No, really, I had a panic attack. After a couple of years of not having a major one, here is what I learned.
The first thing that struck me about this particular panic attack was the ferocity – I mean this thing was big. Like a tsunami wave looming over me, I could feel it coming. But, despite it’s rapid onset, I never had the feeling that I would die or go crazy.
In the past death and insanity were the two main things I was waiting for. In this case, I was just waiting for it to die down and that took about ten minutes. In a strange way I was kind of glad that I had this panic attack because I was able to experience it from a completely different perespective than before.
I was able to objectively experience it, flow with it, and use my head and not my gut reactions to cope.
Now, I won’t lie to you, for about 10 seconds I thought oh crap! Then, just as suddenly I said to myself, “ok, been here before, let’s dance!”
My head was being filled with all I knew… namely that panic, anxiety, fast heart rates, fast breathing, vertigo and so on are damn annoying, but not dangerous. So, with this firm knowledge I rode the wave of panic, looking for the exit. But as I searched I walked and didn’t try to run to the end of it.
I’m also glad this happened because it proved what I’ve been telling you for so long. And that is that anxiety, in all it’s forms, will not harm you and that it can be tamed with knowledge, acceptance and patience. It also proves that you can manage it to the point of mastery. By the end of it I was sitting on top of this thing like an MMA fighter pounding it with the truth.
It was a hell of a way to prove a point to myself, but it’s good to know that I am where I think I am. Had I fallen apart it would have made me feel like a dance instructor that can’t dance, but this guy was doing the cha cha with skill.
I’m back to normal and don’t expect anymore panic attacks for now, but of course anxiety is unpredictable so anything is possible. That being said, if I do panic again it better not take more than ten minutes because I got things to do.
Side note:
For the past year I’ve been thinking about whether or not to up the ante at That is, should I expand the website, podcast, and even extend my message into the world of video? Should this site try to reach more people? Does this website help you? That is the question. I thought the best way to gauge this is to ask you since you are the one that uses the site. So, to that end, I added a poll to get a snap shot of what you think.
Because if this website it truly helping people I need to know so that I can do the right thing and send this thing into orbit!
And remember, even if you don’t normally comment, I really need your input on this one. It’s a game changing decision. So please vote and send me a word or two if you can. Thanks.
[poll id=”10″]
I LOVE this website! Thanks so much for all the time and research you put into this. It’s awesome that there is a place where panic/anxiety sufferers can get help without having to shell out hundreds of dollars for various programs. Thank you–seriously–you’re efforts are really appreciated.
whoohoo! great job kicking that panic attack to the curb. 🙂
Just listened to your podcast on anxiety and found it very helpful. I think you should definitely take it up to 11! 🙂
Your website helped me feel much less alone when it came to my anxiety. Even with going to therapy it can feel like I’m the only one dealing with these issues. Your website was a great tool to help me get better quicker.
Alright! I knew you guys were around. Thanks to those that voted. This small sample tells me that Anxiety Guru dot net should expand. So, although the expansion process will take months, it’s good to know that I have your support.
I have never commented before.
This website was a tremendous help in my continuing recovery from anxiety. The way you describe and put thoughts into words is amazing.
I’m so glad I stumbled onto this site last year. It really helped me focus on the positive instead of all the negativity there is out there with people posting all sorts of bad experience. Reading people’s bad experiences with anxiety made me worse and made me focus on symptoms. Your website does the opposite.
Thankyou so much.
Paul this site helps. It help me gain some control back in my life.
Great job over coming the panic attack. You are a true inspiration .
Thank you
Hi jj, I’m glad to hear from you. Thanks for the compliment.
First of all – I’m glad to hear about your panic attack and the success with it!
Second of all – EXPAND!! I LOVE THIS SITE! You have been so helpful to me…the special report was awesome, your website is so helpful, and I SO appreciated your email to me over a question I was mulling over.
I’m not anxiety free, yet. But when I come here, I feel hopeful and normal, and that is huge.
Oh – and I COMPLETELY agree with jj. Like I said – this site is full of hope, not stories of people wallowing in anxiety. SO what I need.
Hi Emily, I’m very happy to hear that this site helps you the way you describe. That means a lot to me.
I am late coming to your poll/question, but wanted to say that this site has helped me enormously–the site, the comments, the podcasts. Please continue, expand. Thank you
i want to say what a huge help this site has been to me, when i have had an anxiety attack i feel as though i am going mad after coming to this site i realize no i am not mad just anxious and feel good again thank you so much paul this site is FAB!
This has got to be the funniest post I’ve read. Informative but hysterical. After years and several episodes and acquiring my LVN, I suffered an anxiety ( BAD ONE ) and during it I panicked to the point of no return. Afterwards, I was fine. This post is a great reminder on educating myself of the cortisol/adrenaline factor and let go and float though a panic attack. Next time I hope to just think “let’s dance.” great post and keep it up! Congrats on the masters!!!
Hi well ive been having anxiety syptoms for more than two years. I just cNt accept its Anxiety. I finish with one syptom another starts. Everything hurt. My head I got cat scan then mri. Bloodwork couple times chest xray echo for the heart three times and I dont know. Pain in both ears but doctor says no infection chest pain toes goes numb pain ful left arm pressure everywhere even my nose throat has aching pain but no infection. I dont know what to do any more I need god to help me . I have three kids
Hi Zainab,
Please consider seeking professional help. Try not to just wait it out. It sounds like you’re having a really hard time (totally understandable) and when that’s the case the best thing you can do is reach out to someone for help.
Think about meeting someone on a plane who suffers horribly from panic attacks and really doesn’t understand what it going on. Imagine being able to assure them that they are not alone and that’s it’s actually not dangerous and empowering them to kick its butt like you just did. Giving them their life back. Any way you can expand this to do that for more people, I say do it.
This helped me so much. I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks and irrational fears and have been to the er multiple times for this. But reading this calmed my mind and body. Thank you so much.
I’m so glad I found this website. I’ve been having a rapid heart rate and felt all of the things you have described. I’ve been under tremendous stress for a little over three years. I think it’s catching up with me. Reading your viewpoints has been very helpful. Keep the help coming. I really need it. Thank you.