Picture it, you’re enjoying an average day at work when all of sudden you get a sharp jabbing pain in the center of your chest.
You go from totally relaxed to “oh no!” in 3 nanoseconds. This is a very typical reaction to anxiety induced chest pain.
Chest pain can create a swift and focused sensation of fear all over your body in what feels like an instant.
Your first assumption is that you’re having a heart attack and that you’re going to die suddenly.
After several minutes of experiencing chest pain, even though you haven’t died just yet, you figure that it has to be something serious.
Symptoms like chest pain may have even prompted you to visit the ER or set up an appointment with your primary doctor.
If you did go to see a doctor he/she probably put you through the paces of blood tests, EKG, stress test and maybe even a portable heart recorder for good measure.
The tests all came back normal and you were sent on your merry way. But, you still get chest pain from time to time.
So what is happening, can it be anxiety causing you to have these pains? First let me just say that if you are experiencing regular chest pain and haven’t seen your doctor you should go see him/her asap.
Chest pain really can be a sign of heart attack or other serious heart condition.
Really I’m not trying to be an alarmist but this is just a fact. However, once you have been through the hamster wheel and have been told that your problem is nerves than you might be experiencing anxiety induced chest pains.
Anxiety does have the ability to make your chest hurt and it does this in generally 5 ways.
1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD causes your stomach to create excess acid which is “backed” up into your esophagus which in turn creates heart burn and chest pain.
2. Esophageal spasm : This causes your lower esophagus to contract and also disturbs the muscles in your chest wall. This is a random and involuntary contraction of a series of muscles.
3. Stress : High levels of stress over a prolonged period of time can cause muscle tightness and tension. This can lead to all kinds of aches and pains all over, including the chest area.
4. Panic attacks :It is also very common to feel chest pain and shortness of breath when experiencing a panic attack.
5. Precordial Catch Syndrome: PCS is usually seen in children and teens but has been known to affect adults.
This is a seemingly mysterious condition that causes sharp pains for short durations, normally under the left breast or even the arm pit.
And although the pain is sometimes piercing it is not dangerous nor does it require treatment.
I have read many articles that try to explain the difference between chest pain and a heart attack.
As far as I can tell there is very little difference between the two. This is exactly why it is so important to see your doctor if you are experiencing new or different types of chest pain.
Once you have been checked out however you should relax and accept that not all chest pain is heart related. This is not to say that it isn’t frightening because it absolutely is.
I’m just saying that you should try to put your mind at ease so you can reduce your stress level which would decrease the anxiety symptoms that create chest pain.
I have had this particular problem myself for about 2 years. And although you never get used to it, you can relax your attitude toward it.
It’s important to get cleared not just for safety reasons, but also to reduce the amount of fear you have when chest pain does hit you.
Chest pain is varied so it can make you grab at your chest and pulse for days. Your heart can feel “warm”, you can have short jabbing pains, the pain may radiate to your arms and back, your chest muscles may vibrate, the muscles under your arm pits may be affected, etc.
Chest pain can be an endless abyss of worry. So cut the worry off as it were and do what you must to be reassured.
For tips on how to relax effectively click here .
And for a good explanation about the difference between heart attack and benign chest pain click here.
great information in your post. You can tell you speak from experience. I’ve always wondered why the panic attack appears when you are relaxing as in the scene you just painted? I can understand when you are in a situation of stress but of relaxation! It’s annoying 😐
The fact that panic attacks and anxiety symptoms come out of the blue is due to our bodies hypersensitivity which is directly related to our constant state of anxiety. This leads to the over production of adrenaline which leaves us on edge, even if we don’t feel on edge. As a result our fear response can be triggered very easily. It is a terrible cycle of fear, adrenaline, panic. Hang in there Jane.
Hi! It’s great to share all this with you guys. It definitely makes me feel better and helps me understand what goes on in my body, therefore, it will become easier to me to beat anxiety and panic attacks.
