Picture it, you’re enjoying an average day at work when all of sudden you get a sharp jabbing pain in the center of your chest.
You go from totally relaxed to “oh no!” in 3 nanoseconds. This is a very typical reaction to anxiety induced chest pain.
Chest pain can create a swift and focused sensation of fear all over your body in what feels like an instant.
Your first assumption is that you’re having a heart attack and that you’re going to die suddenly.
After several minutes of experiencing chest pain, even though you haven’t died just yet, you figure that it has to be something serious.
Symptoms like chest pain may have even prompted you to visit the ER or set up an appointment with your primary doctor.
If you did go to see a doctor he/she probably put you through the paces of blood tests, EKG, stress test and maybe even a portable heart recorder for good measure.
The tests all came back normal and you were sent on your merry way. But, you still get chest pain from time to time.
So what is happening, can it be anxiety causing you to have these pains? First let me just say that if you are experiencing regular chest pain and haven’t seen your doctor you should go see him/her asap.
Chest pain really can be a sign of heart attack or other serious heart condition.
Really I’m not trying to be an alarmist but this is just a fact. However, once you have been through the hamster wheel and have been told that your problem is nerves than you might be experiencing anxiety induced chest pains.
Anxiety does have the ability to make your chest hurt and it does this in generally 5 ways.
1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD causes your stomach to create excess acid which is “backed” up into your esophagus which in turn creates heart burn and chest pain.
2. Esophageal spasm : This causes your lower esophagus to contract and also disturbs the muscles in your chest wall. This is a random and involuntary contraction of a series of muscles.
3. Stress : High levels of stress over a prolonged period of time can cause muscle tightness and tension. This can lead to all kinds of aches and pains all over, including the chest area.
4. Panic attacks :It is also very common to feel chest pain and shortness of breath when experiencing a panic attack.
5. Precordial Catch Syndrome: PCS is usually seen in children and teens but has been known to affect adults.
This is a seemingly mysterious condition that causes sharp pains for short durations, normally under the left breast or even the arm pit.
And although the pain is sometimes piercing it is not dangerous nor does it require treatment.
I have read many articles that try to explain the difference between chest pain and a heart attack.
As far as I can tell there is very little difference between the two. This is exactly why it is so important to see your doctor if you are experiencing new or different types of chest pain.
Once you have been checked out however you should relax and accept that not all chest pain is heart related. This is not to say that it isn’t frightening because it absolutely is.
I’m just saying that you should try to put your mind at ease so you can reduce your stress level which would decrease the anxiety symptoms that create chest pain.
I have had this particular problem myself for about 2 years. And although you never get used to it, you can relax your attitude toward it.
It’s important to get cleared not just for safety reasons, but also to reduce the amount of fear you have when chest pain does hit you.
Chest pain is varied so it can make you grab at your chest and pulse for days. Your heart can feel “warm”, you can have short jabbing pains, the pain may radiate to your arms and back, your chest muscles may vibrate, the muscles under your arm pits may be affected, etc.
Chest pain can be an endless abyss of worry. So cut the worry off as it were and do what you must to be reassured.
For tips on how to relax effectively click here .
And for a good explanation about the difference between heart attack and benign chest pain click here.
Hello Sabrene,
I really feel for how you are feeling. Reading what you had said, kind of touched a spot in me. It is very hard feeling like you are alone in the world, but you need to tell yourself and realize that you are not. I have had anxiety issues myself for about 9 months now, and I kind of in a way felt the same as you. I have two kids of my own, and live with my girlfriend of seven years. When I had a really hard time dealing with what I thought was depression and anxiety, I turned to her to try and get some help but she was pretty hard on me. But I now see why, but at the time i was like what the hell why dont you care. Anyway what helped me was getting out of the house, just taking a nice walk even if you have to bring your children, take them to the park. Basically do something that would be soothing to you, and that will help take your mind off of the situation. Also, try finding like a hobby to do. Try googling some hobbies or fun things to do in your area. Like anything hard, it will take time to retrain the way that your mind is thinking right now, but only you have the control to do so. So really stay strong, and try to look at everything in life in a positive manner, and i am sure that you will start to feel better about yourself and your situation.
Take Care
hey im a 15 yo teen
on wed i got elbowed in the heart area by accident while i was playing
and i am really worried, i still have some pain
preventing me to excercise and if i move too quickly then it starts aching for a short while
wjhat should i do
and when does this stop
Hi there ,
I have been having chest pains for the last 3 days . They only seem to happen just before i sleep and always go when I stand or sit up . Eventually I fall asleep and everything is fine . I do have a constant upset stomach as well as this chest pain . I had put the stomach down to IBS . I am pretty confident that I am experiencing anxiety as It is very sudden and started a day after I had received bad news from my parents , this was on top of a relationship break – up and work issues . Any tips or advice would be great and apologies if I have not punctuated or constructed my letter properly .
