Picture it, you’re enjoying an average day at work when all of sudden you get a sharp jabbing pain in the center of your chest.
You go from totally relaxed to “oh no!” in 3 nanoseconds. This is a very typical reaction to anxiety induced chest pain.
Chest pain can create a swift and focused sensation of fear all over your body in what feels like an instant.
Your first assumption is that you’re having a heart attack and that you’re going to die suddenly.
After several minutes of experiencing chest pain, even though you haven’t died just yet, you figure that it has to be something serious.
Symptoms like chest pain may have even prompted you to visit the ER or set up an appointment with your primary doctor.
If you did go to see a doctor he/she probably put you through the paces of blood tests, EKG, stress test and maybe even a portable heart recorder for good measure.
The tests all came back normal and you were sent on your merry way. But, you still get chest pain from time to time.
So what is happening, can it be anxiety causing you to have these pains? First let me just say that if you are experiencing regular chest pain and haven’t seen your doctor you should go see him/her asap.
Chest pain really can be a sign of heart attack or other serious heart condition.
Really I’m not trying to be an alarmist but this is just a fact. However, once you have been through the hamster wheel and have been told that your problem is nerves than you might be experiencing anxiety induced chest pains.
Anxiety does have the ability to make your chest hurt and it does this in generally 5 ways.
1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD causes your stomach to create excess acid which is “backed” up into your esophagus which in turn creates heart burn and chest pain.
2. Esophageal spasm : This causes your lower esophagus to contract and also disturbs the muscles in your chest wall. This is a random and involuntary contraction of a series of muscles.
3. Stress : High levels of stress over a prolonged period of time can cause muscle tightness and tension. This can lead to all kinds of aches and pains all over, including the chest area.
4. Panic attacks :It is also very common to feel chest pain and shortness of breath when experiencing a panic attack.
5. Precordial Catch Syndrome: PCS is usually seen in children and teens but has been known to affect adults.
This is a seemingly mysterious condition that causes sharp pains for short durations, normally under the left breast or even the arm pit.
And although the pain is sometimes piercing it is not dangerous nor does it require treatment.
I have read many articles that try to explain the difference between chest pain and a heart attack.
As far as I can tell there is very little difference between the two. This is exactly why it is so important to see your doctor if you are experiencing new or different types of chest pain.
Once you have been checked out however you should relax and accept that not all chest pain is heart related. This is not to say that it isn’t frightening because it absolutely is.
I’m just saying that you should try to put your mind at ease so you can reduce your stress level which would decrease the anxiety symptoms that create chest pain.
I have had this particular problem myself for about 2 years. And although you never get used to it, you can relax your attitude toward it.
It’s important to get cleared not just for safety reasons, but also to reduce the amount of fear you have when chest pain does hit you.
Chest pain is varied so it can make you grab at your chest and pulse for days. Your heart can feel “warm”, you can have short jabbing pains, the pain may radiate to your arms and back, your chest muscles may vibrate, the muscles under your arm pits may be affected, etc.
Chest pain can be an endless abyss of worry. So cut the worry off as it were and do what you must to be reassured.
For tips on how to relax effectively click here .
And for a good explanation about the difference between heart attack and benign chest pain click here.
Exciting news all, this post and the tremendous response it has gotten has started me on a new mission: to write an ebook about how to cope with chest pain and palpitations. It will take some months to complete but the comments here spur me on. And when it’s done it will be FREE! So don’t forget to subscribe so you can be sent an update when it’s ready. Just go to the top right of the web page to do so.
Hi all, nice to find this site and much thanks to Paul for his wisdom and knowledge. I am a 25 year old guy, active, thin and healthy (physically). I have suffered from frequent chest pain for 2 years now.
I have had worsening anxiety for many years, dating back to high school. I developed bad performance anxiety when it came to baseball, as a pitcher. It was something about being watched by everyone, and being in control of the game, and being scared of playing against unfamiliar people (even after I quit the high school team, I was able to pitch decently in a babe ruth league that only had players from within the town I lived in). Anyways, I realized in high school that I wanted to play music, and struggled mightily for years to develop as a bass player. Anxiety and depression controlled me, and I spiraled basically into solitary confinement over the course of my 4 years at a huge, fun college, where I missed out on so much.
2 and a half years ago I found a wonderful young woman who is still my girlfriend and we live together. Meeting her helped wipe out almost all my depression, but the anxiety persists, badly. I got my big truck license (CDL) around the time I met her, and soon after began to drive for my dad part time. I can easily handle the size and logistics of a big truck, but I found myself getting very anxious with my shifting. Since I was hauling locally, there was constant shifting involved, and with heavy loads of dirt or stone in the truck, I always felt like the stakes were high. I started getting bad chest pains from driving, and my stress level was through the roof even when I was not driving. I quit driving for a while, but came back the next year and drove again. At one point late in the summer, I felt it – I had just been pushed over the edge again, so this happened two years in a row.