Thank you so much!
Hi Tanya, I’m so glad to hear that this article helped you understand that not all chest pain is deadly.
Thank you for the comment and appreciation. I hope your doing well.
I have had the same issue for nearly 4 years. It started for me when I would get a feeling of tightness in my chest when I got in a situation where there was too much stress at once. For the first few months of this, the tightness would subside. One day it didnt, and has plagued me in one form or another for nearly 4 years. I get esopageal spasms, pain in my chest wall muscles, tenderness in my ribs, pain in my back muscles, tingling sensastions in recurring areas of my upper back. I have been tested every way known to man, and heart tested fine, CAT scans, MRI, and Esophageal scope were normal. This led me to be more relaxed it wasnt my heart or something serious, but frustrated there was no “cure”. I was put on anti-anxiety medicines like Paxil, but that didnt make much difference for me. I have no just accepted it as part of my life, and am hopeful that one day it will go away, but if it doesn’t, there are people burdened with much worse in their lives so I keep that in perspective. Thank you for sharing your story. You never want anyone to experience this pain, but it is nice to know I am not the only one on this planet experiencing this issue. I hope you get past this some day, just as I hope I do as well.
I have had the same issues for obver a year now. I do get some chest pain but very minute. I have had anxiety for the better part of 10 years but the last year has been extremely difficult. I have sudden and very frightening contractions in my chest where I get a huge shot of adrenaline and my breath seems to leave me for a split second. I have had every heart test there is but they all come back good. Much like you josh I have been releived that the tests are negative but worried about what it is or are they missing something. I had never had physical symptoms like that, which why it makes me think is it not anxiety. However, since I started taking clonazepam the contractions\spasms have pretty well disappeared. It is not a fun life to live in constant fear especially if it is unfounded. I believe everyone can beat this disease but it is really tough. I just keep telling my self I wasn’t always like this and I can get back to how I used to be. Thank you all for sharing your stories and making me feel I am not alone.
I thought i would share my problem as well. I have had this bloody chest pain for over 3 weeks now, went to ED twice and got blood test , ECG and X-ray . everything was normal , the location of pain is in centre of the chest or sometimes radiates to my back and sometimes goes on left side or right side of my chest. the type of pain is dull , burning or squeezing. it mostly happens when i am about to go to the bed. as soon as it appears I freak out , start walking and everything gets worst.. I have tried Inderal 10 , Omeprazole 20 mg (this one is for acid reflux , my dr said when i get anxious I might get some heartburn too).
lately I have been really anxious and this pain comes exactly when i dont expect it , just appears out of blue and makes me really scared , and then it wont go away for a long time.
Thank you all for sharing your stories and making me feel I am not alone.
Hi, I’m 14 years old and I’ve been having these random pains/spasms around my chest. I have been diagnosed with anxiety a bit over a month ago, yet I just started having this pain a few days ago. It just comes and goes, and I’m not sure why. I have a family history of GERD so I’m pretty sure this is what’s causing my chest pain.
Thanks for sharing out this information, it makes me relieved to know that not all chest pains are heart associated.
Hi I am 17 years old and like all of you i’ve also been experiencing chest pain. To me this all started about a month and a half ago when i was in class. it just struck me out of nowhere. When i ended up having that heart palpatation I moved my hand up to feal for my heart beat but i couldn’t feel it. This made me panic and just about made me pass out (I truely thought I was dieing). They rushed me to the ER and did everything EKG, Blood test even monitor later but couldn’t find anything. Now as I sit here I think about how my chest pain has changed… at first it was a sharp “Pin Prick” pain but as of the last few days I am feeling a dull pain above my heart that happens every so often when i’m sitting here. I just can’t stand how this usually happens while i’m watching TV or Playing Xbox. I just can’t believe that this new pain started when i saw a video on youtube about a guy that would get chest pain above his heart. Its just funny how I hear something … goes to my subconcious and comes back and bothers me. But my pin prick pain has well gone away. Just to not have everyone worry too much about me. As long as i’m realy busy doing something I DON’T GET ANY CHEST PAIN. So even if I am feeling like not doing anything I usually come out feeling so much better because I can usually look back and say to myself huh this only happens when i let it bother me.