I have been having chest pain for about 2 years now. It all started after a very bad cold. I keep thinking it has to be lung cancer or something but I feel as if I am breathing fine. I cant afford to go to the doctor so my worry over the issue just keeps increasing I am so tired of it. I feel like it is hard to get up and face the day anymore and I am lacking motivation to do anything. I lost my pap my dad my aunt and my gram all within three years of each other and I moved away from my family to be with my fiance. I feel really alone and scared. The chest pain is rarely localized and my back hurts all the time as well and it full of knots. Sometimes if I stretch out my chest I hear a click. And sometimes it gets really severe right under my breasts. I am always putting icy hot on it to dull the pain but nothing lasts forever. I am tired of taking ibuprofen and bayer back and body all the time. I just want to feel normal again. Everyone acts like its all in my head but I am deathly afraid. I mean I try to be rational 2 years of chest pain cannot be anything serious or I would be dead right? Someone please tell me any tricks or techniques that may make it go away.
I’m crying. I’m sixteen, why is this happening to me? It wont go away. I’m healthy.
Hi Alyssa, Have you talked to your parents about this? If not, you should consider asking them about helping you seek treatment.
I’ve suffered from chest pains, pain in shoulder and shoulder blade, and down my left arm for two years with no exact cause other than its not my heart I’ve had several EKG’s, one stress test, blood work, ECG’s, and chest x-rays and all came back clear I’ve had several different dr.’s administer these tests and one family dr. At first they said it was costochondritis brought on by driving a forklift and constitly using my muscles, then they said it was chest wall inflammation, and then they said it was costocondritis and chest wall inflammation, now family dr. says its anxiety and made me an app. with a counsler but until then she gives me muscle relaxers and they help tramendusly but as soon as they’re gone my chest pains are back and i still can’t help but to think they all missed something and that i’m not going to get to watch my little girl grow up cause i worry that everyday is my last and i don’t like to leave the house but when i do my pains get better when i workout my pains get better i just wish they could figure this out so i can get back to living my life as i am only 23 with a wife and daughter and another child on the way it does really help to read everyones stories, a peace of mind persay i wish everyone the best of luck in there battle with anxiety and hope mine helps you as well,
Sometimes I wake up out of sleep feelimg empty imside and dizzy I get up and take a drink of h2o I feel like I’m dying I dont go with the feelimg I try to walk instead of laying there ..I’m afraid I’ll die it also happens when I’m awake .. Not to often but enough to scare me please tell me what to do I do have a good health so far I’m 75yr
I’m having chest pains too. I’ve been experiencing these for about 5 months. It all started when I learned that I’m hypertensive. I’m 33 years old & I felt depressed & anxious when I learned about my condition since I’m too young to be hypertensive. I started thinking that I might have a heart problem or diabetes as well so I did some tests back in July for a bloodtest, ecg & stresstest but all of which came back normal. However my chest pain is still there, it’s from my left breast that radiates to my armpit & also to my left jaw, and sometimes to the center of my chest. My friends say it’s all in my mind since my tests are all clear but I just understand why the pain is still there. it’s affecting the quality of my life. What can I do to overcome this?
I’v been having a horrible pain in my chest for quite sometime now alomost daily. I had an EKG in febuary of last year and it came back normal. Although on my left side i get sharp pains , Sometimes almost like a vibration.. But not always.. These pains make it hard for me to breath.. I’m really scared And hardly never sleep.. Right now it is 4:59am .. I have’nt went to sleep yet.. The pains are Mostly on the left side and sometimes radiate to my arm and shoulder/Neck.. im 18 And im completly.. worried.. These pains give me severe Anxitey .. And my heart beat is rapid.. Is this seriouse am I going to Die???
Please help me.
hi anyone , i have always been a slightly highly strung person but not to the point where it had affected my life , however i moved from the u.k to australia 2 years ago and gradually things started to get worse , bach aches all over , neck aches , on waking in a morning minutes before leaving the house i got the overwheming feeling of wanted to be sick and on occasion was . diziness/ chestpains . went to the docs in australia who said my bloodpressure was raised , no surprise there with all this going on persuaded him to have my heart checked as i was convinced i was going to have a heart attack , had a stress test done which came back clear so i put it down to the pressure of moving countries and thought that returning back to the u.k /familiarity would solve the problem , i have been back for 4 months now and if anything i,m getting worse which is the total opposite of what i thought would happen , i awake at all hours , still get nausia/sickness in a morning , drinking more fleeting chest pains aches all over my back , not been to dotors about this trying my best to carry on for the family wife and two boys what is wrong with me? anyone else had or has these symptoms please let me know ..
I just want to say THANK YOU for this site and all the comments posted. Those of you who have said you feel alone with this condition, I will tell you that you are not alone. My first experience with Anxiety and Panic Attacks was a couple years ago. I did the routine of ER and Doc thinking I was having a heart attack. Instead, everything came back normal and was sent on my way. On my follow up with the Doc, he prescribed me with Paxil for Anxiety, I took it for approx 9 months and it was not for me. My friends did an intervention since I was not being myself. I gradually came off the meds last year and have been great since, until recently. I have a stressful job, personal matters, and basically life happening the past couple of months, the attacks have come back. Everything came back: Chest Pain, Pain in my Armpit, Shortness of Breath, the tingling numbin sensations running through my arms and feeling like I am going to drop at any moment. I found this link tonight and reading it has put my mind at ease. Reading through everyones posts and their concerns helps me deal with mine. You are not alone, it truly comes down to the facts of life and how you deal with it. I have been telling myself the past few days when the attacks were bad, Mind of Matter repeatedly and deep breathing trying to control the situation. It helps, but finding this link has also given me the reassurance that I am not alone. I think it is time to take back my life and find that happy medium. Thank You Again!!!
