Article Highlights:
- Children exposed to community violence were found to have high levels of stress hormones.
- The development of PTSD in children can lead to emotional and behavioral problems.
- Study calls for more investigations into the link between exposure to violence and increased stress in children.
To read the full article click on the image above.
There’s also another kind of PTSD that NO research has been done on: It’s parents or caregives that are providing protective supervision for self injurious autistic children. See You Tube video: “saving autistic adults from institutions part two” and see a mom who says PTSD is common with parents who are constantly trying to protect their autistic children {or children with epilepsy} from harm. There’s the constant hypervigilance of hearing a bump, crash or smash that could be something falling from having a seizure somewhere in the house, or if they’re in bath, and you have to constantly check person to make sure they aren’t drowing from seizure, or in case of autistic self abusive person, every hit sounds, triggers a response that you may have to act to protect person from bodily injury. A most intense bizzare situation that has never been studied.