to two
Relaxation Is Control
Recently I was talking to a psychologist friend of mine who was trying to explain traumatic brain injuries to me when we suddenly switched to anxiety disorders. During the conversation my friend blurts out this gem of a statement. He says, "Control is relaxation."As he continued to talk I kept thinking, "Holy moly that was good." I've explained the same concept in way more complicated terms. What he said reminded me of Apple products; clean, simple, and effective. So what does that statement mean? First, I flipped the statement around
If You Don’t Stop Mind Reading Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later
No matter how hard you might try you will never be able to read minds; this despite your anxiety driven belief that you know what other people are thinking when they stare at you from across a room. I recently spoke with a friend about this and I thought I'd write about it in the future, then I thought why wait? It seemed like an immediate issue for my friend, it only made sense to me that there would be more people with the same problem. I used to try and "read" other people's mind too, that is until I realized how pointless it was. At
Learning To Accept Your Anxiety
Learning how to accept your anxiety disorder is actually very difficult. This is because our natural instinct is to fight our anxiety symptoms and do all you can to push your anxious thoughts and feelings out of our mind. But in fact, really accepting your anxiety disorder is perhaps the best way to manage and ultimately eliminate anxiety from your life. Sometimes when people ask you to accept something you really don't fully accept it. What a lot of us do instead is just put up with whatever the issue is. However, in order to really