Hi me again 🙂 I am now feeling much better and I would love to tell you what i found to help me with my anxiety. 1.) Just the other day I sat on the couch and took a small nap but when i woke up as of lately i would get chills even when covered in a blanket. So it kinda bothered me and i went out to the computer with my parents(They were playing a card game) and got out my electric blanket. I just sat there for about 30 mins thinking about how i could possiably be dieing from this which caused much nausa. Well i thought to myself i haven’t been drinking enough water. I ended up getting a glass of water and well my headache melted and at first my nausa got worse but within 10 mins i just felt happy that it went away. I’m not saying its a cure or anything but its what is working for me now. It may sound funny but to me i think my anxiety has greatly lowered. Also i havn’t had very much “Chest Pain” (Untill 30 mins ago i paniced and after getting through i decided to post something here)
Anyway i ended up doing some research on dehydration and found some interesting stuff.
Hey there. I was wondering if you have any advice for me. I have kind of severe anxiety and I often have panic attacks, which mimic heart attacks. My biggest problem is that every time I get chest pain, I rush off to the ER. Which is costly. lol But I do have a legitimate heart condition, so I often worry if it is indeed the anxiety causing the pain or my condition. Is there any advice you can give me?
Hi Elw, Considering that you do have a real heart condition speaking to a doctor would be your best bet.
I would suggest however, if you can afford it, that you get a complete work up done. Blood tests, stress test, ECG, etc. Asked to be put through the hamster wheel.
If you and your doctor are satisfied with the results then this will ease your mind a bit.
And you’re right about anxiety and heart attack, etc having similar symptoms.
So for that reason you really can’t ignore chest pain in your case.
I find however that if there is a difference between anxiety and an actual cardiac event it’s duration of symptoms.
Anxiety chest pains are come and go. Whereas real cardiac pain can vary in strength but generally does not stop after several minutes, even hours.
Hey me again just giving update after not posting one for a while. I am feeling alot better! I found some people close to me that have had this happen to them and we talk alot about it. As i’m mostly over my “Chest Pain Anxiety”(due to keeping my mind busy as possiable… School, Internet Browsing and a little Xbox). It just takes time to get over and as soon as you start accepting the symptoms and believing that there is nothing wrong you will notice these things happen less often. As of now like I said there is very rare chest pain (once or twice a day now). The best things I can advise are you must eat properly/get enough water and Exercise and rest.
Hey Turner, I’m really glad to hear that you’re doing better. With the positive attitude you have things can only improve.
I’m not sure if I have anxiety pain, but maybe you could help me. For the past 2 years, I’ve had random and sudden pain in my upper chest. Common places for pain are above my heart, in the center of my chest, and around, in or behind my right breast. I think we’ve ruled out most everything, and I can’t find any literature about my randomly spaced and recurring chest pains. Is this common?
Hi Alyssa,
If you’ve been cleared by your doctor for any heart issues the next question is do you have other symptoms? Usually anxiety symptoms come in packs, so that if you have one, you also have several others. Is this the case with you?
If you only have chest pains I doubt it is anxiety. But either way don’t give up. Work with your doctor to get to the bottom of this.
And is chest pain common in anxiety disorder – yes, yes it is.
Hey, I’ve recently taken more tests and nothing showed up at all. I had taken the Chest X-Ray, EKG, and Blood Work. The funny thing is that i don’t have any chest pain really at all anymore but i still have major worries about other things that might be wrong. The major thing that bothers me now are palpatations. They seem to be happening at more since i’ve done the tests because i think i’ve grown to accept chest pain but not palpatations. A question i have is … is it normal to have maybe 1 or 2 a day that only last like a second more so like a sudden thump to the chest insted of a longer lasting thing. This is about 2 weeks after i had the tests and now i don’t know why but i fear random cardiac arrest. Also as before i’ve been having palpatations but they usually only occur at home or in math class which helps me kinda tell myself that when i’m not keeping myself busy i’m always thinking of what i sometimes believe might be wrong with me.