My Wife has had this ICY HOT fellings after what we thought was a heart attack we found out after heart doctors said heart is fine… it is a serotonin syndrome (serotonin toxicity). See if you get these attacks at night or morning that is when the Melatonin and Serotonin are changing levels. Wife was on celexa (SSRI)Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Fluoxetine Paroxetine Zoloft Lexapro Celexa Luvox Venlafaxine Cymbalta Bupropion are SSRIs. After slowly getting off the ssri the attacks died down.
Last night I started having chest pains,left arm going numb, feeling like i was going to get sick,throat felt like i was going to puke or rip it out one. I am 22 years old today and have been living with anxiety for 5 years, I recently went off of my anxiety medication cold turkey ( bad idea) but im 2 weeks in and i knew i wasnt going to die but it sure as hell felt like a heart attack I found this website at 3 in the morning and for some reason it HELPED. Thank you i was able to relax long enough to go to sleep. Today im still anxious as ever but at least i got some sleep..i dont know how to control my anxiety and it has taken a serious tole on my life..i cant drive..i cant work..even with taking the medication over the years. sooo i cannot really help anyone else or give any advice other than I have had it for so long and hey im still alive so maybe theres a trick to it. Thanks again.
Ok, I really need some help here. I am 14, and I have severe anxiety disorder and panic attacks. I was bullied horribly in the last couple of years, and have been going to counsiling and I am on medication. The last 2 days, I have been feeling sharp, horrible deep pain in my left-middle side of my chest. I felt really dizzy and I was really scared yesterday, so my mom took me t the doctor. Now she always blamed all my things I feel from my anxiety. I got my blood pressure done and they checked my heart beat. Then the doctor did an EKG and all of the things came back perfectly normal. He thinks it has something to do with my rib joint. My mom is also convinced. But the pain hurts still continually, my arm is tingly sometimes, and I feel weird. Right now, my chest hurts and my heart feels like it is kind of rumbling when it beats. Everyone in my family is for sure I am ok. I had an EKG like 2 years ago for something like this, and it was fine. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!? Im scared
Hi, I’m a 17 year old female. I study at college in England and am working towards my email. I think I may have depression of some sort (though I haven’t seen a doctor). Anyway I keep getting these chest pains which last from around secnds up to 2 or 3 mins, The pain isn’t sharp (although now and again i get sharp chest pains). I’ts really more of an aching pain and is annoying. It’s around the heart area too! I really can’t find out what the cause is but I daren’t tell my family or friends.
I am 34 years old women, and i have had chest pain for about 7 months. I was so scared thinking that it could be a heart related issue and went to several times to ED and have done EKG, blood work, chest x-ray, and cat scan all came out normal. My pain is now sprade to my right arm pit and my middle back. I also visited my primery care doctor so many times back to back, and told me that i might pulld chest muscle and could be muscle inflammation, and gave me muscle relaxer medicen which did not help me at all, now he is thinking that it could be acid reflux and schedule me to see GI specialist. I am suffering a lot and the pain took away my qaulity of life. The pain is constant, and never gose away its there 24/7.
P.S. My wife said the felling after her “serotonin overload Attack” was like “ICY HOT” where the tightness was.
Hi Paul,
Excellent article, you really hit home with your description of the symptoms and the terrifying nature of how we interpret them. To everyone else who have shared your stories and asked for help, I truly feel for you and hope things improve. I am a 23-yr old, physically active guy who over the past several weeks have had sporadic chest pains under my left breast with radiating pain down my left arm and across my chest. Last week I checked into the ER and had the entire gamut of tests done, all of which thankfully came back normal. Upon reflection, no wonder my chest pain and palpitations got worse, it was all that I thought about!!! I am trying to learn from this experience and I have no regrets about getting things checked out. However, I am a very logical person and I would much rather have a clear-cut cause for this chest pain. Upon reflection I have been under extraordinary stress over the past 2 months. Relationships are perhaps the most stressful things on earth! The chest pains and anxiety are most certainly a positive feedback loop, the one increases the other and so forth. Be sure to get the symptoms checked to make sure that they are not the warning signs of something much more serious. After that, know that your heart is fine, you will survive the pain episodes, and most importantly you are not alone!
