I usually don’t talk about myself on this blog in specific terms. I generalize a lot and do so to drive home the fact that I experience what you experience on a regular basis. So although my blog is about anxiety disorders and not me per se today I wanted to share a little story about my visit to the dentist which went from not so great to fantastically horrible in about 2 minutes.
This particular dental experience was by far the worst ever. Despite my general anxiety disorder I usually do well at the dentist’s office. This is because I understand that my fears are really baseless and that I’m rather safe at the tooth doctor’s place.
Today was different however from the very beginning. I have already been on edge lately because of an upcoming medical exam and I have been under a tremendous amount of stress as well. Coupled with that I did not have breakfast this morning, which sounds like no big deal but of course today it mattered.
I showed up to the dental office a little weary but otherwise in good shape. I was apprehensive but not nervous. The dentist (whom I know personally) started prepping me by shooting me up with Novocaine . He shot me several times, maybe 7-10 times, but I really didn’t think anything of it.
A few minutes into the procedure I started to feel pain so he shot me up some more. About 2 minutes later all hell broke loose and I began to have a full blown panic attack. I had palpitations, sweating hands, and I was shaking all over as if I were freezing. Now I wasn’t flailing around but I was clearly in distress.
The dentist stopped and propped me up and asked me if everything was fine. I of course said, "ah, no" and thought that I was going to die in this white washed dental office. The dentist calmly looked at me and said that I was having an adverse reaction to the Novocaine which contains epinephrine a.k.a adrenaline!
That’s right everyone, your anxious guru was given a large dose of anxiety juice or adrenaline. And in all honestly I didn’t handle it very well. I didn’t run down the street or anything but suffice to say I had a horrible time and as I write this still a bit on edge. Clearly I’ll be o.k., but it just makes me feel like I was sucker punched by my anxiety. Because at least at the dentist office, so I thought, I had learned how to control my fears.
The point of this story is not to just entertain, but it’s also meant to serve as a warning. A warning like the one that was put on my dental records. A big orange sticker that said "no epinephrine". If you plan on going to the dentist you should note that you don’t have to use Novocaine as the anesthetic. They can also use Carbocaine which does not contain adrenaline (it wears off much faster). All in all it was not a fun experience, but I did learn something. So with a numb mouth, sore teeth, and achy muscles from all the shaking I bid you a good day/night.
Recommended Reading: Overcoming Medical Phobias: How to Conquer Fear of Blood, Needles, Doctors, And Dentists
Similar thing happened to me yesterday. Apparently low blood sugar and fatigue also played a part. I’d had four shots of Lidocaine with epi. I had the palpitations and the shaking but rather than panic mentally I faded away. When I came to, my vision was in black and white and while I felt like I was literally about to ‘leave this mortal coil’ – I couldn’t have freaked out if I wanted to – I felt like if I allowed myself to drift away I wouldn’t come back. The dentist tilted the chair right back until I was almost upside down. Nurse put an ice pack on my head and there was all this activity around me. When I was able to drink they gave me glucose in water. While I was out they’d checked my blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar etc. Dentist opted not to continue so my Root Canal has been postponed for four days. After sitting for a hour I was ok but couldn’t drive. Today everything aches – feel like I’ve been run over by a bus. Face hurts from the injection sites, they hadn’t started drilling when I had my reaction so no post dental pain. Never happened before and I wasn’t anxious but I was tired and had been stressed in heavy traffic trying to make the appointment on time. I had eaten breakfast and lunch and I’m not diabetic, appointment was late afternoon.
Thank you so much for this post, I experienced this today and thought I was going to die in the office! , it was like a huge wave of anxiety just came over my whole body after the injection, after that I felt shaky and cold. Never want to go through that again!!!.
I love you Anxiety Guru! Your blog helped me through a rough spot a year and a half ago. I have t googled things firs a LONG time and even when I do now, I don’t get anxious. But after today’s dental appointment, and not relaxing all evening (it’s 5 hrs post root canal), I am physically still on edge and my heart is a bit racy. I’m extememly fatigued but couldn’t cozy up in my bed and rest if I wanted to!
So I google novacaine a d anxiety and what’ve do you know! I had NO idea there was epinephrine in it! I’ve had a lot of dental procedures in my life (root canals before and fillings), and I don’t recall this “anxiety hangover” feeling ever. Usually, the anxiety subsided immediately after the procedure is over!
My new dentist does root canals in 2 visits. My first appt was 2 weeks ago and I noticed then too I was rattled into the evening but didn’t think too much about it. I’d taken half of a .25 Xanax prior to that appt so that may have helped some. Today’s appt I didn’t take any Xanax and this evening I’m uncomfortable!
Although I am not panicking (yay!), I am still uncomfortable with the adrenaline feeling. I told my husband it feels like I drank a pot of coffee. So while I’m uncomfortable, I feel relieved to know I’m not the only one who’s had this experience and think I will now go use my Xanax prescription (that I keep on hand and only use as needed), to quell that anxiety juice flowing! Super glad to also know there are alternatives to epinipherine laced novacaine!
I love you Anxiety Guru! Your blog helped me through a rough spot a year and a half ago. I haven’t t googled things for a LONG time and even when I do now, I don’t get anxious. But after today’s dental appointment, and not relaxing all evening (it’s 5 hrs post root canal), I am physically still on edge and my heart is a bit racy. I’m extememly fatigued but couldn’t cozy up in my bed and rest if I wanted to!
So I googled novacaine and anxiety and what do you know! I had NO idea there was epinephrine in it! I’ve had a lot of dental procedures in my life (root canals and fillings), and I don’t recall this “anxiety hangover” feeling ever. Usually, the anxiety subsided immediately after the procedure is over!
My new dentist does root canals in 2 visits. My first appt was 2 weeks ago and I noticed then too I was rattled into the evening but didn’t think too much about it. I’d taken half of a .25 Xanax prior to that appt so that may have helped some. Today’s appt I didn’t take any Xanax and this evening I’m uncomfortable!
Although I am not panicking (yay!), I am still uncomfortable with the adrenaline feeling. I told my husband it feels like I drank a pot of coffee. So while I’m uncomfortable, I feel relieved to know I’m not the only one who’s had this experience and think I will now go use my Xanax prescription (that I keep on hand and only use as needed), to quell that anxiety juice flowing! Super glad to also know there are alternatives to epinipherine laced novacaine!