Heart palpitations. Don’t these two words make you shudder with anxiety?
Well, maybe the words don’t, but the sensations caused by heart palpitations certainly do scare people.
In fact, it’s the main topic of emails that I get from people who contact me with questions.
And given that this anxiety symptom is so common among anxiety sufferers, I thought it would be helpful to do a “how to” article on palpitations.
First, a few basics. A heart palpitation is an abnormal beating of the heart AND your heightened awareness of your heart beat. Palpitations can cause your heart to beat fast (tachycardia), slow (bradycardia), flutter, or to even have ‘skipped’ heart beats (PVCs).
Heart palpitations can be caused by electrolyte imbalances, adrenaline, anemia, heart disease, arrhythmias, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and of course, anxiety disorders. There are more causes, but the ones listed are common.
Now, because heart disease could be involved, it’s always a good idea to see your doctor if you’re experiencing new or ongoing heart palpitations.
No need for fear, this is mainly a precaution to safeguard your health and your sanity. When you go to your doctor he/she will run an ECG and take some blood. If the results come back negative, then you can start your efforts to stop your heart palpitations without having to worry about having a heart attack.
How Palpitations Work
When related to anxiety, heart palpitations are triggered by the fight or flight response. If you’ve had problems with anxiety for any length of time then I highly recommend that you get acquainted with this term.
This is because the fight or flight response is the source of much of your misery, and a detailed understanding of it can help you to reduce stress. Because with knowledge comes less guess-work, more facts, and less anxiety.
So then, the fight of flight response is essentially your sympathetic nervous system gone wild. When you become scared, nervous, and worried, your brain will trigger a fear response, which, in turn, causes your body to undergo a few changes, like:
- Palpitations
- Cold/Hot flashes
- Dilated pupils
- Urge to urinate
- Diarrhea
- Tunnel vision
- Muscle tension
It’s also important to point out that palpitations are almost always accompanied by anxiety and panic.
Part of what also happens when the fight or flight response is triggered is that the brain signals the body to release stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol, in preparation for violent action. But, in your case, there is no action to be taken.
The adrenaline and cortisol however still get injected into your bloodstream, where it acts on the nerves of the heart and causes palpitations. So, in most cases, it’s adrenaline causing all the havoc but, there could also be other causes.
One such cause is electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes are electrically charged ions. They include elements like: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate, and magnesium.
These elements are important in maintaining proper voltage levels in the body, and are also critical to muscle function. The heart, as we all know, is a big muscle. If these electrolytes become imbalanced then palpitations can occur.
This is because electricity and contraction are what makes your heart beat and keep a rhythm. If there is a disruption in the electrical impulse, or the contraction of your heart muscle, then you get things like a fast, slow, or weak heart beats.
How to Stop Heart Palpitations
There are several ways to stop palpitations. If you’ve been cleared of heart disease by your doctor the following techniques can be effective.
1. Balancing electrolytes: When it comes to matters of the heart, the four most important electrolytes are potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. If any of these electrolytes become too high or too low then palpitations may result.
A simple blood or urine test will tell your doctor if this is the case. If you have excessive/deficient levels of electrolytes then you can speak with your doctor about how to bring them back into balance.
In general, this would mean taking supplemental vitamins or increasing/decreasing the consumption of certain foods.
List of foods rich in the four major electrolytes include:
Potassium – See full list here.
- Bananas
- Apples
- Milk
- Orange Juice
- Potatoes
- Raisins
- Wheat bread
Calcium – See full list here.
- Dairy Products
- Almonds
- Beans
- Tofu
- humus
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Oatmeal
Sodium – See full list here.
- Meats
- Dairy products
- Frozen foods
- Snack foods
- Canned food
- Spices
Magnesium – See full list here.
- Nuts
- Cooked soybeans
- Peanut butter
- Yogurt
- Milk
2. Diet: Diet is an important part of any anti-palpitation strategy. Here are a few more examples.
Foods that you want to eat more often would include:
- Grapes
- Guava
- Honey
- Fresh fruit and Vegetables
- Whole wheat foods
Foods and activities that you should try to avoid include:
- Foods that contain caffeine like chocolate, soft drinks, etc.
- Sugar
- Alcohol
- Smoking
3. Hydration: Water is a fundamental part of what you are. If you don’t drink enough water then even mild dehydration can create palpitations. You don’t need to go overboard and start walking around with a gallon of water, either. Many of the foods you eat already have water in them, but it’s still a good idea to drink about 5-8 8 oz cups per day.
4. Medication: You may also want to talk to your doctor about medications. Doctors will usually prescribe beta blockers, which block the effects of adrenaline on the body. This would be a good option after experiencing palpitations for a prolonged period of time.