Hi Turner, First things first, relax.
Palpitations are a very normal response to stress and anxiety. And if you’ve been screened by your doctor even better.
Anxiety causes an increased production in adrenaline and cortisol, these stress hormones work on your organs, and can cause different symptoms like, palpitations.
Not to worry, this is the fight or flight response at work. Anxiety and worry at work. But not heart disease.
Having anxiety issues also means that you’re very tuned in to your body. You hear and feel everything with great intensity – this too is very normal.
But don’t confuse awareness with danger.
You’ve done the right thing by being tested for heart disease, but now it’s time to accept the medical findings. Accept the evidence that you have acquired.
Accept and relax.
Paul, I can’t help but say thank you!!! You were my switch for getting through that stage. I am feeling alot better now and my life is getting back to normal.
I went to the cardiologist today for a follow-up visit.
I went to the cardiologist initially about a month ago because I was having heart palpitations and these vague, dull aches in my chest area and up/down my left arm.
Two EKGs showed nothing abormal. A 7-day Holter Monitor test showed that I have benign PVCs. An Echocardiogram showed Mitral Valve Prolapse. Apparently, these are all benign.
I asked about the stress test at the time, but the cardiologist said that it wasn’t necessary since I’m 33 and exercising regularly without troubles. He gave me Beta Blockers for the PVCs.
After the visit, I haven’t felt any PVCs. I’d stopped feeling those even before I started on the Beta Blockers. I may still be having them, but I sure haven’t felt them.
I’ve also exercised a few times — running 1.5 miles on the treadmill, biking 5 or 6 miles on the station bike –and my heart rate has gotten up to 150 and higher with no discomfort whatever during or after. My blood pressure has been pretty normal and steady.
However, I’ve still been feeling the dull ache in my chest and left arm. It’s been vague, changing positions, dull (on a scale of 1 to 10, the ache is a 1), doesn’t seem to have a trigger (occurs at nighttime, in bed, during the day, at work, etc.) and doesn’t interfere with anything. In recent weeks, I’d chalked it up to my HA or something muscular/skeletal.
I told the cardio — a different one than the one I saw a month ago — about that today and he recommended me getting a stress test. I got that done today but due to some variation/abnormality of the way my heart is wired, it wasn’t usable. He said he couldn’t determine whether it was positive nor negative. He wants me to get a nuclear stress test next Wednesday.
And it has me freaking out. All my heart worries are back just when I thought I was in the clear…
Hi M, just wanted to let you know that the fear you have about your heart is very common among anxiety sufferers.
We tend to assume that we will have a heart attack or that our hearts might quit on us.
But it sounds to me like you’re healthy.
I think the doctors are just doing their due diligence at this point.
Given your active life style, EKG results, and the recent holster monitor test, things look good for you.
Unless you have a history of heart disease I think that your anxiety is getting the better of you at this point.
Hope to hear back from you so we can hear about your nuclear test.
And if that test turns out negative, I think you should focus on relieving your anxiety and not worry about your heart anymore.
