When it comes to explaining the causes of anxiety disorder there are generally three reasons given, which are usually brain chemistry, genetics, and to some extent environment. But could it be that there are other factors that contribute to our constant state of anxiety? The short answer is of course! Aside from the usual suspects listed above, vitamin deficiency is yet another potential cause of abnormal anxiety.
Now, I am not saying that popping Flintstones tablets will cure your anxiety disorder, but I will say that vitamins can help to put our bodies in better balance and help us absorb the constant shock of fear we experience on a regular basis.
Researchers believe that a lack of specific vitamins in our diet can worsen anxiety and depression. However, there are many vitamins that you can take to ensure that you don’t try to trade in your brain for a new model. There is a semi-consensus on what vitamins are most important for this purpose so let’s look at these for a minute.
Among the most effective for anxiety reduction are vitamin C, all the B vitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A , E and magnesium. This is not to say that other vitamins are not helpful. It’s only to say that these are the vitamins that most agree are essential for anxiety and stress reduction.
Taking supplements becomes important because anxiety and stress depletes the nutrients in the body. They need to be replaced on a regular basis to ensure optimal physical and emotional health.
So does this mean that you have to swallow tons of vitamins everyday? No it doesn’t, and actually you want to avoid vitamin overdose because although good for you vitamins can also be toxic, so don’t over do it.
Instead focus on including vitamin rich foods in your diet such as whole grains, leafy greens, and of course vegetables. In addition, be sure to take a multivitamin to compensate for the nutrients your lacking.
Nowadays many of us simply do not eat right and as a result our health and anxiety levels suffer. Frankly the only way you will ever reduce your stress and anxiety is to take a multifaceted approach that incorporates as many techniques and tactics as you deem practical.
Making sure that your vitamin intake is up to snuff is a low effort way of helping yourself relax. I’ll be posting more about these vitamins and their specific functions in the near future. But for now I just wanted to convey their importance to your daily struggle with anxiety.
Quick recap of why vitamins matter to someone with anxiety.
1. They help replace the nutrients lost as a result of constant stress.
2. Helps to strengthen your immune system and keep real disease away.
3. Increases energy
4. Helps the body “absorb” the the constant shock of fear. Remember that too much adrenaline is not easy on the body.
5. Vitamins help you prevent stress as much as they help manage it.
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Educational material! Finally somebody that knows what they are on
about and can as well produce common sense blog for us
visitors. without a doubt looking forward to your next blog post.
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