5. Valsalva Maneuver: This technique can be used to stop a fast heart beat. First, pinch your nose and close your mouth. Next, breath out forcibly. The idea is to strain as if you were trying to defecate while holding your breath. This will cause a quick spike in heart rate, followed by a slowing of the heart rate. If you have heart disease, or are advanced in age, please do not try this maneuver.
6. Coughing: Coughing vigorously causes pressure to build in your chest, which “squeezes” your heart back into a normal rhythm. This is not a preventative measure, so do it when you’re actually having a palpitation.
7. Cold Water: Splash cold water on your face. This technique works well for palpitations and panic attacks. The idea behind this is that the cold water shocks your nervous system back to normal. The water should be as cold as possible.
8. Relax: Palpitations can strike at anytime, even while you sleep. As a result, they tend to startle you and make you feel as if you’re going to die at any moment.
This is why it’s important to not rush around in a panic, thereby adding stress to your racing heart. It’s best to have a seat, breath deeply from your stomach, and chill out for a moment.
9. Exercise: Exercise might sound like the opposite of what you want to do when you know that palpitations can occur. But after a good workout your blood pressure and heart rate will generally decrease.
This is why it’s not unusual for highly conditioned athletes – like Lance Armstrong – to have very low resting heart rates. A normal resting heart rate is between 70-80 beats per minute. People that have conditioned bodies, on the other hand, can get their heart rates down in the 50’s or lower.
Let’s not forget that the heart is a muscle, and if it is worked, it will get stronger and more efficient and what it does. So despite the apparent contradiction, exercise is a great way to cope with palpitations absent any heart disease.
Caution: If your palpitations are accompanied by dizziness, blurred vision, chest pain or shortness of breath, then it could be something more serious. The unfortunate reality is that panic attacks and intense anxiety can mimic symptoms of a heart attack.
One of the tell-tale signs of something serious is severity and duration. If you have chest pain or the like continuously for more than a few minutes, and if the pain is severe, you likely have a problem. Always err on the side of caution though and get checked out if you’re just not sure.
If, on the other hand, you’ve already been screened for heart disease and nothing was found, wait. Be patient and wait about ten minutes and the symptoms will usually die down on their own.
I know that heart palpitations can be frightening, but they are usually not dangerous. That’s why I encourage you to see your doctor if you haven’t already. Because once you’re cleared medically, you will have the confidence needed to cope with the fear tied to palpitations.
Understand that heart palpitations are a very normal part of having an anxiety disorder and stress in general. When they happen don’t over think things and start jumping to conclusions. Instead, try some of the techniques outlined above and try the best you can to not shock yourself with fear. I hope this helps.
Hi Jude, Sorry the palps are back again. I had a lot of ups and downs before my palps finally went away. Stay strong and hang in there! It will get better! This too shall pass. BIG HUGS to You!!
Hello Gary, Josh, Terry, Floey, Justin, Stephan, Mr. Mom, and everyone else I missed. BIG HUGS to all of you!
P.S. Josh, Acid reflux was one of my triggers for palps, I had to cut all high acid foods, drinks, coffee, sodas, most juices, alcohol, etc.. Chewing a couple of DGL helps, and another natural product called Heartburn Out also helped me. It also helps to take probiotics and enzymes. Drink lots of fresh water. Eat more whole foods and stay away from additives. If your electrolytes get low, drink some clear unflavored pedialyte,this does not aggravate heartburn like some electrolyte replacement drinks do.
Wishing everyone a palp free night/day. Thinking of all of you. BIG HUGS 😀
@ SIlviaB — thank you for your kind words. Hugs to you as well! Sorry, I forgot — what do you take for your palps? Do you take beta blockers?
Hi Floey, Yes, I was given a beta blocker for palps. I was prescribed 25 mg of metoprolol twice a day, but I just take one 25 mg tablet at night. But that alone did not stop the palps. I had to make changes in my diet and start taking supplements. It has now been two years and four months since I have had palps and panic. The best things anyone can do is keep a journal of everything you consume, breathe in, put on your skin, etc. and learn any connection between anything you journal and any symptoms. I found that I had many triggers, like high acid foods and drinks, coffee, sodas, cold medicines, secondhand smoke, bleach, air fresheners, MSG, artificial sweeteners, additives, etc. Also lack of sleep, too much stress, low blood sugar, electrolyte imbalance, hormonal problems, etc., will also trigger attacks.