I have been having chest pain chronically for over 15 years now. The last few years I have also had shortness of breath, pain in my left arm, left shoulder, left jaw and neck, as well as all kinds of random chest pain, pressure, tightness you can think of. I have had anxiety issues for 23 years and was hospitalized for them at age 17. I’m 37 now. I have had hundreds of EKG’s, a few echocardiograms, dozens of chest X rays and blood tests, a stress test, pretty much everything EXCEPT the nuclear stress test and heart cath. My cardio doc says I am tormenting myself. He offered me the heart cath just for peace of mind but says I don’t “need” it. My symptoms continue because I don’t take zoloft etc. I do take a xanax when I’m really worried but this has been my obsession for so many years now. My cholesterol is a bit high so I’m gonna start a statin soon and also I have high blood pressure and am overweight. It’s so upsetting some days I can’t function — not so much because of the random pains and breathlessness but the WORRY about them. I also have bouts where I feel pretty fine. The breathing goes back to normal, no pain anywhere etc. WHen I had the stress test I had so much chest pain and out of breath and pain in my arm and all that I thought I was a goner. AFter the test I had 5 weeks of feeling great, with hardly any chest pain and no breathing weirdness or arm etc pain. It came back when I started a new job and had a big argument about money with a relative. Now these past 3 weeks I was doing well, no arm or shoulder pain etc. just slightly breathless (I have also had a bad cold so I’m still coughing and have TERRIBLE post nasal drip constantly) and then yesterday I googled about a woman who said all her heart tests were normal but she had a heart cath and needed a stent so she was all “GET A HEART CATH!” and if that didn’t scare me — I ended up getting arm/jaw/neck/shoulder/collarbone pain within the HOUR. Coincidence??? I wonder if it’s anxiety or my heart. Dozens of docs and therapists have told me I don’t need more tests, I need to relax and stop thinking about it. My therapist almost jumped out of his chair and yelled at me when I brought up the cath thing (he works with heart patients a lot at the local heart hospital). He thought it was preposterous that I’d even consider it. So now here I am with symptoms and thinking what do I do? What’s the right thing? Is it my nerves? My head? And also I have a history of inducing symptoms from my emotions and responding very well to reassurance. I can “instantly” be healed when I feel reassured and I can get instantly sick if I feel scared and worried. That must count for something. I think about my heart every minute of every day for years and even DREAM about it. i have no insurance so I can’t keep doing this. I don’t have a real good therapist or doc who will sit and talk to me and all, they just say “stop doing this to yourself, take xanax, take zoloft, do deep breathing!”
Hi Mo, I am very familiar with your situation and it is normal. And at this point, I think your doctor and therapist are right.
In a way, people with anxiety like to worry because it provides a sense of security, but this is an illusion that only serves to worsen your anxiety.
I understand that your afraid, but you have to realize that your losing the best years of your life to worry and anxiety.
I also know that you’re not doing this on purpose or with any sense of satisfaction, but nonetheless you continue to indulge your anxiety.
Listen, medically you sound like you’re in reasonable condition. So, you need to accept the medical findings thus far.
You’re looking for disaster where there is none. Plus, “what if” scenarios are pointless to keep playing with. The fact of the matter is that no one, that means me and you, are guaranteed life. It is scary, but life is short. So, don’t waste it.
Enjoy the life and time that you do have. At 37 you are in your prime. You need to have a stern talk with yourself.
Release the hold you have on yourself – relax. Seriously, if something is going to happen, it’s going to happen. Either now, or in 30-40 years, that’s life MO.
This is hard to accept I know, but the alternative is no solution. This should also serve as a constant reminder to live your life fully.
Worry is useless, even if it comes easy. Don’t dwell on things you can’t control and instead turn your attention to accepting everything, absolutely everything, that anxiety has and will throw at you.
I know you’re scared, that’s the nature of being anxious. But this fear is harmless and only influences you the way it does because you allow it to.
Mo, enough is enough. You have to dig down deep inside of yourself. This is clearly all psychological. Accept that and work to undo the fear of anxiety symptoms and anxiety itself. This isn’t about heart problems, it is only about fear. Accept it all and you will see a change.
You can do it.
Thank you so much for your very kind response. I was thinking that since FEAR causes the same symptoms as heart stuff maybe it’s all really the fear causing it. The arm pain, shoulder and jaw pain the random shortness of breath etc. It’s all very random and then it also corresponds to something I read, something I see on TV, how I feel at my job or with family etc.