Hi, like so many others I also have these problems. I am a 22 y/o. I have had weird chest pains since I was 13. A little over a year ago things got worse, I had what I truly believed was a heart attack the pain was unbearable on the left side of my chest, my eyes were cloudy, I was dizzy, sweating, and felt as if I was going to die. My legs, feet and hands went so tingly and numb I could not hardly move them. I got a ride to the ER vitals were up BP 158/104 and HR 156 which freaked me out even more. They did Ekg and chest x-ray which came back normal. Blood test showed I had low potassium and was given 2 pills for that. They gave me ativan and a few other things which I dont recall. They kept me until my Bp and HR decreased. Sent me home with xanax and told me it was an anxiety attack im too “young” to have a heart attack anyways. Ever since then these attacks keep coming back sometimes only a couple a month but recently its been at least once a week and Ive been having them everyday for the past 3 days the pain can last for hours which just makes my anxiety worsen. The xanax helps but I have to take 3-4 of my .25mg pills to rid me of the symptoms, and I hate taking them as they make me tired and I have to work 6-7 days a week and have a 3 y/o to care for after work. I have tried the mind over matter and my dr sent me for an echocardiogram which only showed I have slight tachycardia which I already knew as my pulse is generally between 90 and 125. I just seem to think there is more to this than just anxiety.. maybe I am wrong and im just a stressed out 22 y/o mom who works too much and I bring these attacks on myself?? Not sure but I am currently going to school to be a nurse and I am determined to find a better solution to anxiety! I feel for all of you and if you havent been to a doctor please go b/c chest pain can be very serious! Best of luck to you all and any tips to make anxiety go away would be great!! 🙂
I am a 37 year old divorced mom of two.Seven years ago I had my first heart attack . Since then I have had two more. my first happened at work and when the ambulance picked me up they ran their tests and everything looked good so they said I was having a panic attack turns out it wasn’t and I now have damage to my heart . Women don’t have the same symtoms as men so there for most doctors don’t look for the right thing. A word of advice to women out there . I was 30 years old my first one.
Thanks so much for sharing that information Mary. I’m glad you’re still with us. =)
Hi so as I type this I’m having some chest pain right now. I’ve been having it for over a year now. I am 20 years old. I went to the doctor and had a chest x ray and it came out normal. I’m going to assume its just stress, we’ve been monitoring it and it seems to come around when I’m just thinking a lot, or when I’m positioned where I’m applying a lot of pressure to my chest. I just want to know if there is anything you can take to ease the pain. For me it feels as if there is something on top of me compressing my chest and if I make one move I may break my rib cage (thats just how it feels for me). When I lie down its fine, but as long as I’m moving I can definitely feel it. I just wish I knew what to do to cure it
Hey Debi
Please don’t worry. It’s wierd but I know how you feel. I was recently diagnosed with conversion disorder because of my stress. This website helped me a lot…Keep your head up..start everday like its the best day…I pray that it will all work out for you…
Looking forward to your book,
So glad I found this website, I’m not sure if I can cope much longer. Been to the doctors several times. I was first told I had pulled a muscle around my breast. I have been having pains in my chest for nearly 6 months, I’m so worried to sleep in case I don’t wake up.i can’t go town or food shopping as I feel I’m going to faint. My doctor has now said I’m suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I have had an ECG and X-ray and all came back fine. I feel so bad for my husband I always was laughing and going out but now I’m so scared and not wanting to do anything. Nearly all day longer I have a heavy feeling on my chest, shooting pains in left breast, pains in left arm. Doctor had tried me on anti depressants ssri but doctor took me off them as they didn’t agree with me, she when gave me propranlol but did nothing for me. I have been referred to a specialist but I have Been waiting now for 2 months. I just keep thinking they have it wrong and I’m really ill. Just wish I knew how to help myself get better. Sorry to go on everyone.
I have the exact same case as Ruby. I did go to the doctor’s some time ago and he gave me some muscle relaxant, which didn’t help. My heart rate is pretty high too and I’m really worried because I can’t find out what’s causing this!
My name is Reginald and I have been sent home from the Hospital with the same thing I went in for. I noticed Thursday morning (11/24/11 a rattling in my chest, so I said to myself I must be coming down with a cold. So I did the normal thing,drink tea to try and flush out the cold on Thanksgiving day. Just to shorting the story,Pain in my chest and back has gotten worse. I went to work on Monday 11/28/11 thinking it would go away no. Tuesday I went to work with the pain and no releaf. So I panic and went the the hospital ER for assistance. They took me right away and begin to test me. My pressure was 234 with the pain, Xrays was taken,Ekg Iv in my arm,oxegen. So in doing all that I was admitted, so that they could do a stress test, in which I fail.The other test was stick a needle in my are to go thru my artery and shoot some kind of dye in it to see if I had any blockage. No Blockage! So they discharge. I was there two in a half and still no answer
Please help me
WE FOUND IT WAS serotonin POISON. It caused HEART ATTACK like symptoms! It caused a cardiac artery spasm NOT A TRUE HEART ATTACK. We stopped celexa in 3 weeks chest pains went away.P.S. keep nitro-glycerin tabs handy you need these to stop the artery spasm. we’ll have to pay $$$$ now to the hospitals just to find this out.
