Covid has brought with it a number of challenges for all of us. The one thing I didn’t expect to get from Covid though was fatigue. It’s something that I have heard many people complain about so I thought it would be a good time to discuss this issue in detail. I hope you enjoy the show!
Covid has caused an ultra heightened rise in my anxiety, but in a covert way. Ninja style, as youve said. I thought I was managing all of it, but my regular anxiety management has taken a severe hit because of it. I used to excersize and burn it off. Thats not permissible right now. I know we all are suffering in many ways from this thing. And I dont know why I feel compelled to say so but I DO count my blessings . But Dang , Im bug eyed anxious..a cumulative thing. Thank you for putting this podcast out. I give it listens and dissection frequently.
Shell F.
Interesting topic. I read long ago a very interesting book on anxiety, and the author states that people that struggle with anxiety in normal times, often cope with “crises” (such as the Corona pandemic arguably might be called) better that one might assume. The reason he stated was that anxiety is often very vague, free-flowing, and difficult to comprehend. Anxiety is like fighting a hidden enemy within. However, in a crisis it is pretty obvious what the object of fear is (in our situation: to be infected, infecting others, and so on). I am not sure how accurate this perspective is, and at least not in the long run. Sure hope for more normal times ahead. Thank you for your podcasts, and keep up the good work!