I get ALL the symptoms just anything you can think of, I get it. And it will last for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and then be gone for the same.
I am tormenting myself with the “What if?” stuff but I’ve been doing that for years, too.
you are right about worrying. I think I even do it on purpose and have gotten so used to it that it feels safe and comforting. Yuck I hate saying that.
These symptoms are maddening. WHo wants to have pain and aches and weird heart symptom type stuff and can’t breathe or lump in throat or feeling like you’re being smothered or choked and so on? I forget what it feels like to be normal. To walk down a street without worrying about being out of breath from walking too fast or afraid to exercise because I’m afraid I’ll keel over.
I have no friends anymore because I am not a great friend, always worrying, never wanting to go too far from home, afraid to be physically active etc.
I am married and have a baby and I’m so worried (again there it is) about passing this stuff down to her and wasting the best years in doctor’s offices.
I only just found your site and I started with a new therapist recently and I see her again Monday. I made an appt to see my cardio doc to talk about the heart cath stuff but I am really thinking what do I do, I don’t WANT the heart cath and they say not to get invasive stuff if there’s no evidence you need it and so far there’s none. I could get a nuclear stress test but I’m at a loss of what to do.
If I go the anxiety route, how do I get some control of something that’s been out of control for years?
How to control anxiety? That is THE question. I won’t lie to you, this is hard to do. But it is also possible.
I was much like you only a few years ago. I still have anxious moments, but for the most part I lost my fear of heart attack and so on.
Also, there is no one way to control anxiety. There are many ways and you have to try to find what works for you. The important thing is that you start that journey in earnest.
You should make real attempts to deal with this issue of worry and fear.
In terms of your fear, I think a great place to start would be your local library. You need to find and consume every book you can on fear and the fight or flight response.
Coincidentally I’ve written a Special Report about How to Stop Anxious Thinking (that is the title) that will be released in the next few days (It deals with this issue directly).
And in the report one of the things that I talk about is the importance of educating yourself. I also referred you to books because the internet can be inconsistent when it comes to medical advice or issues about the brain or body in general.
Nonetheless, what’s important is finding factual information about what you’re afraid of, whatever that is, as long as the information you look up is from a credible source. Study fear and worry, get to know it, so you can accept your anxious state.
If you understand fight or flight in and out, if you understand worry (of which there is a book with that title) then you will understand the workings of your mind and thus will find a way to repair it. You can learn how to sooth yourself. But you must put in the work.
Ww did you have all my symptoms like I have them, too? I keep feeling like I’m the only one. Even now I was talking to my mom about something stressful and felt a weird kinda pressure across my chest and in my upper arms for like 2 seconds. I was getting all stressed and talking really fast (as I usually do — my therapist said I talktalktalk then take a huge breath).
I will definitely read your special report asap. I have ANxiety for Dummies and one of Claire Weekes books (but I misplaced it in the house somewhere). I will check the library.
My main fear is death. All of this pretty much began when my father died, and I was just turned 16 years old. I was anxious to an extent starting at 14 but when Dad died that really sent me into a spiral and I put myself in the hospital at 17. I never got over his death because it was sudden and we had had a very very bad relationship. I am not sure how to get over the fear of death. Secondary fears are abandonment and insecurity, vulnerability.
Thanks so much for your responses, I am reading them eagerly like a person in the desert who found a bit of water.
How did you get rid of your own symptoms and fears about heart stuff?
I developed the fear of heart disease because my father died when I was 22 years old. He died of a heart attack and so I assumed that this would also happen to me, but sooner rather than later.
How I got rid of it is found it Claire Weekes’s book, but essentially it was utter acceptance. Acceptance of anxiety, fear, worry, and yes death.
I think most of us have a healthy fear of death, it’s human nature. And I’m not saying I’m fearless, but I also realize that worrying about death was/is useless.
Death is a part of life. And there is absolutely nothing we can do to avoid it.
As a result, I decided to focus on my life instead – not the end of it.
