photo credit: stevendepolo
photo credit: Torley
Unlike the common cold or the flu anxiety disorders follow a much slower progression. It could all start with panic attacks, then hypochondria, racing thoughts, palpitations and then, well then depression becomes a real possibility.
After years of being anxious a person can and often will develop depression and I want to detail how one can tell the difference between anxiety and depression. Let’s start by taking a look at the symptoms for both anxiety disorders and depression.
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders Symptoms of Depression
- Chest pain or tightness —————————- Problems concentrating
- Cold chills or hot flashes ————————– Fatigue and decreased energy
- Dizziness ————————————————- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness
- Feeling of falling ————————————–Feeling pessimistic
- headaches ————————————————Insomnia
- Heart palpitations ———————————— Trouble getting out of bed
- Nausea ————————————————— Irritability
- Muscle twitching or muscle aches ———– Eating too much or too little
- Numbness ———————————————- Lost of interest in things you like
- Shooting pains —————————————-Thoughts of suicide
- Easily startled —————————————– Frequent thoughts of death
- Lump in the throat ———————————-Crying Spells
- Frequent urination ——————————— Trouble making decisions
- Diarrhea ————————————————- Low sex drive
- Fear of dying ——————————————-Headaches
- Fear of going crazy ——————————— -Hypersomnia – Sleeping too much
- Memory loss ——————————————–Apathy
- Problems concentrating —————————Feelings of deep sadness
- Feelings of unreality ——————————–Feelings of anger
- GERD or frequent heartburn ——————-Chronic pain
- Insomnia
- Blurred vision
- Fear of heart attack
- Panic attacks
There is more … but you get it.
After looking at the various symptoms what jumps out at you right away? Probably a couple of things, but the one big difference is how anxiety is rooted in the body and mind, whereas depression lives more in your feelings. Feelings about yourself, people you love, things you love, and your general outlook on life.
Anxiety can do this too to some degree since it can create a sense of frustration and impatience with being anxious for long periods of time. Depression however is in many ways more sinister precisely because it can create a sense of emotional detachment and deep sorrow. It’s the kind of sadness that hurts.
How an anxiety disorder can give life to depression isn’t really rocket science. That frustration and anger I mentioned about having anxiety, well overtime this can “settle” in your thoughts and feelings. Anxiety is the thing that makes you afraid and makes you grab at your chest, depression is the thing that makes you say, “damn it I’m tired of this”. It literally sucks the life and joy out of a person.
Anxiety disorders are clearly a more phyiscal ailment. Anxiety disorders are based on phyiscal symptoms that give rise to disturbing thoughts. Those thoughts, over time, can and often do morph into depression. Taken together this is the world’s nastiest soul crushing combo. And although anxiety disorders are not the only possible cause of depression, far from it, it can play a significant role in developing depression.
But even with all this in front of us, there is hope to be had. Depression and anxiety are treatable. And later this week I’ll be talking about the best coping strategies to deal with this two headed monster. Until then stay frosty and don’t let anxiety or depression impress you too much.
This is a really interesting topic. I think that in the 6 years or so that I’ve had anxiety I’ve been fairly lucky when it comes to depression. However, I do worry about it creeping in. I guess you just have to try and stay positive and keep doing stuff…try to count your blessings and all that, though often that’s easier said than done!
I have everything on both lists….I think that I am doomed!
Hey John, As long as you still want to make a positive change there is always a chance! You’re never doomed until you give up.
Hey, im female, 19 and currently in university. I’ve suffered from what i think was anxiety for a few years. But i didn’t go to the doctor because i was afraid of what they might tell me. The symptoms relate to me alot. But i did notice that a lot of the symptoms for depression spoke to me too. I’ve felt different recently, and not in a good way. Is it time i speak to my GP?
Hi Faye, I always say follow your gut on this one. What do you feel inside? If you are certain that depression/anxiety are affecting you, then I’d suggest a visit to your doctor is in order. It’s a hard first step, but once you get treatment life is much better.
as an adolesant i frequently had pannic attacks to where i passed out, now i am in the army and my thereapist is telling me i have long term depression…i want to be happy, but every time i turn around i feel like the things that go wrong are my fault. i cry myself to sleep every night, have trouble getting out of bed, my bones keep breakeing. when i finally get to sleep, i cant stay asleep and then there are other times that all i want to do is sleep…durring the days i laugh and joke with my friends, but at night or evening time i sink lower and lower, is there any help out there that i can get?
