In August of 1999 I had my first panic attack. Since that time I’ve had a life filled with anxiety, worry, fear, and general apprehension. The fact that I have anxiety is not really surprising when you think about it. My great grandmother, grandmother and mother all had or have the condition.
In my case it was mostly genetics that brought this on, but whatever the cause it all sucks nonetheless. In retrospect despite my long struggle with anxiety I’ve still lead a relatively normal life. Sure I’ve missed some parties, don’t drink, or like to fly, but by in large my life has been alright.
After 10 years I can honestly say that anxiety doesn’t kill you. It might feel like it will, repeatedly, but it never does. Living an anxious life is no picnic as many of you know but I guess my point is that you can still live a relatively normal life.
I have certainly come a long way. From not understanding what I had, all the way to trying to help others to cope with the many trials that anxiety inevitably produces. Ten years is a long time and even though this all might continue I can tell you that I won’t dwell on it. I will, as we all should, do the best I can to accept my condition fully and live the best life that I possibly can.
Congratulations man, i am also coming up on the ten year anniversary of my first nervous break down. All i can say is keep going life does get better over time