Hi all! I recently received an email from an AG reader and she was like “Hope you’re ok.” I was like man, better get on here and let folks know that I am, in fact, still breathing haha. I’ve been busy with work and family so I’ve stopped working on the AG website altogether. I can’t bring myself to retire the site, but for now things are likely to stay this way. I’ve also been running a private practice that helps anxious people. Kinda sucks that I can only work with people in California, but hopefully the laws that govern my profession will soon join the 21st century and allow me to help people across borders.
We shall see about that. Anyway, I miss working on the AG site and of course interacting with anxious peeps all over the world. You guys are my favorite! Seriously, I hate anxiety in a special kinda way, but over the years the topic of anxiety has brought me into contact with really good folks. And you know what? Anxious people tend to be intelligent, hardworking, and focused. As a therapist there isn’t anything better than working with clients like that. Currently I’m toying with the idea of making a few “update” podcasts just for those of you that might be interested in that kind of thing but I don’t have any timelines for that. I’ve even thought about writing a little on the site but only in short form. I’m just trying to think of ways that I can continue to support anxious people on the AG site. Any ideas?
Well hello! Good to hear from you. While I do understand that there are only so many hours in a day, you gave been missed here.
I’m thinking that now that you are working as a licensed therapist maybe there are new things you’ve realized, noticed etc while working with patients.
Maybe a quick little short form post from time to time would work.
I know you put a lot of time and effort into a podcast and it’s not a top priority right now but I really hope you don’t completely abandon us!
I was just about to sleep then I said “let’s check anxietyguru.. I feel that there is something new..” and Yay! Finally! I am both happy and angry in the same time!
I know you have lot of work.. But man please.. A monthly podcast of 15mn is very feasible nah?! Already wrote some suggestions of what it can be like in the previous blog post..
Anyway, I am very happy know that you’re alive (haha.. you know how we think -we anxious people-).. Don’t disappear again for too long man it’s almost a freaking year!
You saved lives Paul.. Literally.. I was swimming in the anxiety darkness myself and afraid to death but you showed me how to get over it! I am trying to help people around me myself but you got this tool, this podcast that can reach thousands of people around the world.. Please don’t abandon it!
Yayy!! Great to hear from you, Paul – and great to hear that all’s good with you. Yes – I’d love some update podcasts, if you can find the time. Maybe starting with things you’ve learned from working with anxiety sufferers? That would be great! Take care!
I thought the same thing! I needed to hear Paul today and here he is! Please yes to a podcast. Even if it’s 15 minutes. Even if it’s quarterly. Do it!! We miss you.
Paul, maybe you’re wondering why there is no much comments.. People didn’t lost interest.. It is just that people don’t come here like before since your last pause was so long so they didn’t visit the website regularly like they used to be.. Just stay active a bit.. The website will be more active like before and even more 🙂
Ahhh, nice to hear from you, chirpy-sounding as ever (although I imagine your life is hectic and full of ups and downs just like the rest of us.)
You most certainly are missed here. Does it sound dramatic if I say you’re missed terribly? I certainly have always relied on your website for the most common-sense advice on the internet. There are all sorts of sites, therapists, forums and suggestions flying around to try and help us poor anxious buggers. Trouble is, most people are so invested in their own methods and theories that sometimes we can end up lurching from one to another, trying approach after approach and then feeling deflated if we ‘fail’ at it.
Your website has always been different though. No fads. No theories. No evangelism. Just intelligent, insightful thoughts from someone who understands. Sometimes you change your mind. Sometimes you ponder over paradoxes. But, for me, this is the reality of learning to cope with anxiety. It’s not simple or straightforward. But having you there with us, with your deep empathy and light humour, has really been more valuable than you know.
So, yes, come back and touch base with us whenever you can! Whether it’s through writing, podcasts, Facebook or Twitter, your presence will be greatly valued 🙂
Carla x
Hi Paul!!
Great to see you! Indeed you have been missed. Im so happy that all is going well in your life and you are prospering in all ways possible!
Thank you for touching base.
The website is an invaluable tool . Your knowledge has led me down many paths towards understanding and full comprehension of all things anxiety.
All that you have done, shared and offered is deeply appreciated ( and utilized, too!)
Thank you!!
Shell F.
Really love your blog posts. Sad to hear that you aren’t going to be uploading hope all is well!
Dear God.. Looks like we’ll wait for another year for a podcast.. I hope you are Okay Paul!
I still listen to your old podcasts almost daily. You have been such a great help to me. Right up there with Claire Weeks. 😇. I am 6 months post meds. I have slowly went off Zoloft after 12 years. I’m trying to get control of this without the drug.
We miss you and hope you and your family are doing well.
Paul, what do you think? Is this where it ends or will you still come back periodically?
Your website is still helpful! It helped me so much, and I even sent it to a few friends so they can get help with your podcasts. If putting a podcasts together is too time consuming, what about a quick post here and there or maybe answer some viewer questions?
PAUL!!! I can’t even begin to tell you the ways in which you saved me. Thank you. I feel less alone when you’re here. I’ve read through all your articles and listened to all your podcasts at least three times.
I am glad you’re you’re doing well and helping people in your community. I found your podcast and you spoke in a way that really reached me. You truly understand the thoughts and feelings associated w anxiety and also keep things real. I send people to your podcast when I hear them reaching out and I go back and listen when I just need some reminders. You have said enough in those episodes, but if you ever had the time to put up a few minutes every now and then, I’m sure so many would love to hear from you. Thank you so much!