Anyways, it has been a year since I was last pushed over the edge, and while I was able to stabilize myself from the incredible stress I was under, the chest pains have continued, and the general worry and fear (much of it unconscious) have worsened. I cant ride a roller coaster anymore (chest pains), couldn’t eat greasy food for a long time (heart attack fear), and even though my mind is rational, my anxiety is often anything but. With no depression anymore, I feel like conquering the world. I have a lot going for me (grad. Business school, learning Hindi, volunteering, great family etc.). But this anxiety and chest pains are taking a toll, making me worry about the long term. Often, the chest pains come from nowhere, or become aggravated when I am excited about learning new things. I often lie in bed for hours before I can sleep. I could go on and on. I have tried busprione (didn’t work). Saw my primary today, and I asked for both beta blocker and xanax. He told me to pick one, so I chose xanax, although I only intend to use it very infrequently (I only plan to use it when I have to get up and speak in front of people, and I hope to work through that issue too so that I wont need a pill someday.) I thought that a selective beta-blocker could block adrenaline, and help erase some or most of my irrational chest pains. Well, Im not sure about that anymore, who knows. I know I will never be socially at ease (im a million times more comfortable working or doing something with a real purpose than aimlessly socializing), but I would like to be able to relax and work without chest pains. I would like to take up boxing without fear of getting hit in the chest and having heart problems. I still drive that damn truck every once in a while (with a better attitude and approach), but feel that this chest pain, this anxiety and worry and fear are all things I will have to fight for the rest of my life.
Firstly, reading all these comments has really helped me to calm down a bit today. So thank you all for that. My CBT therapist advised me to go to a place that made my anxiety really bad, and self induce a panic attack, which i did today. This was to try and prove to myself that my chest pains are not going to cause a heart attack, or make me collapse, or kill me. I managed to have the panic attack, and when i felt like the symptoms had subsided i left the hospital (thats the place where i always seem to have terrible anxiety, i have to visit there a lot due to stomach problems). On the way home, i had a even worse panic attack, my head started to hurt, my left arm and hand became freezing cold and sweaty, i felt sick, my chest started to feel heavy and i had sharp pains in my heart, and when i tried to breath too deep i had a huge surge of adreniline in my throat. I felt awful and quite angry that i had put myself in that situation. Now i feel a lot worse than i have done in a while, although i do know that this exercise was to try and help my anxiety. I guess my rational mind is still a little dull right now, but the chest pains i have felt today are the worst yet. I started to suffer with anxiety in dec last year, and for the first few months it was hell, i didnt know what was wrong with me and i really thought i was becoming psychotic. CBT has really helped though, i would recommend it to anyone. I have developed IBS due to my anxiety and panic, and the chest pains started after one very bad panic attack about 5 months ago. I have not had all the hospital tests done on my heart, but have spoken to about 3 separate doctors who all told me the same thing, that it is anxiety, its normal and the fact is i dont get the chest pains due to any sort of phsyical activity, they are just random and worse when i focus on them too much. I have had my blood pressure taken numerous times and its been fine. I have a little girl, and i can get a really down when i think of the fact she has to deal with a mother who has all these problems, and i just want to be normal and enjoy my life with her. It makes me really frustrated that i am worrying so much about stuff thats not even happening, and not enjoying the time i do have. But i will say that since i have been suffering with anxiety i am so much much more appreciative of my family and friends, and the good things that i do have in my life. Before i was a very selfish self absorbed person, and having this terrible time the last year has really changed me. So for that i am so thankful, and in a wierd way would change it if i could. I know this is something that can be controlled, it just takes a hell of a lot of strength and courage, time and work. But it can be done. I wish every one of you the best of luck. We are not alone.
* that meant to say “wouldnt change it if i could”
hey, im in the marines, last year i got diagnosed with anxiety. i had bloodwork, ct scan and every test done and everything came back ok… no im feeling headaches, pain in my ears and throat could this be something else? thanx
Hey Larry,
If you’ve already been cleared by a doctor chances that you’re dealing with anxiety. Remember that anxiety doesn’t just affect your mind, it also affects how you feel physically.
If you’re still feeling uneasy you could always go get a second opinion. If it turns out that you’re medically OK then I’d start trying different ways of reducing your stress and anxiety levels.
ive been havin constant chest pain ive been to my gp they said it was angsiety related anjust dont know how to cope with it as its allways there like there is a stabin tightness on my chest
I suffered a pretty horrific panic attack not so long ago after smoking some weed with a few friends. I think it came as a big shot to me as I have smoked for years with no issues so I figured that it must have been a heart attack. Thankfully I found this site which really helped me get over what was happening too me. Since then I can suffer anxiety attacks at random moments which does indeed suck, but I’ve found that cutting back on caffeine, and obviously on weed (which my doctor believes started it), helps alot in preventing such attacks.
Thanks again for your well constructed words of wisdom, really has helped me out.
Could it be angsiety if im havin constant chest pain or is it something else that acceas its allways there ive herd that accepting it is the best way ive tried loads of things just cant seem to get rid oit please can u help
Hi everyone,
I have been getting daily chest pain for the past several months. It is a dull pain that usually starts in the upper-left side of my chest, about three inches away from the armpit and three-four inches down from the shoulder. Sometimes it stays confined to that area, but sometimes it moves OR continues on to the middle/slight left of my chest where your heart it located. Often there is a band of pressure that is across the base of my throat and upper chest. Often there is pain in the upper-right side of my chest as well, in the same location as the left side. Sometimes my left arm hurts or feels tight and heavy. It’s a dull, crushing pressure that is very alarming. I have no other classic heart attack symptoms, i.e. no sweating (except sometimes my hands and feet sweat because I’m scared), my pulse rate is fine @ about 70-90 BMP (depending on the level of activity and mental state), my blood pressure is generally stable at about 120-130/75, my jaw doesn’t hurt, I don’t feel nauseated.
