A few weeks ago I asked for feedback about whether or not I should expand this website and the response was great. That kind of response tells me that people are being helped by this site and that what I do is having an impact. Now, I’d like to ask you about a few specifics, because I’d like to get an idea of what would help the most.
Design – Right now my web design is not bad, I guess. But, the next change will have to last for some time so I want to make sure that everything is optimized. I have three basic design concepts in mind and I’d like for you to give me your opinion about which one you would prefer and why.
1. Simple: Like all designs the “simple” look has its good and bad points. Take a look at an example of a simple site here.
2. Semi-Simple: This is a balance between simple and busy. How about this layout here?
3. Busy: This style is closer to a news site, but has the feel of a larger resource too. You can see an example here.
Alright, so there are the three basic layouts. Your favorite?
Content – The most important element to all this is, of course, content. Here are a few things I’m thinking of adding.
1. Article submission: I’d like to add a feature that would allow readers to easily submit articles to the site. So, would you be interested in what other readers have to say?
2. More content: As of right now I don’t write or podcast as much as I would like, but I’m also unsure about how often you would like to see new content – once per week? 2-3 per week? Let me know.
3. Style: And what about the direction of the site. Right now it’s geared more toward teaching versus being about me, this will stay the same but, having said that, would you like to know more about me?
4. Video: Are you interested in video content? Or is a podcast plenty?
5. Podcast: Do you enjoy the current format of the Anxiety Guru Show? Or would you like to see more interviews? Different topics perhaps?
OK, so I don’t want you to fall asleep on me. I just need some insight from the people that matter the most when it comes to this site. Anxiety Guru has always been about you and I value your opinion.
A few of you came out of your shell a couple weeks ago to tell me your views on the value of this site, and I’d like to thank each and everyone that commented or voted. Now, I need you all to come out of your shell. I consider what I do here to be serious biz, and I want to get this re-launch right. Your feedback is vital. Please help me make Anxiety Guru Dot Net all it can be. Comment below!
On a very important side note I’d also like to invite 1-2 people to help me edit this site. I’ve had a few readers help out every now and then in the past but then kind of fade away, so I’m asking for 1-2 serious people to inquire.
What does an editor do? An editor at Anxiety Guru will research and create content using text, sound, pictures, video or other mediums.
At first this would be a volunteer position, as the main focus is and shall always be to help people first. However, this could turn into a paid position down the line.
If you’re interested, send me an email at info@anxietyguru.net with a little history about you and a writing sample about an anxiety related issue – your pick!
What am I looking for in an editor? A few things:
1. You must be able to write. I know that I”m no Hemingway, but you have to have a handle on the English language and know how to convey it effectively.
2. You need to care. You must have an altruistic drive for it’s own sake. This sight is not about making money, it’s about helping people cope with anxiety and depression. That is the mission.
3. Spare time. The time commitment would be approximately 2-5 hours per week. Not much, but you’d be surprised how easily people get distracted.
If you’re interested – and serious – I will give you more details via email. Can’t wait to hear from you.
For design, I think the simple/semi-simple would be a good choice. The busy one, while might look like a bigger resource, takes away from the “personal” feeling of the website.
– Submitting articles would be cool. I know my interest peaked when you mentioned editors, but I don’t know if I could make the commitment, so being able to submit an article when the mood strikes would be a cool feature. I think hearing about other peoples experiences helps create a “community”.
– I’d like to see something new once a week. Twice a week would be great…I mean, the more the better!
– I like the way the site is geared, but having more about you/your experiences would be cool too.
– Video would be great!
– I think the podcasts are great, although mixing them up would be welcome. It’s nice having a type of podcast you can listen to over and over that is just about something specific you’re going through.
Rachel, You’re awesome. Thanks for taking the time to respond. It helps!
My two cents!
Design: I lean more towards the semi-simple since I think it is easier to navigate through to find a specific topic / article than a straight up simple website. I think the busy is too…well, BUSY. And yes – it does lose some of the personal touch that way.
Content: I think article submission would be great, as long as it’s well controlled. The best thing about this site is the uplifting, hopeful, helpful nature and I’d never want anything to take away from that. But I love to hear from other people, especially success stories.
And the more content the better! So…whatever works for you on that front. I’d love to see new stuff every day! Of course I would never want quality to suffer for the sake of quantity, but I have a feeling you would never let that happen.
As far as podcasts / videos / etc., go, I have to admit that as much as I love this site, I don’t listen to the podcasts. I would LIKE to, but I’m running around after my kids all day and that isn’t conducive to listening on an iPod with earphones…nor do I want the kids hearing out loud on the computer that I’m anxious. Yes, I want them to learn to deal with anxiety. I just don’t want them to worry that I’M worried all the time!! Maybe that’s an unfounded worry (oh boy, here we go!), but I’ve actually always wished that there were transcripts of the podcasts available (are there? Am I missing something?).
All in all, this is hands down the best anxiety website out there. I’m thrilled to the tips of my toes that you are looking to expand it. I think everyone in our position needs to find this space, and this will help them to help themselves.
Thanks again for all you do.
Paul, I’ve always thought that simple is best, online. Look at the most successful sits out there. (Ebay, Yahoo, Amazon.) All VERY simple and text-based, with functionality over style being their goal.
I think your current site structure is nice and easy to use. You could add a little “shout out” chat board to the front page. That’s a nice, interactive touch that I noticed on one other anxiety site. It would be good here, I think.
Bryan, I think you’re right. I think simple is the way to go. Glad I asked!
Honestly what this site needs is one thing that no other site on the web (that I know of) provides. A way to connect the readers with professional therapists. This is somewhat impossible but maybe the community could figure out how to make something happen. This site as it is has helped me immensely and I am hugely grateful, but I believe most of us probably need some form of therapy to fully recover.
What stands in the way for a lot of us (especially those with social phobia/anxiety)from getting therapy on our own is our problem itself as well as other factors such as money.
If this site could provide resources to ease the process of getting help I think it would be of huge benefit to those of us that need help.
I don’t know how it could be done but I think its worth a shot, could we get therapists to donate their time?
As a community I believe we have the power to change the lives of countless individuals who are looking for help.
(Could this site offer some sort of online CBT and therapy?)
(Could scientific and very specific guides be made for self help in all types of situations)
I think whats import is that the site doesn’t promote users to drown in sorrow online. Its very important to lean on each other for support but I also think it is important that this site takes the proactive approach of: this is whats wrong, this is how you can try to fix it, go out and change your life. Basically what im saying is less time talking and more time doing. That may sound a bit harsh but I don’t mean it like that at all.
Thats just my 2 cents.
Hey Paul
First of all, I want to thank you for having this site. It has been a real blessing to me to know I am not the only dealing with, what I call, The Beast. I think for design purposes I like the semi-simple, but I also think you should have a section called, Ask The Guru, where readers can submit questions to you and you can respond to them at your convenience. Again, thanks so much for being so helpful. God Bless you.
I like that idea John, “Ask the Guru”.
Rachel makes sense to me but I trust you Paul. Do what you think is best.
What a great publish. I truly love reading these kinds or content articles. I can?t wait to find out what others have to say.