Hi , I had an anxiety attack a few months back and I keep getting chest pains iv been to the doctor and hospital every time I go my heart is perfect ad everything is perfect but I’m still worried I don’t know how to put my worrys to ease and it’s hard obviously always thinking the worse . I’m not sure what to do do I keep checking because something could be wrong or do
I leave it . Hope you guys can help as this is so hard and it’s scary as and I just want my normal life back
Hi to all……First of all I wish the best to everyone out there with their phyisical and anxiety problems. I relate to ALL of you!!!!!
Fist of all my situation is a bit different here. I am a professional dancer and danced all my life from the age of five. So phisical activity or lack of it is definetly not my problem. I’ve had palpatations since I was a teenager and now will turn the big 65 in December. They continued to get worse as I got older to the point of almost passing out many times and I never knew what would bring them on…..like a bear in a cave never knowing WHEN they would come on me! I finally went to a heart specialist and had a procedure done (non invasive- forgot the medical term) to stop these palpatations. It was sucessful and I haven’t gotten them for many years. I may get the symptoms like my heart would start to beat fast but then because of this prcedure they would immediately stop!!!! BUT….NOW five years ago I got them again and this time they would not stop for days and that was a major concern as I hadn’t had a problem for years with them. I didn’t have medical insurance and even went to a clinic here in NY but they turned me away which was a sin I thought to myself because of no health insurance!!!!!! NOW two weeks ago I got another attack in one of my dancing classes and had to leave which usually I stick it out in spite of them….had them so many times and was used to just dealing with them!!! I lost my health insurance due to a divorce over ten years ago and just didn’t have the money to get insurance. I am an artist and dancer-performer. Not exactly a great paying job no doubt. Well to make a long story longer….I finally went to a primary phyisican…got Medicare now….and had an EKG and was told it was perfect…blood pressure perfect too. BUT….I continue until now to feel however slight these palpatations, pain in my upper back, tightness in my chest and pain in my right forearm…….now I will go to a heart specialist as my primary doctor told me to do. The fact is that this is coming from somewhere….YES!!!! I have been under severe stress in the past 20 years and more. I have thought that my thyroid perhaps is the cause as the symptoms are almost the same as what I have but I just need to know my heart is ok. If my heart is ok…I can deal with what ever else it may be. I have an ulcer too…..I have been a big practioner of Acupuncture and that is what has saved me tooooooooooo many times as they work on the internal organs and NO medical doctor can do this. My acupuncture doctors are from China….they are more knowledgable!!!
I was told that I had a strong and healthy body but a weak mind as I am a very emotional person. Also was told that getting enogh sleep is essential to so that the stomach is relaxed and well….ALL my Acupuncture doctors told me thatnthe stomach is the first thing that is hit when you have stress…which ois probably WHY I have an ulcer!!!! I guess what worries me is the palpatations are almost all the time now although not as strong. I will keep you posted as to what my cardiologist will say at the end of this month (December). Anyone out there with similar situation…I would appreciate a responce back!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Everyone –
Okay, here’s the deal. I have been dealing with anxiety for 20 years now. My first attack was confusing and terrifying and happened while I was at rest, watching a movie. By the time the ambulance came, I felt perfectly fine but they took me in anyway. I was diagnosed by an ER doc (after tests were done) as having had a panic/anxiety attack. I was 22 years old then.
Since that first attack, I’ve had to live with anxiety. I am now 42 and I find that as I get older, the anxiety/panic attacks get worse! I am pretty certain nearly 98% is psychological because I tend to freak out of the dumbest things (of course when I’m freaking out, they’re not so dumb). I also have some other medical issues which I believe tend to feed into my anxiety, or give me reason to freak out when something goes wrong. For instance: I am asthmatic; I have a hiatal hernia which sometimes causes severe GERD; I have arthritis settling into my joints; I broke my tail bone two years ago which sometimes causes problems within my lower back; I have IBS (which I am certain has been brought on by the anxiety)…
Needless to say, I’m a walking disaster. I use to have high cholesterol but my last test noted it was normal. My blood pressure is normal when I am feeling great but of course while having anxiety it sky-rockets which then also freaks me out and makes me think I’m on the brink of death.
I am terrified of having a heart attack and dropping dead although there is no history at all of heart problems on either side of my family tree (except my Grandfather who also smoked like a chimney but lived through TWO quad bypasses, an aortic aneurism, and two heart attacks).
What freaks me out is when I get the chest pains. It’s on my left side but not in the center of my chest nor even in my stomach area. It’s in my shoulder, my upper left breast area and down around my arm pit and sometimes leading into my back. When I lift my left arm, my shoulder pops …
Needless to say, I’ve been to the ER more times than I can count on two hands. I’ve had EKG’s, battery of blood tests, heart monitors, etc. and all have come back perfectly normal. So what’s the problem you ask?
ANXIETY! My brain won’t allow me to just relax about being well because I can physically FEEL there’s something going on. Hell, it’s gotten so bad that if I even get so much as a cold I think the end is near. What I need is a good mental health professional but I’m terrified they’ll want to lock me up.
I’ve been on more anxiety/depression medications than the pharm. companies can keep up with and they all make me feel crazy or, intensify my anxiety so I can’t take medications (medication of any kind makes me feel weird, like -what if I have a horrible reaction to it?).
