As an anxiety sufferer you may spend a lot of time concerned about your immediate health. You may spend a great deal of time wondering what exactly is going to kill you since your convinced your about to die. But although you worry generally you still have that small rational thought pattern that somehow reassures you that you are in fact healthy. So there you are going back and forth about the connection between your nerves and your health. Well it turns out all that worry was not baseless brain babble. Researchers believe that there is
Discover Why Vitamins Matter
When it comes to explaining the causes of anxiety disorder there are generally three reasons given, which are usually brain chemistry, genetics, and to some extent environment. But could it be that there are other factors that contribute to our constant state of anxiety? The short answer is of course! Aside from the usual suspects listed above, vitamin deficiency is yet another potential cause of abnormal anxiety. Now, I am not saying that popping Flintstones tablets will cure your anxiety disorder, but I will say that vitamins can help to
How To Know When You Need a Therapist
During our daily struggle with post traumatic stress disorder, social phobia, or any other anxiety disorder, we tend to think that just getting by is enough. We figure that as long as things don't get too out of control that we can just get over it. But how do you know when enough is enough? How do you know when it's time to see a therapist? This is an important question to ask yourself. Because even with all the knowledge and good intention in the world the truth is sometimes you still need help. You may have relied on a good friend
Anxiety Disorders and Cigarette Addiction
The one thing that all forms of mental ailment have in common is that they cause great distress to those that endure them. As a result, many people that have anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc., turn to substance abuse to cope, and cigarettes is one of the most common drugs used for this purpose. Now, let me get something straight, I don't equate anxiety disorder with any of the personality disorders. These are very different conditions that are not connected to anxiety disorder per say. So to all my hypochondriacs