Steve Jobs once said…
You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
Ain’t that the truth?
The problem is that simplifying our thoughts is complicated. Our minds are in constant search of connections, patterns and meaning, setting the stage for a whole lot of thinking and not much else.
We often get bogged down in details that don’t matter and stay distracted enough to miss all the important stuff.
I’m no different. Take my original website for example. It had lots of buttons, colors and things I thought people wanted. But I got it all wrong. People just want information – plain and simple.
I’ve unplugged my busy website design in favor of something that calms and highlights what matters. I’ve set my ego and all the unrealistic expectations its placed on me aside and plan on serving you something different.
I hope you enjoy it.
Very true Paul. Congrats on the new site and I look forward to reading more content in the future.
I like the new more clensed look, but I’d like to see a “search” and an “archives”
tab. Also, maybe a direct link to your podcasts. I am always greatful for the advice you make available to us all.
great work with website. It looks much more clean, calming and honest.Would be great to have categories or tags, plus resource section to help find people things faster.
Hey guys, Glad you like the new design. I’ve added an archives and podcast page per your recommendations. For now I think I’ll leave it at that. Trying to make this as basic as possible.
Awesome new website. It’s simple and basic to use. As always your information is the highlight of the website! Great job Paul!
Well done Paul, lovely website! Glad the archives and podcasts were added as well – they hold such important and helpful information!
Hi Paul,
Just came back to your site. I’ve been a fan since about 2008, when I visited all the time. Over the years, my visits have become fewer and farther between, thanks to YOU! But I’m going through another little bout right now, so back I come. What a peaceful design. SO grateful you stick with us, and keep working to change and improve to help us!!
Thanks Emily,
I really appreciate the vote of confidence. Although I’m not happy to hear that you’re having a bout with anxiety, I’m glad you came back to AG.
I enjoy coming here and are following you on Twitter and Facebook.
I prefer simple myself. If you add too many trumpets and whistles to the site then it loses it’s authenticity … Just my opinion of course.