An essential component of anxiety disorder is rumination . That is the constant and intense brooding about problems or perceived problems. It is the extreme version of simple worry and there is a name for it – pure obsessional OCD or “Pure O.”
Now, there are several levels of worry. And I want to make clear that this is a very intense type of worry and anxiety tied to disturbing thoughts. In other words, if you ruminate about household chores this is not the same as having Pure O.
Pure Obsession is unlike simple worry in that it entails some specific characteristics. Here are a few:
- Intrusive thoughts of you harming loved ones.
- Recurrent thoughts of molesting children.
- Repeated thoughts of hurting people, such as running over pedestrians while driving.
- Disturbing mental images of various type.
Although traditionally we associate OCD with repetitive rituals, such as obsessive cleaning, in the case of Pure O there are no outward signs of obsession. This is a thought based manifestation of chronic anxiety.
First and foremost never rely on the internet for diagnosis. This podcast is informative in nature and not meant as a diagnostic guide. Always consult a medical professional for an accurate assessment.
That being said, it is important to know that there are names, labels, and information for virtually all anxiety related issues. In my experience, when people can identify their problem it demystifies the source of their concern and it makes it somewhat easier to manage the problem.
So that’s what it is, how do you fix it? Treatment of Pure O is the same as it is for “regular” OCD and anxiety disorders in general. There is psychotherapy, specific therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, drug therapy, and a slew of natural alternatives.
To be honest Pure O is a tough cookie to crack. It is thought based and therefore there are no outward symptoms to treat. How do you heal the mind? Well if I knew I’d be rich, but for starters anxiety reduction must be of the utmost importance. Since it is the chronic anxiety and related mental fatigue that opens the door to Pure O.
The reason I decided to create a podcast on this subject is because there is some detail that I felt couldn’t be added in a short space. So instead of slogging through more text take a listen to the podcast and explore Pure O a little more.
Thank you for all that you put into this. It really helps those suffering from all types of anxiety. I have had many different forms, but I’m currently dealing with horriable intrusive thoughts (phrases/sentences) that run through my mind. And mostly out of nowhere….but very disturbing. I was molested at three and suffered lots of trauma/backlash/guilt/acting out resulting from that throughout the years. While I have been to therapy and thought I had worked though the vast majority of those issues, now that I’m pregnant with my first child…..I keep getting disturbing intrusive thoughts surrounding the subject of child molestation. It freaks me out! I’ve learned to realize that it’s a thought only, but it still makes me sick and affects me in a bad way. I know I would never hurt any child and my therapist has confirmed me that it’s just all the guilt and junk from what happen to me that causes this these intrusive thoughts. But it still does not seem to make it stop….I even try to to stop the emotional attachment to the thoughts…..but it just breaks my heart that they even come. I often think….if people could hear this thought that keeps learking around in my mind OUT OF NOWHERE…..they would think I am crazy! I pray all the time and talk to my closes friends (from whom have been earth angels to me and truly help me cope with the negative it affects it has on me both emotionally and physically), but they have been so persitent now that I’m going to have a child of my own. While I know I will get thru this and that there is hope….I am seeing myself becoming obsessed with it. I want my life back! I’ve worked hard to forgive the past and move on… why can’t my mind follow suit??
Hi Anonymous,
This is a tough one. Actually, I had the exact same problem for years. It’s sort of a pattern I guess that takes you from anxiety, to depression, and finally ends up with obsession.
But in the end, it’s all related to anxiety. It’s good to hear that you know that this will come to an end, it always does.
Just remember that thoughts are only thoughts, no matter how dangerous or crazy they might seem.
And it’s great that you fear the bad thoughts you have because that just confirms that your a normal person going through emotional troubles. Not some nut job that’s going to harm people.
If you feel overwhelmed try not to shy away from seeking counseling.
Trust me, your going to be OK. Take a deep breath and relax those shoulders. Thoughts, even in their extreme form, are harmless. It’s our reaction to them that counts most.
If you have more questions send me an email through the contact form.
It is a very interesting subject
matter. When the mind is tired, anything can transpire and feel insanely real. I sometimes question whether people might be apt to inadvertently act on thoughts, but the fact that none of us want to be thinking the way we do in the first place, it can never be possible.
Not that i wish this on anyone, but I feel better I am not the only one…. WOW…. it is true they are just thoughts and doesnt mean that we are crazy… A psychologist once told me .. Your NOT crazy, Crazy people dont know they are crazy… SO TRUE…
Mate, thank you very much. For 13 years i’ve been suffering from anxiety. I have been reading books, forums, seeing shrinks…but never really felt that i have pin pointed my issue. Your bit on pure ocd sums me up perfectly. i feel as if i have hit the nail on the dead and now i have a “target” i can seek it out and take it down,
thanks again
You’re welcome Nick. I hope you have a clear way forward now.
I can’t find anything on parenting a child with OCD. My child left home and went to college. He was working and sleeping. Not even eating. We brought him home and now he is 32 and can’t move out. Is it cruel to make him move if he is so ill?
Thank you!
Hey Gayle, What does your gut say? That’s where you’ll find your answer.
My gut and my heart? Are they not the same? The battle is never turn your back on someone who needs you. Listening to others, just kick him out! I have told him to try again but we will always be there for him. He has OCD so bad he is very debilitated. God help us!
Wow thank you for that ppd cast. Just so you know I have tried to get help. I ve been on a wait list for two years lol.