Eight years ago I had an ablation which corrected episodes of STV which I had when I was a child. The operation was successful: I never had a pulse rate nearly as high as it would go (which was about 240 BPM). However, the tramatic experience of having my heart stopped in the ER to correct the rhythm never fully left, and I am super-attuned to my heart and its beating. I think I can sense whenever it does ANYTHING out of the ordinary, even faint PVCs or slight increases in pulse rate.
My life has been very stressful over the past few years. It became pparticularly challenging over the past year. About 9 moths back I took a stress survey which placed me in the 600s of stress level. For context, the test stopped counting at 300 – and 300 means you had a 90% chance of higher of suffering from a stress-related illness in the next year. So I figure 600 is pretty close to 100%.
After I took that test, life took a turn for the worse. A professor I was familiar with suddenly died of a heart attack, and a girl I knew for 3 years at college also suddenly died from unknown – but probably heart-related – causes while she was running. In addition, my fiancees former best friend committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a train. To top if off, my uncle died of cancer merely 4 months after he was diagnosed.
During this time period of multiple deaths, I woke up one morning to my heart palpitating very regularly and frequently. I also had chest pain. I was scared out of my mind. I thought perhaps my heart was going to stop, or my SVT would come back. After a few hours I went to the ER, where they took a blood test, EKG, a chest X-ray, and closely monitored me for several hours. They had no answer. I went back to my place, and tried to cope with the regular palpitations. After suffering through them all night, I returned again the next day. Once again I was given a blood test, EKG, a CT scan, and fluids. Nothing.
I returned to my parent’s house, because my mom suffered from STV as well and also had the operation to correct it, so being with her makes me feel better. The next day the palpitations didn’t stop, so I once again went to the ER (this time a different hospital). They hooked me up to an EKG, and I talked with the doctor about palpitations. He seemed confident that they were due to stress. I finally believed him and went home. The palpitations subsided within the next few days after that.
However, the chest pain has not. I still get dull pain, crushing pain, arm pressure and weakness, and neck tightness. Because of the past heart condition I had, I am super-sensitive and scared of these things. In addition, I feel as though the doctors didn’t check up on me enough. I’m afraid I may have CAD and that my arteries are clogged, and that the pain is due to the restriction of my blood vessels. I’m afraid a heart attack is looming, or perhaps one has already happened. A few weeks ago I had a full-blown panic attack with the classic tingling/numb hands, very rapid heartbeat, de-realization, dizziness, hyperventilation, etc…
I plan on seeing a doctor again but I don’t know what to do. Should I ask for a stress test? Should I try to order a test which can detect plaque in the arteries? Am I losing my mind? The pain is very real, but is the pain/pressure caused my sore muscles and a restless mind, or is it a very serious medical condition. I don’t know the medical history of my extended family very well, but I don’t think that heart attacks run in the family. That gives me little comfort though: I’m not SURE about anything, and there’s always the exception to the rule or the first one, etc…
If there is anything someone can do to help me out, any word of advice, I’d deeply appreciate it. I think this is going to last until I die, and I’m afraid I’m going to die soon.
It’s very comforting to know you’re not alone with symptoms that doctors sometimes dismiss lightly. I’m 52 and anxiety has plagued me over the past 7 years since losing my mother as well as most everyone else in the family. I usually have sharp chest pain and immediately think the worst even though I know I’ve experienced it all before. Many times it results in severe bouts of gas and belching. Gas x has helped immensely in these situation. But the anxiety has begun to affect my work. There has been times that I sit in my car for 30 minutes before I can go in or I’m late or just call off. I like my work, it’s just the struggle of getting up and ready and leaving the house! Does anyone else struggle with this???
was looking up anxiety chest pain and found this sight. So, there are many of us out there. I went to the ER last week because my chest pain was getting sharper. They said I am perfect healthy, took many test, blood work, x-rays, EKG, all the works, so I thought maybe just stress. Maybe I am right. My last 2 years have been “HECK” with my husband, and I am trying to work things out. But evrtytime things reacure, my chest gets heavy! Go for a stress test in a couple of days. Stress meds to relax are helping, but other than that…..the first reaction is ” oh my God, my heart!” I never know when is the right time to go to the ER. Stress, I am just learning what all it can do to you. Any advise, or other things I should know please fill me in. Mine has only been going on about 3 weeks, and boy is it scary!
Hi Rhonda,
So glad to hear that you took the time to see a doctor. The best advice I can offer is that you have to accept the medical findings and know that anxiety can and will cause chest pain from time to time. When you tell yourself things like, “Oh no!” is when you ramp up your anxiety and give it life. Do the best you can to relax your reaction to these sensations and accept that it is stress and anxiety causing the problem. Hang in there.
Great article!
I actually learned that I had anxiety the hard way – I had a panic attack in one of my college classes. I thought I was having a hard attack and actually had someone call 911. I was wheeled out into an ambulance through the middle of my college campus! How embarrassing!
Luckily this was a few years ago, and I have since learned to reduce my anxiety and panic attacks down to a reasonable level.