I hope your doing well now. Hugs 😀
Hi Silvia – thanks so much for the info. I’m taking atenolol 25mg once a day and so far so noticeable results. I’ve been on them for about 5 days now. Kinda discouraged :/ I had blood tests and everything and no signs of any imbalances. I don’t drink caffinee, eat a lot of high fat foods, or MSG. I tried magnesium tablets, hawthorn, and gasX just in case it was inflammation but none of those made any difference :/
Hi Floey, I know it can be frustrating and discouraging, but if you hang in there and keep working at it, you will find the right combination that will work for you. Sometimes it can take awhile before you notice a difference from the changes you make, that is why you have to stick with it and keep working at it. It took me awhile to find what would work for me. It was a lot of trial and error. And it can also take awhile for some of the changes to start showing improvements.
Also some people are sensitive to high histamine foods and drinks, high fructose, gluten, and/or dairy. Or just about anything can cause an intolerance or sensitivity which can show up as all kinds of symptoms, including palps, anxiety, etc., many of these are difficult to be tested for, that is why it is important to keep a journal.
I hope you have a nice week. Hugs 😀
Thanks for your kind ,inspiring and reassuring words Sylvia and Floey and of course the hugs,always need those!Need to do some thoughts work i think. had a terrible nights sleep last night,kept waking with panic attacks ugh I hate that.Not sure why though ?? Palps still consistent this morning but I am about to kick my sorry butt out the door and do some exercise and see if that cheers me up!Feeling way to sorry for myself today and need to change it!Thanks again for being there and listening!
Well it worked. Went for a bike ride and took it all out on the pavement.sore legs tomorrow i think! but it settled the palps and made me happy and hopeful!
Hi Everyone,
First, let me say to all of you in California and sunny places, I’m very JEALOUS of you!! I’m stuck here in cold, snow filled upstate NY! Sorry I’ve haven’t posted more, but I’ve been so pressed for time with a newborn and tax season at work.
Jude- What a ride. I went from being so thrilled that you had the palp thing figured out to complete sadness when you said they were back! I’m hoping by your last post that they are gone again. Of course, I know we would all trade sore legs for no palps. Hang in there, and start knocking on more wood!!
Hi Mr. Mom. Thanks for sharing and joining in the group. It always great to hear from more people. Sure, I hate that you are going through this, but I know you will get some releif here. I always feel better when I get to vent to people that understand, I get encouranged when I hear success stories, and it always helps to hear that you are not alone. I hope you are doing better.
Sammy, where are you, you gotta check in a bit more. I hope you are doing ok.
Stephan, my best online buddy, I’m so sorry you are going through this. But I will say, I’ve been there AND I still get that feeling from time to time. The good news is that it WILL pass, I promise. Sure, it may come back from time to time, but you will be better able to understand and handle it. There were times I didn’t think I’d make it through a round of golf, or wake up the next day, or just something bad was going to happen to someone or something around me. I’ve started writing notes to my family and friends in case I was right. Anxiety and the heart thing is a bad combination. And it’s like Jude says with the whole chicken and egg thing, who knows what came first. But hang in there my friend. And remember that it’s okay to feel the way you do. I used to get caught in a vicious cycle of feeling like that and then getting upset with myself for feeling that way. It only made it worse. Stay stong. Remember that you are an inpiration to many, and that we all have our ups and downs. You’ll be back on top soon, I know it!
Josh and Mr. Mom- I too have those chest pains from time to time. Sometimes mylanta helps, sometimes advil helps, sometimes nothing does and just think maybe I’m having the big one. But, each time I’ve come out on the other side.
Sylvia B- Thanks for checking in. I hope you are doing well! Still thinking about you from time to time when I’m trying to figure out if something I ate or did may have caused a palp. And thanks to you I feel don’t feel like I’m the only person that does that! Hugs to you.
Floey- I hope you are doing well with the new meds. Hang in there! I hope you are having a good day.
And to everyone else, I hope all is well. You know, one of these days we should plan a time to maybe join in a chat room or free conference call or something so we can talk in real time. That might be fun, no?
Cheers everyone.
Gary you are like sunshine on a rainy day my friend!Your posts are always so kind and friendly,encouraging and reassuring Mr Chamomile.Sounds like life is pretty full on for you at the moment.How is your new little one going? I am sure you are all having a beautiful time with your growing family,very special!An online chat with everyone sounds like a great idea.I’d be in.
On a Bit of a roller coaster at the minute but sometimes you just have to go along for the ride. I have been having more panic attacks. They don’t blow up into anything as I let them happen but they catch me off guard as they come out of nowhere ah the joy!
I too am worried about Sammy,it has been a long time since we have heard.Please let us know how you are going Sammy,thinking of you.
I will be away and so offline for the next few days.Thinking of you all and will catch up with everyone next week. take care and wishing you happy days always and peace and bliss and all things nice.