It’s really difficult living with myself sometimes. But it’s relieving to know that I’m not the only one who’s going through this crap.
i work at amazon, me and my girl hqave been having problems and 60 hours a week is adding to it… we’re about to break up, i can just tell and when we do i’ll have nowhere to go… homeless:) yay…. while working i would just randomly feel like a knife was being twisted in my chest i was freaking out and thought i had a blood clot or something but this sounds exact, and i just wanted to thank you for the ease of mind that this artical gave me… and i wanted to ask, do you know of any good medicines that could help?
Hey everyone,
This website and thread of comments has helped me out immensely.
About 2 months ago I was going to bed, and my heart began to race IMMENSELY. I couldn’t figure out what was going on and was very nervous because I started a new job earlier the next day(which I’m sure had something to do with it. Everyday since that incident I have trouble concentrating because of a dull pain in my chest. I am constantly checking my pulse and recently went to the doctor where they performed many different tests which all came back clear. She said I should see a therapist because she believes I have anxiety and panic disorder. I have been diagnosed with these in my early teens and never experienced the daily fear of chest pain/death. It is affecting my daily life and have recently decided to move back to my home state in hopes of living in a more comfortable situation and having these fears reduced. I am a 22 year old female, recent college grad, and want to begin my journey as a true adult without having to go through this everyday. I’m glad I’m not the only one in this situation, and I know we can all get through it together!
Hey awesome, talk to your doctor about beta-blockers. They block a lot of anxiety related symptoms like chest pain and palpitations, for example.
I can completely relate, no one understand what you are going through and you’re just taken for being moody. Very irritating! I have had bad panic attacks since the spring and then they subsided a month ago. I would have chest pain, left arm would go completely numb, (sometimes legs as well) I would hyperventilate, it would be so debilitating. I went to a cardiologist and had all standard tests ran and was fine, had blood tests and was fine… but when that chest pain starts, none of that matters, panic sets in!
Hi I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a few months back and am now on treatment. I suffer from a central pain in the middle of my chest which feels like a pressing pressure. I also get alot of back pain in the general area. This is all due to anxiety caused by a hormone imbalance. Its a horrible feeling and it is quite worrying as I am scared that I may be going into a thyroid storm. I jusy need to try and stay calm or my situation will spiral out of control.
Stress is the worst thing in the world, through the trauma and stress of a motorbike accident I became hyper with graves which in turn turned me into an anxiety monster with shakes, twiches, pain, crying.
I can only recommend you need to look forward and think of a better life and that yoga or meditation is probably the key to curbing the anxiety
I am reading all of these comments and for some reason it still does not make me feel any better. I have had chest pain on and off for about 7 years now. I originally thought the pain was due to being deeply exhausted – and I still think this is largely true for me, but anxiety plays into it greatly also. It is a “cold burning”, aching, pulling tightness/soreness that makes the bones over my heart hurt to the touch, and the ribs next to the breast bone also. Sometimes I can feel it up into my front bottom teeth, like someone is trying to pull my teeth out. Of course, as everyone else notes, just having chest pain itself, produces great anxiety. It is heartache in its truest sense. I went on sleep medication back in 2004 and that eventually decreased the symptoms as I got rested. When it happens it goes on for hours or days or weeks. It started again a week ago. I am getting ready to retire and have been looking forward to it. Of course it is stress, but why would my body just choose this time to put on this show?? the only thing that helps is lying down. So I am supposed to finally have free time after working 43 years, and supposed to spend it lying down?? I went to the ER earlier this year, EKG normal, stress test normal, my acupuncturist says my heart is normal, my physical therapist (neck problems) says it is probably the vagus nerve, my husband thinks it is anxiety and says I need to find someone to talk to. I tried to make an appointment with another cardiologist today, they have not called me back, and I hate the idea of the round of tests that leads no where. I am so afraid that there really are physical causes, and I keep thinking my heart is going to be damaged (if this is angina, which it sounds like from descriptions I have read, except with angina it is supposed to go away after a few minutes, not hours or days). Exercise makes it worse, glass of wine can make it better for a time. I am going to go lie down. I don’t want to take anxiety meds, many meds have a weird effect on me. At least this forum gives me some place to vent. My husband is tired of hearing about it, and I don’t want to drive my friends away by talking about health problems too often – they already hear about/ask about my neck, which is debilitating and keeps getting worse. now that I am down at the bottom of the website I see other links to anxiety self help. Since its either self help or the ER, I am going to try the self help. ER did not help last time
PLEASE delete the comment I posted at 1:21 PM. I had no idea my whole name would be used. your site does not make that clear at all. Now anyone who searches the internet for my name can eventually see that post. I don’t want that – I thought I would have anonymity and be able to be open and sincere about my anxiety, which is now going through the roof at the idea that my name is there with the post. If you feel this is not adequate reason to delete, and beleive me everything I have said on the post is true, then please AT LEAST change the name to something that cannot be used to identify me.