Hello, I just went off effexor, dr. said it wouldnt cause weight gain she lied. have been on anti-anxiety meds for 20 yearr. I want to go natural. since I have been off Effexor I have been really different. I kept saying give it time. I wondered if i was depressed so i went on to this web-site and it fits im depressed with some anxiety, I hate how I feel (I just dont care) that is not me, but I dont want to go back to my DR. and I dont want to be on meds. I really want to go natural. I dont want to be dependent on drugs to make me happy and like myself again. Maybe Im doomed. My whole family has a lack of seratonon in there brain it is heridity.
Hi 3 dog momma, I am sure there are plenty of doctos who would help you with non medication treatments. I know exercise and meditation are very good ways to help. Tai Chi and yoga are great activities that include both exercise and mediation. Breathing exercises and visualisation activities also can help. St john’s Wort and Ginseng have been known to help with treating depression. Other therapy include cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) which you speak to a therapist or even a counsellor. If you are in Australia, there are a lot fo NGO that offer a lot fo these counselling services for a very minimal cost. Other countries you may need to do some research yourself.
Hope that helps you out a bit.
Hay all. I have only just been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and being only 20, i have to admit it was tough. To Faye Standring, I really do recomend going to the doctor. Often the female doctors understand more and are more symphathetic to it. Also, take a friend to sit in with you and help you out. The moral support does wonders.
Now to the publisher of this site. I have majority of there symptions and have recently gone to the doctors with my partner and was given something to take that should make me better. I am still quite anxiest and often feel so worthless and dont know what i want to do anymore about anything. I dont want to talk to my partner coz it makes me feel so weak to say things like this, and i dont know my doctor well enough to talk to her about it either. Do you have any advise?
Thanks for all the information… this site really helped me and made me see the doctor anout it.
HELP ME!!!!! PLEASE ASAP… 🙁 I need advice… NoW!!
I have had anxiety or panic attacks since I was a teen, they seemed to go away for a while as I started settling down in life except for when I was under alot of stress or something tragic happened. But now I am the mother of two and just had my son 7months ago. My panic attacks came back hard and heavy when he was about 3months. My doctor had me on 100mg zoloft for post-partum depression for about 2 months. But now they were worst than they have ever been, but he just keeps uping the zoloft and telling me that it will treat both. But ever since I started it I have been having 2-4 panic attacks a day, their painful, I ache, I never feel like I am myself, I never go out of the house bc I afraid to have one in public. I cant even go around family bc it makes me anxious and triggers a panic attack. They make me scared to care for my children without someone here, because I have passed out from them more than once. I called my doc the other day and told him I couldnt take it any more, I needed to come in and see him asap, and he told me to lower my zoloft. I personally dont think this man has a clue what he’s doing. Depression runs in my family (and I know this is a NO-NO) but I tried my cousins depression med called Lexapro 10mg and have not had any bad feelings whatsoever, I feel great, and play and love my children once again. But still have a panic attack just about everyday but only about a 30min-1hr. one a day. And I have been taking my grandmothers anxiety med valium 5mg 1-2 times daily. And havent had a bad day or panic attck that I couldnt stop within 15mins. I know that this was the wrong way to go about it but my sister has her masters as an R.N. and says if it works maybe I need to talk to him about it. But how do I go about that without looking like a fool or just someone who wants drugs (since I have found that Valium is a very low class controlled substance) I see him again on the 18th of october and dont know what to do. There are other doctors at this place, should I switch doctors? I need help asap. Please, Kaylee
Hi Kaylee, I don’t think you’ll look like a fool simply because you want to try something new. That’s your right. If something isn’t working there isn’t anything wrong with saying so. Just have a talk with your doctor and tell him exactly what is happening.
I have both symptoms of anxiety and depression and have had all of these symptoms and more. I’ve been diagnosed with both disorders. It’s been since 1990, pretty much half my life. Although I have found, with the help of my doctor, some medications that work… I still have most of these symptoms(and it took so long to find something that ‘kind of works’). I seem to be extremely sensitive to medication as I often get all of the ‘bad side effects’ when I’ve tried numerous medications to help me live a somewhat normal life. I don’t know what else to do to make this better. I’m at my wits end and wonder if (for some people)it’s ever going to get better. Nothing I do or what doctors, psychologists, etc say seem to help.