Hi guys,
I love coming on and reading all of these comments and knowing that other people out there have somewhat the same issue as me. I have suffered Anxiety from a young age I have pretty much lived with it my whole life.. I find that it does not control my life as such as I am a very out going happy guy that has alot if great friends. The anxiety part for me is the constant worry that something is wrong with me eg: heart attack, cancer or worry about other people pretty much I think I am going to die my heart is going to stop, I am now 30 and as I have said I have done everything had tests done had heart monitors on taken myself to hospital thinking I am having a heart attack and everything has been great… Buy everytime it Happens I still worry and still freak out I guess that is just the part of having anxiety if I didn’t worry everytime I wouldn’t have them. But I do find that coming on here or other sites calmes me down alot.. If anyone else has had anxiety for there whole life I would love to hear what u do and what u think…
Thank Dave :$
I have constant chest pain. in my left arm , centre of myc hest and left side of chest.. crushing pressure in my upper abdominal region. I’ve had several EKG’s and blood tests.. I take my blood pressure daily sometimes up to 6 times a day and it’s always fine. I have a serious problem with hypochocndria and it’s ruining my life. I don’t know honestly how much longer I can relive thinking im dying all the time. Sometimes I want ot put myself out of my misery and get it over with but I then i fight it off. I have a child. I am scared my behaviour is going to get her taken away. I am so stressed i have ambuilance bills i can’t even pay because the second i get the crushing chest pain the fear takes over and i feel like im in survival mode. I need hope and help. I haeva coucnellor but it’s not working so far. I am happy and functional all the rest of teh time except during a panic attack I feel hopeless. I am 23. If I ever have to hear my daughter crying becuase she doesn’t know why mommy went to the hospital it’s gonna destroy me.
I have been having headaches for the past 4 years. More than 15 a month. right now I’ve had one for the past 2 weeks. I’m also noticing tightness in my chest muscles so I assume this is all stress related. I dont want to take an SSRI if I dont have to but it’s really getting frustrating. I did try 5HTTP at very high doses. It got rid of my anxiety but never the headachess so i am still searching. BTW, 45F with kids that drive me crazy.
My daughter (14 years old) was raped in November 2010. Got pregnant by the rape, miscarried and has been having extreme chest pain and headaches. She wakes up in the middle of the night screaming that her chest hurts,, thinking she is going to die. The headaches never seem to go away but the severity of the headaches varies day to day. We have been to the ER several times, to the family doctor several times and all checks out and we are told she has anxiety attacks. the attacks always seem to center around days that remind her of the rape such as the court hearings etc. None of the doctors will perscribe meds as they feel she is too young,,, One doctor even told her to “get over it and learn to just deal with it” She has been in therapy since November, but the therapy does not seem to help. The Rape Crisis group therapy is all adults and she can not relate to them. Any suggestions to help get her through each of these attacks would be greatly appreciated, seeing my baby go through all this is now causing me to have the attacks because I am trying to stay strong for her???
Hi Tammy, I’m so very sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter. Anxiety can certainly come about because of a traumatic event, so to some extent it’s no surprise that your daughter has been affected this way.
She will indeed have to deal with many issues but I can only speak to the anxiety aspects of this.
I’d like to help much more than I could in a single reply, so please go ahead and email me at info@anxietyguru.net. Then I can send links to articles I’ve written and maybe a few other things I can provide.
Above all though, please tell your little girl that she can get through this. That what she is experiencing is normal. And that she has many options to improve her situation. In short, there is always hope for the future.
Your article will have more credibility if you check your spelling! You lost me in the second paragraph.
Hey Jennifer,
I’m more focused on helping people than I am spelling everything correctly.
Besides, this is a blog, not a book or academic work.
I hope you find correctly spelled information elsewhere.
Hi all glad i came across this site alot of good storys and comments but i cant help notice alot of you have only had this for around the 2 year mark, i have had this issue since i was 13-14 im now 24 and i still have them i have learned to cope with the chest pains the aches sweats and panic attacks well maybe not the panic attacks 😛 the pains start off scary and that never changes there always scary but when they start they end faster meaning you wont be in pain or scared for no where near aslong my anxiety makes me afraid of taking pills/tablets that i havnt taken before so i have refused all medication i took beta blockers once and i was panicing all day long so i binned them prob not the best thing to do my advice would be to take them if your not afaid like i was but after all these years i still have the same problems i dont know what the rest of you are like but i know im always angry i could be sat here in quiet and for no reason at all smash my house up and get panicy im always on alert that somethings going to happen and il need to defend myself i find it hard to sleep and when im trying to sleep all i can think of is that i wonder if im dieing slowly or maybe i wont wake up i also fear having a stroke this is always in my mind sometime i find it hard to catch a breath or i feel like i cant when im actualy breathing fine i have been to hospitals for all these years and to my doctors and they have never found anything serious i no longer go to my doctor as i was called a hypercondriac. i think all my problems come down to the life i have had but theres no fixing that. all i do when i have these bad chest pains is il take a seat but my hand over the area and its kinda funny but il say *oh just F**k off* and il make myself believe everything is fine because everything is fine in my eyes its just my brain sending the wrong messeges i have done alot of research over the years and alot of things are telling me its not your heart actually beating like hell its a muscial near there thats spazzing out i collapsed when i was living at my mums some years back and she phoned the hospital after feeling my chest and she swore that it was a heart attack but it wasnt it was the muscal. do any of you when you hear people talking bout heart attacks start to panic even if its talked about on the tv? but yeah id say alot of it come down to stress or something that has happend in your past best thing is to try and relax harder done than said i know even i still have trouble there 🙂 this has buggered me badly i hate going out anywhere i dont work because of the panic attacks and the anxity and for the fact i know that for no reason i could beat someone half to death unprovoked all because of the adrenilne issues so im curently living on my partners wages and the poor girl puts up with loads and still stand by me because she knows why im like this and she can easily calm me down. it like any noise can just set me off so could use some tips bout that side of things cant affored angermanagment and tbh i dont think that will help as this is more medical. so basicaly take your doctors advice and just take the pills if you can or you will end up a grumpy butt like myself and end up hurting those you love. pc sorry bout the spelling kinda walked out of school because of all this rubbish and my past 🙂
Pain sucks. 🙁
I’m still searching for the numerous misspelled words in the second paragraph. ??? Sorry. I had to say it.