That is a decision I made. It’s also a decision you can make.
The last thing you want to do when you’re anxious is over think this stuff.
Don’t over think your symptoms. If they come, so what? I mean to say, worrying and thinking about them won’t stop them. And in fact focusing on them may just prolong them and make them stronger.
The more attention you give your symptoms, the more they will control you.
So, I just accepted that I can’t control everything and that I wanted to enjoy the time I have. That’s all we can do.
Heart related symptoms drive me nuts. In particular skipped or ectopic beats. Sometimes it’s like someone has reached inside your chest and squeezed your heart. Even though I’ve had various tests nothing has shown up. I’m 90% sure I’m fine but there is always that 10% that thinks I’m about to keel over. I think Paul is right though. The key to full recovery is accepting that there is nothing wrong with you. If you can do that then you’ll find your symptoms start to vanish.
Thanks, Andy. I took a Xanax and feel a little better with my breathing but man it is SO DIFFICULT (more like impossible) to believe that all these pains and breathing things are just anxiety. Could they really be?? I mean seriously? My mind will not accept it. I have seen time and again how when I forget the pains I get better and when I am reassured I’m better and when I’m scared I get worse but I throw that out the window when I’m scared. *cries*
Well, yeah, they can be. I’ve ended up in hospital because I’ve been sure there is something wrong with my heart but it’s been fine. A doctor once said to me that I could have as many tests as I want. but in the end there comes a point when you have to accept that there’s nothing wrong with you and that it is anxiety. At the end of the day anxiety does funny things to the body. There are tonnes of symptoms and you can have loads at anyone time.
Reading these responses has given me the feeling that I am suffering from pure anxiety and not some undiagnosed illness. I call it the “invisible fire”. It’s like my body’s fire alarm is going off and I’m searching for the fire, but no one can find it. I’m sure it’s there, but it is undetectable. It must be there, right? The alarms are going off, so it’s gotta be there! No, wrong. My alarm is broken and goes off for really no reason at all, leaving me scrambling looking for the invisible fire. It’s so hard because no matter how many times you try to convince yourself that there is no real threat or danger to you, you still doubt yourself when an episode of anxiety or panic occurs. I guess like anything else it just takes time and practice, but reading forums like these makes me realize that others are suffering from THE EXACT SAME SYMPTOMS and their doctors are telling them they are fine too. That cannot be a coincidence, it’s the invisible fire.
I went and got another EKG yesterday and the doc said I’m fine and I shouldn’t be getting more tests. I talked to him at length about everything I’ve been feeling and my history. I had told him I’d been there dozens of times for EKG’s and he looked at my file on his computer and said, “Wow I thought you were exaggerating but you’re not.”
Now I’m reading Claire Weekes’s books and trying to rethink all this. I woke up today with my stomach feeling kinda queasy sick and my chest hurt for a few seconds so I’m still focusing on it but I mean I just got an EKG yesterday not even 12 hours ago so sheesh, ya know? This anxiety crap starts the second you wake up, doesn’t it. Argh.
My nuclear stress test is tomorrow. I’m hopelessly anxious about the tests, and worried about any blockage I may have.
Almost as a sort of preparation, I went to the gym Sunday. I ran 1.5 miles in about 17 minutes, the highest mph I reached was 6.0 for two minutes. My heart rate, according to the treadmill, got up to 190.
I then walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes at 3.5 mph and I gradually increased the incline till it hit 10 — similar to the stress test. I then cooled off with 15 minutes on the stationary bike, going for all 15 minutes with my heart above 150.
All in all, it was 45 minutes with my heart rate above 150 and my recovery was relatively quick.
I didn’t feel any discomfort other than some chest tightening toward the end of the running. I may have just have been out of breath (I’m out of shape) and I felt some acid reflux stuff at the bottom of my throat.
Of course, on the ride home, I felt the random left-arm, chest ache — and that has me thinking something’s off.