Are there people who just cannot be helped with medications or otherwise? Are there some of us who just have to find a way to cope with this being our life and find a way to deal with it somehow? I just don’t know where to go from here, what to do or who to go see to try to help me. I’ve tried everything and am now at a loss. Is there help for someone like me out there or is this the way the rest of my life is going to be? Anyone have any suggestions or feel the same way? Please respond and share with me, I need all the info and advice that I can get.
Hi Tina, you do not have to stay as you are – that’s the short answer.
What I’ve always told people is that recovery from anxiety and depression is an individual thing. In that regard, there is no secret, no one size fits all.
Like you said, you’ve tried medication, you’ve seen therapists, but that didn’t do the trick.
The truth is you have to keep searching. You have to do the work. There are so many ways to deal with this issue that it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to look for, so keep looking.
Do some serious research and try to rely on yourself more than you do on others. This is the key, in my humble opinion.
Is it cognitive behavioral therapy? Psychdynamic therapy? Meditation? I don’t know because I don’t know you. But an answer to your problem does exist, you just have to be willing to take the time to find out what that is.
Thank you Paul. I really appreciate hearing your point of view. When things like this go on for so long, I guess you just feel like ‘Oh well, this is my life’… but I’ve never stoped looking for answers. So hearing your words is reassuring and has given me ‘another’ second wind that I guess I needed. I’m NOT going to give up. I will find a way to deal with this so that it NO LONGER is taking over my life and holding me back. I’m putting as much positive in the Universe as I can and hoping that the law of attraction will also help me out and give me a little boost. THANK YOU…. sometimes you just need to hear the words from someone else’s point of view and it gives you the will to not give up and keep searching. And I guess that’s what you’ve done for me.
Again, THANK YOU, Paul. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a quick fix to this?!? But I think I will only come out of this stronger.
You all as much as it sounds, are missing a key to life itself. Take it as you will, Jesus, holy spirit, stop going out and partying with friends. make a difference in other peoples lives. Think about how you feel and helping others is the first step. Stop feeling down, change your life style, stop eating chips, candy, cake, start eating balanced foods. Stop drinking soda, Drink water, take some women mens supplements for health. Vitamin B. lift weights generates growth hormone and increases sex drive.
This all sounds easy but it will help. Also working out makes you so tired you have to sleep. Stop watching TV that makes you depressed, watch disney movies. Instead of going out with your friends drinking, go out to a Church function where people are normal. Drinking till 3 in the morning with friends not normal at all. Get some sun, pray everynight for as long as it takes to feel better. Church is not a building so when you do find a church watch out for the ones that talk behind peoples back, these are ran by satan. Call me crazy I know what im talking about.
I go hunting in spare time, playing video games to much can depress you. If you are married and not happy this can kill you. Depression is sometimes caused by our own actions over time. You dont know how harmful they are till its to late. if you need someone to talk to you can email me at . Im not a therapist, or a licenced Doctor, everything now a days requires a degree. the above people are just going to put you on a pill. I beleive anyone can feel better and repair mental health and self worth. The traps people fall into is pulling apart things they can do and come up with excuses not to do them. Example I dont want to work out because Im going to get old anyways, or my leg hurts, etc. I want to go out drinking with my friends cause I feel like ill miss something,; then you end up tired = chemical imbalances, moodiness etc. When you eat you make a choice on foods; the easiest way to start eating healthy is by working out. They work hand and hand with sleep being more important then both. The balancing out of these things can make for a better life style. You dont want to go to church cause either it messes with your Saturday drinking schedule and sunday you will be tired, to early in morning, you start analyzing if god is even real and just dont go, also you then do research to find out that there is no original bible and the 3 greek bibles are as close as it gets, the bible is missing books which is true, then you get really depressed. I can explain that over analyzing can dig your holes deep into life. Sometimes when you ask to many questions you are digging your own grave. Depression is a hard thing and I do understand its not as easy as I make it. Never feel like your alone.