Wow, great to hear from all of you. I’ve just been reading away since my last post, it honestly gives me strength. My palps are beginning to gradually lessen, but for two weeks straight were non stop and just exhausting me not only physically but mentally because mentally i had no where to run too and sometimes my imagination would get the best of me and put me in a gloomy mood.
Mr. Mom hang in there and cheer up. As a result of a violent crime I was ended up with PTSD and severe anxiety since 1987. You would think I would have learned how to recognize my anxiety but that is not always the case and the anxiety and palps can sneak up on you. One thing palp sufferers share in common is a “wild imagination” and the resulting fear can be paralyzing both mentally and physically. Recently I started listening to my favorite music while running or bike riding and I have to say that it is relieved my palps significantly. Ive made it a routine to exercise every day in the morning followed by meditation and my resting pulse has dropped to the point where I cant feel my heartbeat. I am not sure if the palps are gone or I simply dont feel them but either way it has been a welcome relief. Make time for yourself to think positive and exercise every day and you will feel better.
Hi Jude thanks for always having me in mind I appreciate that and I’m not been feeling well since mostly in bed.
I hope get better for you
Sammy my friend thankyou for checking in.i am sure with what you are going thru it
Isnt easy to write here . I have been worrying about you. I am sorry with my all heart that you arent doing so well.sammy you are doing it so tough i know.wish there was something i could do to help .hang in there and keep climbing out of that hole. We are all here for you.thinking of you . Take care my friend.
Thanks Jude for all the kind words.
Happy Valentines Day to you all! I hope you are all having a lovely day. Stay strong xoxo
Howdy All:
We are off to Colorado for the next 10 days – wish us luck! And I’m praying the palps stay away – since my last rant they’ve almost been non existent! Guess I need to come on and complain every once in awhile, whoda thunk that was a cure! Take care guys and gals – talk with you soon!
God Bless!
How is everyone doing? I’m still having continuous soft palps throughout the day and night after starting Atenolol 25mg 2 wks ago. So, basically there hasn’t been much of a change.
Good luck Stephen! 🙂
Im sorry to hear that 🙁 i noticed them becoming lighter while on 25mg. I still get them daily, they still stop me in my tracks. Weird ive noticed them more near my stomach lately and sometimes im able to burp when i get one. I know, weird.
Hi everyone. back after a fantastic week away in Scotland.The countryside is so beautiful cant wait to go back and explore further.
Hi Idol thanks for sharing your journey. I am sorry you have been through what you have but thanks for the encouragement and inspiration.i find exercise a definate must for me too,helps in so many ways!
Stephan i hope all went well on your trip too Colorado and you got to enjoy some special family time.look forward to hearing about your travels!
Hi Floey my friend. geesh your palps are being stubborn aren’t they.Hopefully now you are on the atenolol they are not only softer but getting less. thinking of you 🙂
On a palps point of view i am incredibly happy to say that they have been almost non existent,just the occasional few a day!!But I think unfortunately i am still on the anxiety train try as hard as i might to get off it!!My newest symptom is jelly legs a newie for me and i thought i had had them all.I also am waking in a panic just as i drift off to sleep one of my all time favourites.I also have that feeling of when going to sleep that i might not still be here in the morning. crazy ,silly ,unjustified and irrational i know and not sure where it is coming from but I am using my cognitive therapy and soon will be rid of it.
Thinking out loud it seems that my anxiety symptoms flare when i am actually really happy and content. it is like i think well life is wonderful so something bad must be going to happen.Grrrr….wish me and my subconscious were on the same wavelength!i am sure a therapist would have a field day with that one!
I have also stopped my natural calm for a while as my resting heart rate was in the high 50’s and spooking me a bit!Once it returns to normal I will maybe take less?It is a strange feeling having a slow calm pulse maybe that is what it is like for everyone else all the time.I hardly notice my heartbeat at all.strange feeling!!!
Anyway thinking of you all and hope everyone doing okay.
So I had a Dr. appointment after being on Atenolol 25mg for my palps for about a month. The palpitations are still there, though they are not as strong. The atenolol did a good job at lowering my BP wayaaaayayayaya down to 85/60 and lowering my heart rate to around 56. Didn’t do all that much for my palps though =/…and they don’t want to increase my dosage and make my BP even lower.
Hi there Floey yes looks like the atenolol has certainly settled the BP and racing heart.Bummer it hasn’t rid of the palps though.So what is the plan now?Are they keeping you on the atenolol?
How are we all?
Sorry i havent been on for quite some time, just had a few things going on…
Anyway i gave in and started the medication ”citalopram 10mg” its not going to badly, alot of my dizziness and off balance feeling has gone..