Im gutted to hear there are so many of us that suffer, people say it runies your life cause you let it, but thats not true it so takes over then we fight everyday to get though, but we do get though and reading all these helps to not feel so alone x
hey all
i am from england and have been having chest pains for 2 and a hal years now. its great to know i am not alone, but bad for us all. i am 26.
in the last 3 years i have lost 2 relatives i was very close to and my my youngest brother was falsley accused of rape and my other brother attempted suicide. i do not know if this contributes to the pains.
i have been to the doctors who prescribed beta blockers but the lack of adrenali e messed with my brain!
I can now deal with the pains. i take pain killers to numb the pain and herbal calming tablets to dull the heart attack feelings! however, i want rid of this. like a lady earlier, i get bad indigestion and am always burping which is embarassing. luckily i have anamazing gf who understands.
if anyone has any tips to help me, i would be eternally gateful. i am an outgoing chatty lad so this pain is really a struggle.
excuse the rant, but havent spoke about this before
ok i been having symtoms like this i been feeling chest pain and my heart beats super fast all the time i been like this for a while and every time i notice my heart beat goin fast or i feel pain in my chest i think its a heart attack i feel miserable everyday like im dying. EKG was normal idk what it is im waiting for my blood results but it just drags me down
i’m 17 years old i went to the ER yesterday and got bloodtest done to see if there was stuff blocking my lungs or heart artery’s i also got chest x-ray and EKG and all came back negative the doc said it was not a heart or lung problem and gave me ibuprofen and cyclobenzaprine because he said my chest pain was probably chest wall inflammation im still really worried because my heart is always racing its always at about 90-98 bpm. and i still get pain now and then i feel like im gointo get a heart attack and die i always think the worse what could it be could it really be chest wall inflammation?
Interesting blog, for sure. I’ve been having these attacks since October, 2006. They occur about every three months. I always sense it’s going to happen. It’s kind of like how animals know an earthquake is coming. Since the first time, I’ve noticed that I first feel a very mild pain, but it builds and builds quickly over a 10 minute period. As it occurs, pain starts hitting me all over my torso. It feels like a heart attack and I feel I’m literally going to die. I’ve been to several doctors. The first couple of them said it was probably a heart attack —but, every test, blood pressure, etc. came back normal. Also, after the attack passed, I felt absolutely terrific. I have a daily radio talk show and one of them occurred about 15 minutes before I went on the air. I have a fear of it happening while I’m on the air. That would be terrible. Is it heart palpitations? I don’t think it’s stress. It’s happened at times when I’m at my most serene and has never happened yet when I know I was stressed out. I do know it’s not a heart attack.
Hi Roger, I’ve written about palpitations in the past. Here is a link to that article. Hope it helps.
Hi all!
So for the past week and a half, I have been having mild chest pain and discomfort. I keep thinking I have a heart problem. I’m only 24. Lastnight, I smoked some weed for the first time in about 6 months. My heart started beating really fast and I felt a tightness and squeezing in my chest. My left arm also felt week and a little numb. I thought I was suffering a heart attack and was about to call 911. My friend kept informing me that its probably just anxiety or paranoia. This happened about 3 times in the course of 3 hours. Could it just have been the weed making me feel like this, or should I be concerned?
hi salim
i smoked weed for years but gave up two and a half years ago. im 26. i still suffer anxiety now and then bu when i have even a toke on weed i get your symptims. best thing to do is stop smoking weed.
trust me though, you arent havin a heat attack. if id had one eveytime i thought i was id be a medical miracle being alive still!
if you’re worried about your heart, eat healthy and do more exercising. if you cant face running, walking is still great for you.
hope you’re ok.
Recently I have been diagnosed with Anxiety by a doctor, I have had several blood tests/ECGS/chest x-rays they have all shown up fine, I am about to go on a holter-monitor next week however each time I have anxiety symptom it so perfectly mimics the symptoms of a heart attack it makes me panic every single time and it is so life ruining and can be scary for me. Is there anything I can do to stop doubting my tests?
Also I am 16 so the chances of Cardio problems IS very very slim for me according to the doctor.
Hey Jordan,
For now I’d say going through all the tests your doctor recommends is a great start.
If anxiety is confirmed as the source of your symptoms then perhaps you should get with your parents and think about therapy.
That will allow a mental health professional a chance to evaluate you, confirm or rule out a diagnosis, and hopefully provide a better way forward.
