As we all know living an anxious and or depressed life is very hard. As a result feelings and thoughts about the affects of anxiety and depression in our lives run wild at times. In addition, we tend to grow resentful and isolated since many anxiety sufferers tend to think that they are suffering alone, but of course you’re not.
Anxiety and depression affect millions of people every year and this has probably been the case since the cave days. In any event, I want to know what bothers you about your anxiety and or depression. What aspect(s) of living an anxious life do you dislike the most? This is not an exercise in self pity (which is futile), but rather a way to share and learn about what we go through. Please feel free to rant and remember comments are mandatory on this one.
The question is regarding anxiety and depression: you hate it when …..
Man, this coul be a long list so bear with me. I hate it when:
1. My heart skips a beat – this is scary.
2. I feel out of control with anxiety.
3. I think that anxiety might kill me or that I have something wrong with me (usually heart related).
4. When I obsess over having a heart condition when I probably don’t.
5. When anxiety gets in the way of my normal, day to day life and maes me feel like a weirdo…
Well, I’m certain I could come up with a few more but I’ll be here all day otherwise so I’ll leave it there!
Well, as for myself I don’t even know were to begin. So here I go. I hate it when I get so worked up that I don’t even see it coming.
I get mad at myself when I feel like I’m going to be going out of my mind.
I get upset when my body starts to shake. And if I try and control it the shakeing gets worris.
I think the last thing is that it just takes all of my energy for a day or two.
Just like the person before me I could go on for ever. Yet, I will stop right now.
When I sit still and yet I feel slightly dizzy.
I hate when my heart rate gets over 100 bpm, I always swear I’m going to die at that point. I know better, but anxiety does not care.
I hate it when:
I constantly worry that something is wrong with me, even though I’m healthy
I feel dizzy
I cannot tell the difference whether I am sick or I am panicking
Anxiety makes me want to stay in bed instead of enjoy my life
I hate feeling dizzy and unable to focus and concentrate, especially at work. I hate it when my body parts twitch. I am just starting to get used to the feelings and accept them.
I hate it when I have aches and pains all over, including head, legs, back, jaw and feet…it makes me worry that something is really wrong and not just anxiety.
I hate it when I get stuck in confusion or something triggers a bad memory and the chain of bad memories taunt and torture me.
I hate it when I can’t breath. When Im all tense, uptight, and shaky. I hate writing these things because that makes me nervous. Am I expressing myself well and saying what I want to say?
I hate it when…
My son has to watch my husband drive me to the ER because I am in the middle of a gigantic panic attack. When I have to call 911 because I feel like I am going to die and I have to watch my son cry. When my chest hurts suddenly, and for no reason. When I start feeling ‘out of it’ confused, dizzy weird. And most importantly, I HATE it when I cannot even go out to have a dinner with my family without having to ask for the food to go because I am having an attack. I hate that I am afraid to drive in a car because I am afraid I am going to die in an accident… this list really could go on.
I hate it when nobody listens. I hate it when everytime I try to tell someone “hey, I need some help” im brushed off. I hate feeling alone, and having episodes of extreme panic. I hate always feeling sick or like something is wrong with me, on the inside. I hate the headaches, the forgetfulness, I hate when my heart goes so fast it feels like its about to explode out of my chest. I hate laying in bed all day, feeling hopeless. I hate having no drive to do things. I hate getting angry and sad at people I love for no reason. I hate that I do things to hurt people (not physically) without feeling anything about it. I hate being terrified of new people, not knowing what to say, being judged, not looking them in the eyes. But most of all I hate when I know “its fine, its all in my head” but I feel truly powerless to control any of it.
I hate waking up in the middle of the night. I hate being constantly on the “worry wheel”. I hate that I am anxious at most times & when anxiety gets worse I can’t focus on positive affirmations or prayer to retrain my brain. I am thankful that I am not suffering alone.
I hate it when…
I feel nausea for a few days in a row
I can’t function on college or in every other way
I feel my heart rate is higher than it should be
I have scary dreams
I worry about silly things and I can’t stop even though I know that it’s stupid and silly.