@Andrea: I have also been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism lately. I think i’ve had it mildly most of my life, as I’ve just been kinda tired for the last few years. but lately it got worse. I had one incident where I thought I was having a heart attack, but it turns out it was a lot of stress. I’ve had bits of chest pain here and there, sometimes when running too. I know that a lot of it has to do with how afraid of it I am, as that has only made it worse for me. I try to relax not worry about them. Sorry about your accident by the way. that really stinks :/ It’s been a hard journey, but personally, what gets me through it is the hope I have in God, that he will be with me throughout it and that will will turn out fine. I don’t mean to force God down anyone’s throat btw.
secondly, you might want to try homeopathic medicine, or possibly chi gong. I have been on the remedy iodum and it has been helping me a lot. It’s not a very well known medicine practice, but it has a lot of testomonies. again not trying to force anything, just offering ideas!
And honestly, my prayer is that we all see a better day. through all of this. that one day we could all testify of the journey we went through and the light on the other side of this dark tunnel. In fact, I know we will. somehow. I just can’t believe that all this wouldn’t be worth it somehow, that those who press through have to reap something beautiful for all the long hours they put in of pain. that’s my hope, and I don’t ever want to let that fade 🙂
thank God finally I can breathe(pun intended). I’ve been having this symptoms for almost a year now..and like everyone else, I always felt like i’m going to die! the worse is hvg thoughts that i;d get heart attacks while im driving. the more i think about it..the more anxious i get, the faster my heart beats…as if i’m going to faint thinking about it. This symptoms comes on and off for quite a while now. I’d met the doctors and had done the ekg and stress test. during the first stress test, the doctor examined my heart beat/rate…he was surprised that my heart beast was so fast before i even walked on those mills.(i was at relaxed(i was restless) position) and the doctor asked: are you nervous.??i told him that I was. So, he asked to to relax and then i went through the test…he found out that my reading was normal, in fact i was able to run longer than that..the only problem was that i was too thirsty and my throat was too dry and i asked him to stop the machine and asked for drinks.(funny) He told me maybe it was just muscle pain (chest muscle) and I wasn;t sure about it.. after a year now, i still have those pain and sometimes feeling numbness below armpits(the arm) and also the arms./leg. But i also become more aware of my heartbeat and can actually feel it….can anyone explain on that? thinking about the heartbeat actually makes me become more anxious…for now, I;ve stopped all physical activity even though i love running..any advice? I do hope that it has nothing to do with lung…as the pain can move upwards, downwards but usually starts from the centre part, thanks.
so im a 23 years old male and thursday my dad had a heart attack and needs a quadruple bypass january 2nd. My dads just 47. Well when i got the news i got real tense in chest,heart rate went up, as well as blood pressure. the pressure is better and pulse is back to normal however i have shortness of breath, tight in chest and a ‘beating’ mild to moderate pain in upper left chest, just on and above left peck. the pain comes and goes but the tightness and preasure in chest stay. also occasionally happens on right peck. sometimes feels like heart beats in throat and this is 3 days later. i feel calm and suprisingly not too stressed. dr said my dads expected to do well, my question is what is happening to my chest? Should i be concerned about heart or could it be anxiety and a lack of sleep etc? Any info helps. thank you!
Additional info is my head and nose area are tight and eyes sore. i very week
ok so i went to the emergency room and they did an ekg and xray and they said i was completely fine but i still have chest pains how will i know if it is related to stress?
i’m 19 years old and i have a story to tell. one night i was off to bed and all of a sudden i couldn’t catch my breath, then my heart started beating really fast and i started shaking. i woke my mom and aunt up and told them to take me to the emergency room. i was really scared and had alot of things going on in my mind. well i had a ekg, and a x-ray and they came back good so in the back of my mind i was thinking well what happened? my mom told me that i must have had an anxiety attack..and i felt relieved..but i am still having some chest pain and i do have acid reflux…and it’s like when i eat certain food i start to have chest pain..so what could it be??
@Kisses1 Maybe it might be caused by just stomach acid which goes back up the oesophagus as you say you have Acid reflux. If your lifestyle is good (E.g you exercise and eat well and don’t smoke) then chances are chest pains are not as serious as Angina and Heart attacks. Could also be from stress. I have exams coming up and lately I’v been experiencing chest pains.
I had an episode of chest pains induced by anxiety yesterday. I am under extreme stress this past week. I was in a meeting at work, laughing and not even thinking about what has been going on. About 15 minutes later, I went to supervisors desk to ask a question and I started getting chest pains, shortness of breath, dizzy, sweats. I ended up being taken by ambulance to ER. My EKG and blood work, looking for specific enzymes were fine. He started poking where my chest pain was and was very sore. Does anyone know what that means??? The doctor then acted a little funny and was pushing me to get a stress test as soon as possible. He put me on Xanax to help with anxiety, but does not seem to relieve my chest pain either. Any thoughts??