Don’t wait on this. You have too much life yet to live to allow anxiety any chance of victory over you and your future. Hang in there!
Hello all,
I am 14 years old and I have been having pain in both of my arms and chest pains for the last week. Everytime I think i’m having a heart attack. The arm pain is constant and switches between one arm and the other, but it’s mostly in my left arm. Last night I got more pain in my chest and my heart started racing, head got dizzy, and arm (left) started hurting. I got up and told my mom that my chest hurt and she said,”There’s nothing wrong with you”. I have been known by family to get worked up over the slightest things and I don’t have any confirmation by doctors, but I believe I’ve been having anxiety attacks.
Are these symptoms of an anxiety attack or something more serious like a heart attack?
Thanks, Colin
I am 37 and shortly after my dad had a heart attack 9 years ago i started having feelings in my chest. When i would go to dr my pressure 140/90. Other times 127/78. I have had multiple stress tests, ekg, echo and nuclear injections. I exercise 3-5 days a week. Just had physical last week. Blood work, chest and ekg..all fine. But still have needles sensations, and even a few times a day a sharp pain in my jaw. Can anxiety cause this? Its hard not to think something more serious or that maybe my dr who is good, is missing something?
I’ve had a rough experience with chest pain. It turned out to be serious, and you can read about my experience here on this Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYWS8HfEAJ0
The only discernible problem I had before my op was high cholesterol: 7.2
My experience may not be typical, but I feel I have to tell others about what I went through, even if it causes alarm. I am 47 years old.
All the best.
Al, UK
Hi Al, thanks for the tip. Like I pointed out in the article if you are experiencing chest pain that has never been examined by a doctor then getting that examination done should be a priority.
Only after being screened medically can we assume that chest pain is potentially related to anxiety.
This should be your mindset 100% of the time.
New chest pain –> doctor visit –> rule out medical causes, always.
Hi everybody, I’m wondering if anybody could try to give me some insight as to what I’m experiencing. to start off, I am a 21 year old female, severe hypochondriac, normal blood pressure, about 10lbs overweight, overall I’m fairly healthy, no health problems in myself or family. It all started about 2 and a half weeks ago, I experienced my first, full blown panic attack, suddenly got lightheaded, and my right arm went numb and cold. This all subsided in about 5 minutes. A few days later, I started having what felt like little “pinches” right around my heart. This is the symptom that I have been stuck with up until now, its not a severe pain, but more of a quick, Sharp jolt, only lasting about a second or two and then completely subsiding. But it happens all day. Also, because of my anxiety, ive been extremely tense, my chest muscles are very sore when I flex my chest, but the “pinching” sensation doesn’t feel muscular. Went to my doctor a week ago, listened to my heart, and said everything sounded perfect, no murmurs or anything, normal ecg. I know that anxiety can cause chest pain, but it just worries me that the sore chest has lasted this long. Does this sound like it can all be chalked up to anxiety?
I second getting a test as if nothing else it will help ease your mind. There are many many reasons as to why a person can get chest pain, some are serious some are not.
I first went to the doctor after suffering very bad panic attacks and chest pain. I wasn’t sure if the pain was triggering the attacks or the other way round. At the time I was 28 and in good health. The doctor took a blood test and everything came back normal. He assured me that no further testing was required. I agreed to try a course of citalopram and after a truly awful 2 weeks of adjustment all the pain was gone and I felt rather good. Six pain free months later I decided to come off the pills as frankly I just didn’t feel like me anymore. Well i’m now 29 and guess what… The chest pain is back, although I have now learned to control the panic attacks. I’ll be going back to the doctors soon in order to get back on the citalopram as I can’t live with this pain any longer. I don’t even feel that stressed but I do feel so highly attuned to my heart I notice the slightest change in beat or feeling. Oddly I can run for miles and don’t feel the slightest pain, it’s mainly when I sit still and start thinking about things. Even to this day I find it hard to believe that it’s anxiety related despite the results from the doc and the cure by means of antidepressants. The upshot of this is that I found something that took away problem, but there are major side affects. For me they are worth it though.
Hi Angela, Yes anxiety can cause chest pain. Glad to hear that you went to see your doctor, always a good move.
If your still uneasy, then get a second opinion for peace of mind, but if the findings are the same then I suggest you don’t start doctor shopping.
You know deep down that this is probably your anxiety at work… the trick is convincing yourself that this is the case.
I have been having chest pains and rapid heart beating. The doc’s tell me its anxiety. I know it is not. I get dizzy and have a scartching feeling in my throat.Then there is the chest pains. First its like a squeezing feeling. It comes along with my heart beating rapily, and heavliy. Like im about to die. It will continue all day and even at night. It scares me almost 24/7. What should I do?
I on occasion have chest pains and I can relate to the scenario… but it was actually apple juice under an apple tree funnily enough. Thank you for the tips, I will keep note of them and I hope they benefit me. Thank you.
