So despite this whole coronavirus situation I wanted to branch out beyond the current crisis and start to tackle more basic anxiety issues. And of all the basic issues that anxious folks face what is more front and center than control issues? I would venture to say that a significant percentage of anxious folks struggle with control issues. In today’s episode I offer a few tips around how you can be a little less controlling. I hope you enjoy it!
First off, Congratulations on the birth of your baby daughter!! What joy children bring!! So wonderful!!
Great podcast and information. I really appreciated the reminders to essentially go back to what I know. ( I have a checklist on rational checkpoints and logic that I have to run down everyday. A little more frequently nowadays, but it really blows a hole in the health anxiety. I’m very grateful for this knowledge. You help countless people and bring calm through facts and trust.
Be Happy and Well .
Best regards to you and your Family.
Shell F.