My mood is also better and feel more positive about things, for sure i still have bad moments and still most days but no where near as bad as before so really thinking i made the right decision here?
Hope all u guys are doing well 🙂
Hey Justin it is so good to hear from you!!!I am so happy that the citalopram is giving you some relief,that is wonderful and it will only get better form here on !I found the anti depressant just helped calm my racing mind and my irrational thoughts. Brought me to a place where I could function logically and find some peace.You wont need to stay on it forever as while you are on it you will learn that your thoughts were irrational and change your thinking so your anxiety wont be as overwhelming and debilitating as it is.I stayed on mine for about a year that was 9 years ago and haven’t needed them since. Well done on getting thru the hurdle of taking medication as it takes a lot for us to do that and you did it.Keep in touch would love to hear how you are getting on!I know you are still having your bad days/moments but you are crawling out of that hole never to return there again.Keep moving forward my friend.
Hi Everyone!
Floey- Sorry the palps are still there, but I’m thinking overall that’s good news. I mean, BP is down and the skips aren’t as bad, so that’s heading in the right direction to me! I hope you are doing well.
Hey Justin- glad to hear from you and glad you are doing better. Seems to me like you made the right decision. I’m not a fan of drugs like that for the long term, but there is nothing wrong with using something like that to help in the short term.
How is everyone else doing? Stephan, how was the vacation?
Hi how is every one going hope all good and palps free
Howdy all,
For some reason I stopped getting emails on my phone when comments were added so I am a bit behind….
First, my main reason for checking in was I had a nice run of palps about 15 minutes ago. It lasted for about 2 minutes and I was getting pretty light headed and was starting to think this was it again. I did my deep breath, hold and it try to blow out method which didn’t work after several attempts. I then tried the old run in place to boost the heart rate which made me feel the most light headed… all in all it just kind of settled on its own.
Here’s what I know though. I was stepping out of the shower and had one foot planted on the tile and as I was getting ready to step the other foot out I slipped and almost fell. Obviously I put in a little effort to keep from falling but almost instantly I went into the PVC episode.
It’s gone now and every things back to normal praise God! I had slacked off on the nightly mag drinks so I went and mixed one up and I’m sipping on it now and I had to take a Xanax cause I’m still a hair on edge – thankfully it’s been about 2 weeks since I last took a pill.
About the trip – all went well. I should know something further about the job next week. I was told I’ll either get a conditional job offer, put on hold, or removed from the process. Based on everything that transpired I don’t think I’ll have an issue moving forward in the process. The family and I did discover that Colorado is a beautiful place. It snowed most of the time but we did have one clear day where we were able to get out and hike. I was concerned I’d have palp issues being in the higher altitude but there wasn’t an issue. I did take .25mg Xanax daily before bed while we were there which took the worry edge off.
The palps other than tonight have been mostly gone. I still get the occasional one from time to time.
Also – to really teach my body a lesson I started the insanity workout. if you’re not familiar – google it, it’s nuts. I’m moving into day 6 of 60. It definitely gets the heart rate maxed out and I haven’t had any issues doing it this first week – then tonight’s episode which I can’t seem to stop dwelling on!!!! Baaaaaaaaaaaa
It’s just frustrating. For now – I’m going to sleep. Y’all take care.
God Bless
Oh – By the way:
Justin: I took the Citalopram for about a month and a half the latter part of 2012. It took it about 2-3 weeks to make me feel any better. I didn’t like the thought of taking a pill daily and the doc agreed I could take the Xanax as needed so I came off of it. Just be careful when you decide to come off the medicine. They say to take a half dose for a week then stop and you’ll be fine. I took a half pill for about 4 or 5 days and stopped and had a week of the worst headaches ever. Just make sure when you come off that you do it correctly. I’d even recommend taking a half dose for a week then a half of a half dose (if that’s possible) for a week…. but that’s just me and my experience. I’m no doctor. anywho – peace.
Hi Everyone,
I noticed there had not been posts in a while, so I just wanted to see how everyone was doing. I’m assuming no news is good news?
Stephan- Glad you enjoyed the trip. And so happy to know that the PVC’s are doing pretty well, aside from the one episode. It’s amazing though, I can go days without feeling one, and then somedays, like today, I’ll feel 5 or 6 six of them. But I won’t think about how many good days I had, I just dwell on the bad! And insanity workout?? You are insane!! Ha ha. Glad to hear it hasn’t affected the palps.
Jude- It’s not like you to not post in a while, how are you?
How is everyone else doing? I hope well!