My anxiety started after a summer of stressful recording (i’m a musician). we spent about two months recording our first full length record, just turned 30 and my wife and i had decided that we were going to have our first baby. After fighting a bad cold and taking a few days off of work, i was back at work and went to go to the bathroom. I remember turning on the lights and felt almost a flash, i remember looking at the bathroom walls and not remembering they were orange and for some reason that really irritated me. For the rest of the day, I felt totally off kilter, racy, and I so desperately wanted to be home, but had to run to a band meeting that night. When I was on the subway on my way home I just felt like i was totally over-heating. Finally at home, i told my wife and she didn’t think much of it. (i can tend to be an emotional person and she just chalked it up to that) but it felt so much worse. I tried to go to be that night but wound up staying up all night with the worst feeling of “everything feels wrong, that something horrific is right around the corner” for the next week I was in pure, absolute hell — an intensity I have never quite felt with such precise force. I wound up finding a psychiatrist soon after who put me on zoloft and klonopin. That seemed to work for the year, however i did wind up putting on over 35 pounds which really sucked as I was on the road during much of that time touring and such. I decided to go off zoloft (with my doctor’s help) but within a few months started noticing the “anxiety” coming back one while going on a road trip with my wife and new born child, then again when (at work) I got a new and absolutely insane new boss. I decided to go back on meds with my doctor’s help and have been on effexor (i take klonopin also on an as needed basis) ever since. Effexor seemed to do the trick and wound up losing weight and getting back down to my pre-zoloft weight.
Effexor for the most part has worked (my aunt had been on it for a couple of years) — my doctor selected Effexor knowing that my Aunt had been on it and had a good experience with it and since we shared a lot of genetic similarities, he thought it best. On zoloft, i actually felt back to my old self and really had not noticeable anxiety issues. Effexor I’ve noticed let’s them slip through a bit, but after taking half a klonopin, it’s very manageable. I don’t get “Panic Attacks”, but I do get in to these downward swings where i feel this general (sometimes intense) feeling that something is wrong or off. It’s funny, once you get your first “anxiety attack” or whatever you call it. It spooks you. It spooks you so bad that anxiety about having anxiety becomes worst than the actual anxiety itself.
in the end, i’m not sure what I have, whether it’s anxiety or depression, or both. I am also a regular marijuana smoker and have used that to help cope with anxiety, but to be honest, I’m on the fence sometimes as to whether it’s been exacerbating the problem. I don’t spoke copious amounts. A bat hit or two in the morning. The same in the afternoon around lunch time and sometimes at night.
Can a person start with depression and develop anxiety? I have had depression for many years but have usually been able to handle it without medication until now. I started taking a medication i’ve had and done well with in the past. This time though it didn’t take. I had 2 of the first panic attacks in a long while. I stopped taking the medicine and started feeling better. At first. I feel like I just can’t handle any more. I know this is depression. But it’s the worst i’ve ever experienced and still continue to have symptoms of anxiety.
Carmen: In my opinion the two go hand in hand. It’s a chicken and egg argument of what came first. Over time your body chemistry changes and a medication that may have worked in the past may not work for you now. I’d recommend seeing your doctor and discuss trying something else. I get prescribed Klonopin to use on an as needed bases. I notice that my mornings tend to dictate how I feel the rest of the day and if i feel off kilter I’ll take a quarter of pill and start the day. Now Klonopin is used for anxiety, but since my anxiety/depression goes hand in hand, i feel like it helps make me chill out a bit. Sometimes a person can spend so much time feeling anxious about the idea of being anxious or depressed that if you’re just able to take that feeling out of the equation, you can face the day that much easier. hope this helps.
I would work harder and be much less depressed if prostitution were legal and affordable. . . Duh
At least depression is natural. These medications are toxic compounds that cause permanent changes (damage) like modern day leaches and bleeding. You can’t replace love, family, and sex with mind altering substances perscribed or otherwise. These drugs will sicken and devide us further.
does deppression reduces muscle mass ??? or disturb metabolism or digestive system?
Not sure about the other two, but it can indeed disturb your GI tract.
You’ve obviously never suffered from depression. Are you really saying living a happy life is worse than feeling like your soul is sucked out, wanting to commit suicide, because it’s a pill?