I have a question. I started having chest pain like you are describing a couple of months ago. I ended up in the emergency room twice in 3 days simply because of the pain in my chest. The second time I really thought I was dying and thought I couldn’t breathe, my throat closed up and my arms felt numb and weak. When I got to the er both times my blood pressure was raised but that was it. They gave me stuff to calm my heart down the first time… did ekg, blood work, and xray… The second time they gave me some kind of acid reflux pill, did the ekg, blood work and xray. These episodes literally lasted about a week with very little down time but then I got really mad and sick of them so I started to talk to myself. I started telling myself about what I believe, about my faith in The Lord, and I stopped having them until two days ago, when I went to the gyn and he told me I was going to have a hysterectomy. Now I am nervous and have chest pain all over again. It makes me mad that this thing has such control over me. I can rest in the fact that its anxiety if I know that the heart has been fully tested. So my question is: After doing the ekg, blood work and xray are there any other tests that the doctor could or should do? If not thats great, but if so, just for peace of mind I think I will have them done. 🙂 Thanks for answering if you have time.
I have the chest pain symptoms and the generalized pain symptoms, but I also have the Esophageal Spasms, also called Nutcracker Esophageal Spasms, hence the sitting here at 11:30 at night when I have to get up in less than six hours. I’m having a really bad attack. You can actually see the spasms in my throat, and you can hear them. There’s like a clicking sound coming from my throat. I was on the phone with a friend while I was having an attack and she said it sounded like a reverse hiccup. I have no idea what a reverse hiccup should sound like, but it sounded like a good enough description to me. Oh, I should probably include some information. I’m a 38 year old mother of two. I’ve always been in pretty good health. My stats are good at least, especially for someone who smokes. I work full time and my job is very high stress. I work subpoenas for bank records for a large bank. Civil subpoenas, bankruptcy subpoenas, criminal subpoenas, each with their own set of rules, and if your not in compliance someone could go to jail. No pressure there, right? So between my kids, my job, and I help my aging mom who also has a laundry list of bizarre illnesses, I’m a pretty busy lady. On top of those responsibilities I left my abusive husband two years ago. What they don’t tell you when you finally break down and call the crisis line is what you will have to go through and deal with after you leave. My credit is shot so I have technically been homeless for over two years, in the way that I have not been able to put my name on a lease. My kids and I have been staying with various friends and family members, to which I am grateful, except for the fact that I discovered a sub-category of abuse. People who pretend to help only to abuse victims of abuse. Look for the book. I’m writing it. I could go on, and on, and on, but, you get the picture. Very stressful life and stressful circumstances. I finally did breakdown and go to the doctor several months ago, who had me answer like a 15 question thing and from that diagnosed me as severally depressed. No surprise there. She tried the obvious course of treatment, Zoloft and something for the spasms, and ambien for sleep. I don’t do well with anti-depressants. I missed a week from work because of the side effects of the medications. I was out of my mind. Anyway, that doctor wont see me again and told me to call the behavioral heal number on my insurance card. Basically saying your too crazy for me and my family practice. I still haven’t called that number. So I have been going to different Urgent Cares for temporary relief of the symptoms when they get too bad. Last month I had to drive with my kids, across the country because my husband managed to get me served and I had to show up and have my son in the state and face my husband in court because I couldn’t secure an attorney. He was awarded visitation so I had to leave my baby there and go home and go back to work. I said all that to say that I was researching researching the spasms and anxiety because I’ve known they are related, but this is the first site that list the esophageal spasms as a symptom of anxiety disorders. My anxiety symptoms have worsened in the last month. On my way home from the road trip from hell, my daughter and I were followed, by multiple vehicles. Now I know you saying, if you’re still reading, she’s just paranoid, there’s no way, and not point in following someone in a vehicle, across the United States, let alone several someones. My daughter was with me and she’s middle school age and she saw them too. Again wait til the book comes out. So I, like many people do, researched the internet and Google and I have decided that my general anxiety disorder has escalated to a full on case of PTSD. I don’t really know why I’m putting this out there. Probably because this is the only website I’ve come across that has the throat spasms as a symptom. Of all the anxiety/depression symptoms I have, the spasms and the panic attacks are the most debilitating. They always hit when I’m driving. My throat will spasm so bad I can’t close my mouth. It’s like being stuck yawning. They always start with that heart attack, chest pain, I’m going to die feeling. I see I’m not alone there. Makes driving interesting. Ok, so there it is. If someone out there has some knowledge or wisdom on the subject, I’m open to ideas, because my condition has hit critical. I was put on final counseling at work for tardies. I can’t have ant occrrences for anything, can’t be late, have an emergency or get sick for I don’t know how long. No pressure there. I can’t talk to my friends or family. With the spasms there’s no way I can sleep, and I have insomnia anyway so it appears to them that i’m actually irresponsible enough to stay up all hours of the night and play on the computer, that this is fun for me. I can’t be ill tempered, cranky, angry, tired, ill or in pain because then I’m being a bitch, and how dare I. And this isn’t my house. So I try very hard to be pleasant and helpful and good with the kids when I really want to take a long trip on a dirt road that leads to no where. I’ve got to stop. If you made it this far and have more solid advice for me then you need to stop being a bitch as if I wouldn’t have tried that already if I thought it would work. I would appreciate it. I’m feeling kind of alone.
Hi Danyiell,
I’d say if the doctors have screened you twice and you were released from their care then chances are you’re OK. The thing about anxiety is that even if they kept running tests on you, you’d still be worried to some extent. That’s just the nature of anxiety. So you’re probably better off reducing your anxiety levels and not spending time at the doctor’s office. =)
While im no doctor, your symptoms sound very much like anxiety/panic/etc. PTSD has unusual symptoms (uncontrollable flashback) but really, all these conditions are awful and scary. I get the spasms too, but they tend to get ebtter very fast, and drinking WARM water will help you a lot. It wont fix anything, obviously, but it makes you feel better.