I also don’t think i’m receiving email updates anymore either. Now i feel like a stranger here! I’m doing ok. Haven’t had any abnormal fits of palps other than the occasion palps or two a day, sometimes even 4. But i will take that any day. I started exercising and dieting and actually becoming serious about my health, still maintaining my vitamins/supplements schedule. Next month will be a year that my palps went all crazy on me for a month straight 🙁 so hopefully everything goes ok, and hopefully everyone else reading this is doing ok.
hey there everyone,Great to hear from you Stephan,Gary and Josh.
Stephan hope all goes well with the job offer!Sounds like you are moving forward in many ways,good on you.It sounds like more good days than bad ones with the palps so that is good. As Gary said we definately tend to remember the bad ones.Scary as they are it is no wonder we dwell on them. It is interesting how you said they started when you nearly slipped in the shower.Mine do that when I have a near miss,a highly reactive anxiety response.I can bring palps on by thinking about them.must stop thinking about them!.Are you insane yet or is that insane to even attempt this workout!!Way to go Stephan you are one fit man!
Gary always good to hear from you.How is your beautiful little family going? No doubt wonderfully busy at the Gary home!Thanks for checking up on us.Me,haven’t been doing so good so haven’t posted in a while but have been checking in to see how everyone else is doing.For some reason on a rollercoaster with the palps. they go away for a few days then back again. Anxiety and panic attack symptoms full on.Really don’t know why? i am incredibly happy and have a wonderful life so not sure where to begin.So have decided to head back to find a Dr here in the UK and get some reassurance,maybe need to revisit psychologist not sure,just want to cry but I cant drop my bundle.I have been here before many years ago and know it gets better just have to ride it out.Anyway enough of my self pity and feeling sorry for myself.Haven’t been for my morning run yet that always helps!!Sorry to whinge but maybe it will help to get it out.
Hey Josh great to hear from you too.It sounds like you are doing really well and looking after yourself well done!That has to feel good,good on you.I am so happy that the palps have settled for you.As you say 4 a day you can handle that with what you have been thru.Keep in touch.
Floey my friend how are you doing?Sammy thinking of you hope things looking brighter for you.Hi Justin,Sylvia Susan and everyone else thinking of you all.And as Gary said hope no news is good news!!!!
hi:) im 14 years old and im a girl. out of nowhere i started getting this weird fluttering feeling in my heart im not sure what its called exactly but im pretty sure its a heart palpitations. i went to my doctor and she told me it was anxiety, my blood pressure is fine. she gave me famotidine and its helping they went away for a week but came back but not as much as before. i just want a response or an answer back please, i want to be able to do things like before and is this bad for me? im very curious. thanks:)
Thank you so much.. these steps have just helped me get through my attack within the last 5 minutes….
You bet Sarah. Glad I could help. =)
That might be because those may not be heart palps and might be an esophageal spasm. I get them a lot with my GAD and it feels like the heart is fluttering when in fact it is the esophagus in spasm. You may want to get that checked. There is a test for that.
Hi Jude, Stephen, Gary, Floey, Sylvia, Sammy, Susan and everyone else. Just
wanted to check in and say hi. I see that the message board looks way
different, some kind of new format!
Hi Josh, nice to see you back at AG. =)
Hi everyone. Nice new layout wondered what happened the other day when I logged on and nothing there!.Hi there Josh how have those palps been. Anyone heard from Floey lately have I missed a post from her?
Hey there Strawberry. Hopefully you will get this post i see it was 6 days ago when you posted but hopefully you are still checking in?when you went to the dr did she also give you lots of information on anxiety and recommend to your parents you see a psychologist? I think at your wonderful young age this is a really important step.I have a 14 year old daughter and if she was showing anxiety symptoms this would be a must. it is such a complex thing and you deserve to have as much information as possible to make it less scary for you. Dr Google can scare the pants off us sometimes so talking to a professional a really good idea .Anxiety does get better Strawberry it really does but you need to see a psychologist or counsellor to help you get some tips on how to manage and understand it.Let us know how you are getting on. Have a happy day 🙂
Hi Stephan,Gary,Sylvia ,Susan,Justin,Mr Mom and everyone else hope no news is good news!
How are you doing Sammy hopefully things are geting better for you.
Me ,well I have just been away for 5 days over Easter and we had a wonderful time,Palps and anxiety still a nuisance but I keep reassuring myself that it will pass.Just takes time. Can’t pinpoint an issue but just feel the symptoms.Been there done this 10 years ago so not happy to be doing it again now but hey onward and forward!Going to start meditation again and see if that helps and breathing techniques.Haven’t been able to run for a few days but been walking instead. Twisted my back trying to walk on stilts!!!Yes you can laugh!!But hopefully back into the running in the next few days that definately helps my state of mind.
Have a happy day everyone.