Well last night i woke up at bout 3 a clock in the morning when i did my heart or chest started hurting really bad could not go back to sleep now i hope this helps see while this was going on my neck was really bad out of nowhere mabey i slept on it rong but i started worrying a little bit so woke up mom and dad and said my heart is hurting well they thought it might just be a heart burn well fells like its burning but there is something else my heart beat is really odd and im getting even scarder i tood some heart burn pills and felt better for a little while but neck still hurt and heart still beating oddly. Well i cracked my neck really fast it felt better then a few minutes later of just lying there in bed my heart pain came back. I went to the living room and sat up in the couch kinda just rested with my hand on my heart. Well i made it through the night but i woke up at about 7 this morning and right when i wake up i awoken to my heart hurting again its still beating oddly woke mom and dad up again and just took some more heart burn anti whatevers and got some milk well mom and dad are still asllep but i cant go back to sleep ive never felt pain like this before and its going on right mow so note im using my ipod while my heart hurts to right this please tell me what i should do or if im ok mom and dad still sleeping dont really want to wake them. Please it hurts. Im breathing fine. Only 14 and dont smoke i swear.
My stupid friend Luis is scared to go to the doctor and Im scared for him, what if he dosn’t go to the doctor will he die? :c
If the chest pain is related to anxiety alone then he will not die. But he needs to see a doctor to confirm that he doesn’t have a heart issue.
Honestly.. No matter what you try and think of your anxiety will NOT go away until you find inner peace within yourself. thats most of everyones problem. People just need to realize their problems..and if they can fix it than do so… if not, figure out a way to change it. I am 18 years old, 8 months pregnant with my first child, my family doesn’t talk to me to often, and my husband is in the United States Marines and over seas right now… believe me I’ve been suffering from anxiety since I was 16. Horrible anxiety. But its things like just writeing this comment that can help anyone calm down and make their day alittle better:)
I’m a 45 year old male.
I have had a fear of flying all my life and have recently flown (and loved it).
However prior to this I had been very anxious leading up to this and was experience chest pains.
I’ve had this before and put it down to the stress and fear.
Then I noticed the pain was occurring more when I exercised, even just a brisk walk and eased off within a few minutes of rest.
I went straight to my GP who gave me and ECG (all OK) and some Xanax for the anxiety.
Last week prior to my flight I really started to panic (more about the chest pain) and convinced I had Angina went back to see the GP – she got me to do a brisk walk and then when in pain gave me the ECG and took blood pressure. The ECG was fine but blood pressure was 195/110 which dropped back to 140/90 when back in her rooms and she told me the ECG was fine. I have been taking medication for hypertension for over 10 year but it has always been around 120/80 to 140/90 depending on how stressed I’ve been. I’m a very anxious person.
I’ve been on my flight – loved it!
But I’m still getting the chest pains when I exert myself and my GP said she’d give me a proper cardio-stress test to reassure me but she thought the pain was stress related.
Sorry for the long post – Should I get the stress test? Or should I stop worrying – I cant find any references for my type of pain on the web – brought on by exertion other than Angina?
Any thoughts?
@ Kyle, I’m so sorry about ur father first of all. tht is one of the most horrible things that ive heard someone having to go thru…I’m happy however he is bouncing back n will b recovering soon 🙂 i will keep him and u in my prayers!
so, i have anxiety a lot. more recently in the last 8mo. or so. its frustrating as all hell n totally taking over everything in my life. including my children, work, vacations, etc. i honestly feel u are going thru a panic attack frm fear of losing ur dad. of course u are going to be going thru some sort of emotional trama right now. wht u r experiencing is normal. its taking a lot out of u, plus no sleep on top of it. tht in itself is not healthy for u. it body is crying out. there is absolutely nothing wrong w u. I’m pretty sure of it. maybe just to put ur mind at ease check in w ur doc n have him/run some tests.
i wish u the very best, all of u infact. anxiety is no joke!
Hi I have been having tingling in my hands as well as pain in my chest and under my armpit I get sometimes short of breath and it feels like someone is sitting on my chest this only happens when I lay down I’ve been to doctor and he say I’m find but why am I feeling like this I don’t even stress
I’ve gone to the hospital numerous times over the years for pains near my heart. And right away I would spazz out all sccared. I would try to ignore it but it’d get worse so id tell someone. Then id feel like I’m crazy cus Id have a moment of feeling like I’m about to die. Then ill calm down and think ok…you’re fine..relax. I have chest pain all around my left breast. I’m only 18 so this frightens me to no end. My boyfriend and family all say its anxiety and stress due to the fact I jus moved out of my parents over terrible fight and I have 3 sisters there I miss and I miss my mom and dad but we fight too much. Also my dog passed away exactly 1 week before christmas and that commpletely tore me apart. I honestly know in my heart its all just stress and I just need to relax but I never can and I feel so doomed all the time. How can I relax and stop feeling so on edge and insane 24/7?
Hi . Well I’m 22 I have had aniexty for about 5 months really bad I am on Xanax . I had chest pains I have been for blood tests and X-rays and a ECG . I always stress something bad is goon g to happen I hate it . I want to gett rid of it I don’t want to be on medication . I’m seeing a phycologist as well . I really hope someone can talk to me going through the same I live in Sydney just want someone to talk to going through the same . It be nice 🙂 but I want my life bak