If you don’t mind, I can tell you the physiological process for a lot of the issues. First and foremost: The Vagus Nerve. This is a particularly active nerve, and it runsdown your side, near your heart, and down to the stomach too. So, if one of these things happens, it has a very good chance of setting off the entire thing. But it cant hurt you, infact its doing its job — priming you to take physical action.
Sadly, we are not running from anything 🙁 so we start to manifest excuses to feel this way. And your brain deicdes that its better to run than stay. After all, that may be a paper tiger…probably is…buuut just maybe it might be a real one. This time. (For instance the power just blinked here, which i wasnt expecting, and it slammed me into panic about 30 seconds ago.)
I get those spasms too and its..annoying. I avoid bending over or taking huge breaths while standing. as per Paul above me, id like to add that thinking about anxiety and fixating so much on it that you get tested, and go to all those doctors, all that does is make you focus on anxiety more. And trust me, you can panic yourself saying “Im so glad im finally able to relax for a change.” very easily.
Im guessing you’re exaggerating about the doctor thing (for while I am not blaming you, I need to make it perfectly clear.) But you see, a general practitioner is in no way qualified to handle long-term panic/anxiety treatments.
That can only be dealt with by a trained mental health doctor. Sadly, panic attacks and the like seem to make absolutely no sense. We dont really know why they happen, even though we know what *does* happen.
For me, my panic disorder manifested on a single event last year (im 25) when i tried to take my pulse, and had my fingers in the wrong position. So I felt nothing, for the second or so until I readjusted. then i felt my heartbeat. Theres no problem. There never was. And yet every day for the last year, sometimes 2,3 times (and I have horrific insomnia because im always terrified) I find myself staring at my pulse as if there had ever been a reason.
My point? This stuff is weird as hell. And you really do need someone who is more qualified to see to the longterm mental health issues that come with this horrible disorder. So, you know, your doctors arent blowing you off, they are just in no way qualified to help longterm mental healthcare.
Finally an article which addresses my issues. I have been blood tested, ECG’d, XRAY’d everything! and sent on home. I know there is something wrong and I know if it keeps happening it will possibly one day kill me. I had serious acid reflux as a baby and during my late teenage years from constantly eating my food fast and at large proportions I started getting heart and throat burn, indigestional problems, wind etc… practically my consuming/digestive system was failing me. I am going to bookmark this and really concentrate the next time I have this ‘panic attack’ so I can narrow down the symptoms. Thanks again!
Worried to death! Symptoms: center chest pain( out of nowhere) excessive burping. All test results came back normal. EKG, barium, chest xray, bloodwork, hpylori. Doc prescribed prilosec. Hadn’t felt any pains for a week. This morning, arms above head to fix hair, lowered arms and felt soreness between breasts again. Burping increased immediately. Any ideas?
I am 27 yrs old and just went through the hamster wheel you described in your post. I have been searching the net for a cause of my chest pain and to say you hit the nail on the head is an understatement. You have put my mind at ease and I really appreciate that.
Thank you
You bet Josh!
I have a uncomfortable pain around my left boob area and there is discomfort in my arm, yesterday i also experienced pain around the shoulder blade. I have terrible reflux and indigestion. I have not seen the doctor as yet.
I’m a 23 year old mom of two, I have had severe chest pain episodes every 2-3 months for the past 2+ years. Last year I went to the ER because it was so painful, I couldn’t stand up straight and was in tears. It’s also accompanied by shortness of breath and lower jaw pain. All of my tests were normal and 3 out of 3 doctors I saw basically wrote me off because I’m young, quite frankly pissed me off because although rare at my age something could still be very wrong! Anyways, after the heart ultrasound and the treadmill being normal, I gave up on going to a dr. that was a year and a half ago, and I still have the pain. Generally when I’m extremely stressed about something and it lasts anywhere from 5-20 minutes. And my lower jaw usually the right side hurts really bad. I’m so scared that something is very wrong with me, perhaps not my heart but something… After reading this I feel like it could very well be anxiety, I just would like any advise on whether or not I should see a doctor for mental health or just learn to live with it. I don’t handle stress very well and don’t have the freedom from my kids to step away and breath if needed. My husband has recently started college away from home, so he is gone 5 out of seven days a week, my 4 year old started school and I also have a 19 month old who is with me literally 24/7 seeing as I’m a stay at home mom….I know some people may not see how thats stressful, but it’s very demanding. I don’t get time off or weekends off or vacations, we have no close family to babysit so there’s no breaks for me ever. If anyone has advise for me it would be appreciated, I dont really have anyone to turn to, I lost all of my friends after I had my daughter at 18, and some life changes have forced me to see others for what they are, bad people. So it’s just me and my husband and two daughters. I’m very alone, and could use the help on good ways to relieve some of this stress and worry. I don’t know what to do…
I have being for several months thinking I will have a heart attack and die. I have visited my GP and he has sent me to do a stress test and the results of which were fine. I have had an ecg and was also told this was clear. I am getting depressed from the feelings because it is interrupting with my life.
I can for hours think I am going have a heart attack etc. Recently it has affected my sleeping which makes things worse during the day.At least this evening having come across this website has helped me.
Thank you