Howdy all,
Just checking in. Been so busy prepping the house for sale I haven’t had time to think about the anxiety… until yesterday. Didn’t have so many PVCs but the thought of – I haven’t had any in awhile surely I’m due and sure enough, started having a few palps again. So annoying. Be blessed all!
and could the moderator please get the email notifications back up and running so we know when everyone posts! I looked forward to them!
This really helped! I started having anxiety attacks in July 2012 after taking Fluoxetine 20mg for two weeks. I had my first heart palpitation last night at 3am – 3:20am; I honestly felt like I was having a heart attack, it kept getting faster and faster. I just hope using these techniques helps!
Hey everyone! Wow, a new updated page. I though for a few days maybe it had all gone away! I’m glad it didn’t, although I’m not getting updates of posts either.
Jude, I’m so sorry to hear about the palps. But if anyone can get through it, it’s you! And we are all here for you. You’ve helped all of us when we were down, so let it out so we can help you! I know I always feel better when I talk about my bad days. I’m hoping you can find someone to help you out in the UK. I see someone every few months just to talk and I find it helps. My 3 month old is doing great btw, thanks for asking! Between that and tax season here, I’ve been buried.
Stephan, getting the house ready, eh? Congrats! Hope you are having a good week.
Sylvia, so nice to hear from you! Josh, you too! I hope you guys are having a great week as well!
Paul, I wasn’t sure if you read any of our posts. Since it appears you do, I’d like to thank you for your articles and for this site. This site along with wonderful people on this posting have helped me more than I can express. I know we are all truely grateful.
Strawberry, hang in there. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve been experiencing that symptom for a long time. I’ve had numerous doctors tell me it’s normal and that most people get that. Some just feel it more than others. If it worries you, go get it checked out to make yourself feel better. At your age, your heart is probably in great shape and can easily handle any activity you can throw at it.
And to everyone else, please stay well and enjoy the weekend!!
Hey Heather, sorry to hear about the palpitations, but it’s good that you’re working on this so soon. With focused effort I feel like most people can get a handle on this issue rather quickly.
Hi everyone
Thanks so much Gary for the kind words and understanding.I really appreciate it so much .The support that this site gives is just such a lifeline as it is so good to be able to talk with those that understand what you are going thru and are happy to listen to your bad days!i am very good at keeping the bad days to myself at home as i don’t want to worry my beautiful family and friends and so it is good to be able to get it out.
Wow Gary your little one is three months already!!Where did that go!How are you doing ?Palps and anxiety all behaving itself??Sounds like all go at your home and work so probably no time for either!
Hi Stephan!Good luck with the house sale.When big changes happen in our life it can flare the anxiety but just remember that is all it is. Not something harmful but just the big “A” so be reassured all will be okay and it weill pass.How is the insane workout going!!
Floey i am missing you and hope all okay.if you get a chance to drop us a note that would be great.big hugs
I went to see a dr for some reassurance as palps full on again and haven’t had them checked for 15 years.he was able to hear them as i was having heaps while there but not interested in doing ecg etc just the old live with them advice.he actually had an interest rate of 0 but hey i guess if you have never had it you cant empathise.So after that useless visit have decided to find a psychologist and have a chat .I honestly cannot pin point an issue that could be making my anxiety as it is ,so I am hoping they can. i cant fix what i don’t know is broken but palps consistent thru the day and even having panic attacks which i haven’t had for years so my body is telling me something is stressing me!!I am not scared off the palps but had them since Oct so well over them!Still to start some regular meditation but must do and have decide to start back on magnesium. i stopped as my resting heart rate was getting in to the high 50s but after 4 weeks off it it is still low so i don’t think it was the Mg.Obviously just my awesome fitness LOL!!!
Anyway sorry my posts are so long but you guys are it for me to be able to talk about it all. Thanks again and have a happy palp fre day!
Its always so hard to tell when to be worried. I have Brugada sign, but not the gene. So I know I’m at a slightly higher risk for sudden death. Started having anxiety attacks in July 2012. And palpitations a few months later. they’ve been off and on. They were only the kind the “skipped beats” and mostly right when I finish an exercise. like between sets squatting. Ive grown a little used to them and not paid so much attention. But Right when things are getting better I start getting a different kind. I started getting the fluttering kind. Along with the skipped beats. They happen pretty much every couple beats after a set and is much more worrisome. Just trying to get a idea if its ever gonna get better? Is my cardiologist just passing it off? been seen several times saying i am fine but not since these new ones. Its just tiring and exhausting not knowing what days are going to be good days and which im going to experience a lot of these.
Ray I left a reply but it seems to be missing.hopefully it turns up.maybe it is moderation ? This new layout is a bit confusing.
