According to a new study in the Journal Depression and Anxiety the answer is no. Massage is not better than deep breathing or other commonly used techniques to reduce anxiety. But my question is: Is that really a surprise?
When feeling anxious the last thing I want is a rub down. Massages usually require close contact with a stranger and stillness – and I have both in very short supply when I’m jazzed on anxiety.
Theoretically, I could see why getting a massage would seem soothing – and it could be – but I think that it’s more likely to make me uncomfortable and suspicious of arousing even more anxiety.
The other issue is cost. Even on the cheap massages are not really cheap. When you think about it, cheap massage is an oxymoron, like oil water. At a local mall for example, we have these guys that post up at a kiosk and offer 30 minute massages for $15. Now, that doesn’t sound like a ton of money, but what if you get anxious several times a week and the massage is really doing it for you? Expensive indeed.
The point is you don’t need to spend loads of money to reduce anxiety. Mediation, exercise, sleeping and so on, are all free. And nowadays free sounds just right.
Paul, you make a good point that close contact with a stranger and stillness are not what we feel like at all when anxiety is running high. Yet massage can really help relieve anxiety. Ayurveda recommends that we give ourselves a quick massage with oil regularly – that way we are countering the discomfort of stillness with gentle activity, and using supportive self-care which builds strength without having to subject ourselves to contact from a stranger. It also takes care of the cost factor, as the only expense is the oil.
I like your closing words that meditation, exercise, breathing etc are free and that reminded me that my Ayurvedic Practitioner taught me that massage can be too.
with best wishes,
When I find out I have anxiety disorder, I come to seek of the most convenient way of treating it, and there I have learned that massage can be a big help.