Anyway I just wanted to say my thoughts are with you all my US friends over the incredibly sad and senseless act in Boston.thinking of you xxx
Howdy Ray,
I know all about the palps and exercise (read a bunch of my older posts). Started having the issue August 7th of last year and been fighting the anxiety/palpitations since. I truly think my original issues arose from drinking Monster energy drinks, Mt Dew, and any other caffeinated beverage to stay awake at work led to a heart arrhythmia. Ever since then though getting my focus off the heart and back onto life has been brutal. I too have had weeks without a single palp and then weeks with a few to hundreds in a day. All I know is that exercise helps. Worrying about the palps while exercising does not. If it would help go have a stress test done at the cardiologist. They actually recorded my PVCs while I did it and the doctor reassured me everything was fine.
When I do start exercising I usually start off having palps but once I get going everything seems to work fine. When I stop to think about it, I tend to feel them more. You have got to push through. If you’ve had all the tests then it’s time to live life to its fullest. You only get one shot at this game and DO NOT let the anxiety control you. Find ways to control it. I do know the magnesium has helped me, so has low doses of Xanax when it gets really bad. Find things that help you and post here if you need to vent, need encouragement, etc.
God Bless.
Hey Everyone.
Ray, glad to have you on board…not so glad to hear what is going on with you. Let me add that what you are feeling is very normal. We have all been there, and we were all really afraid of what was going on at first and all wonding if it would ever get better. Stephan and Jude are right on the money and I agree with what they both said 100%. After my first SVT episode I couldn’t work for a bit because I was scared to meet with clients. After I started getting PVC’s and flutters like you I wouldn’t even get on a plane or go anywhere alone! But, after some research, tests done by doctors, reading on the subject, and talking and reading about others I am just about back to normal. Sure, I get the occational bad week of palps, but it doesn’t affect me like it used to. You learn to cope and realize that you are going to be okay. It WILL get better if you work at it. No, it’s not easy, but you CAN do it.
Floey and Sammy, please post!!
Things are going ok on my end. Still have the palps. Some days are better than others of course.
Hope everyone is doing well today.
Jude, you are so sweet. I haven’t written on here for months but I’ve been following as closely as I can since I’m not getting the e-mails. I’m having a little increase in my anxiety after having a better time of it. I come on here sometimes just to feel encouraged. I hope you are doing better; you have such an amazing attitude. I feel like I know you and I would miss you if you weren’t here! I would like to hear from Floey too. Hugs
HI Jude! 🙂
Hi Josh great to hear from you!hope all going well:)
Amy thanks for your very kind words I appreciate it so so much. I feel the same about you and wonder how you are doing and so was so happy to hear from you.Sorry your anxiety has increased a little but be encouraged it will pass.it is probably just your body getting used to the meds and stabilising itself.i found that after being on them for a while. From personal experience it does pass.look how far you have come from when you first posted,you have done brilliantly!!i am finding this new format a bit tricky! I hope everyone else isn’t posting because they are all doing well.big hugs back Amy.
Well, the post I did a week ago never posted! I do wish it was back to the old format. I can’t even remember what I said but thank you for reminding me how far I’ve come. My anxiety has now decreased. Yay! I think Spring has helped my overall disposition. It’s so nice seeing green everywhere and leaves covering the trees! How are you? I wouldn’t mind sharing my e-mail with you if you’re interested. Hope this posts this time and I would like to hear from the others.
Since the new format no one is posting much…. if at all.
How is everyone?
I know….I dislike this very much! The posts do not appear right away and sometimes not at all. Paul, do you think we can go back to the old format? I don’t know if that’s possible. I miss hearing from everyone.
Hi everyone!this is my 3 rd attempt at a post for some reason that are not turning up here?Hopefully this one does as it is hard not being able to be in contact with you all and see how are you are going.
Amy thanks again for your kind thoughts my email is treelove 243@gmail.com.au I would love to hear from you.Glad to hear you are feeling better now the sun shining.It warms you to the soul! a wonderful medicine!
Hope everyone else is doing okay.This new site hasn’t been so ideal for people posting or maybe it was time to move on?I truly wish that everyone is doing wonderfully and that no news is good news!
My palps are still hanging around unfortunately,good days and bad days but the good days are so reassuring and the bad days i tell myself are just that “bad days”. Some days I have only a few and others way too many!they dont scare me at all as i am sure after having them for over 7 months if they were harmful it would have happened by now!!Exercise is still my saviour as far as anxiety symptoms go just loving it but i have also started meditation to see if that helps at all.For some reason my body is in fight fright mode and just wont listen when i tell it not to be!!But anyway i am still living and loving life and wont let it stop me doing and being who I wish to be.It will pass I know as i have been her before many years ago.
Big hugs and thoughts to you all