I went to the gym again Monday — and maybe it was a bad idea.
I ran on the treadmill — no incline — for about 15 minutes, going about 5 mph and finished off 1.3 miles. I then did an incline for about 10 minutes, steadily raising the slope while going 3.5 mph.
Toward the 7-minute mark, I started feeling some discomfort in my chest — almost like a heartburn sort-of ache.
I stopped the treadmill and got to the stationary bike. I did that for about 10 minutes. Toward the end of that, I got some chest discomfort as well. It was the same sort of ache I’ve been complaining about — the mild, fleeting sort of pain. My left arm felt fine.
Of course, this has me nervous about things — about whether I truly do have blockage. I’m entirely confused, too.
I ran faster and harder on Sunday, and I felt no discomfort. I don’t know what to think.
Hi M, take it easy friend. Relax the best you can and do the test. Don’t over think it or start assuming things. Let us know how it goes.
I had the nuclear stress test today. The results might come back tomorrow.
The technician/clinical nurse who did the test said that he saw “nothing to keep me at the doctor’s office” — meaning he saw nothing that might kill me tonight.
I felt good on the treadmill — no chest pains, no abnormal physical symptoms (similar to me running on Sunday and Monday, when I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill at the gym).
I’m still incredibly worried/anxious about what the results will say tomorrow or Friday about heart blockage.
Hi M, Hang in there. You’re either 100% healthy or you will get a serious jump on any potential problem. In both cases, things look good. Try to take it easy for the next few days and keep your mind engaged with different activities.
As Paul says, you are taking steps to solve the problem. If nothing, great, if something, then you have a already taken a very important step into fixing whatever might be there. Instead of doing the treadmill, do you think a walk outside might be better for a few days until you know for sure? I’m wishing the best for you!
I had the nuclear stress test last Wednesday. One of the nurses said that if I didn’t hear from them the next day (Thursday), I could assume I was in the all clear. I didn’t hear anything from the doctor Thursday. I called Friday morning and a nurse said I had nothing to worry about.
However, I’m still anxious about the test results. Last year, I had a brain/cervical spine MRI. A week after the test, a nurse said I was in the all clear. A week after that, the neurologist called to tell me that they actually did find something.
So, I’m waiting for the phone to ring and to find out that something’s wrong and that I have blockage and will require a cath. I made an appointment to see the cardiologist this Wednesday and hopefully, I’ll hear the full results then.
Hi M,
I’m hoping all is well with you! 🙂 It’s good that you made a follow up appointment with the cardiologist, which should put your mind at ease when you can discuss the results in greater detail. I know when I have had tests I still have this little doubt that they have done it properly or given me the right results. It’s funny even when things are going fine and turn out for the best, we still can find a way to worry about it – I know I do all the time. I wonder why our brains can’t seem to comprehend and accept good news instead of worrying.
I have been haveing chest pains!! been to the er several times like 5 or 6 in the past month and went to urgent care
Hi i am 24 year old female im 5’5 and a 180 a bit over weight since my son! I have decided to look this web site over because friends of mine asked me to! However when i was 15 and 16 i exspearenced anxiety where i would worry and i also exspearenced my fingers tingling! But i am happy and have not hadany anxiety at all since! How ever for the past month month in a half i have been exspearnceing chest pain taht hits me in the middle of my chest or under my left breastbone the pain gos down my left arm even sometimes my right arm and like something is blocking me from breathing sorta like squeezing! and as i write its in the not of my back ! This pain hits me in the chest when im on the computer or rout with the kids and it freaks me out it scares the life out of me literally! i have been to 6 different emergency rooms and then i went to a urgent care followed by a dr office that was takeing in patients who had been to the ER! so i have been seen i have had several EKG and blood work i hav had a nuclear test done to see if i had any blood clot in my lungi ahve had X rays as well! they all pretty much say your fine! but what started this big obsession of my heart was when i had the pain and i went to the ER i hurd a dr say 24 year old borderline EKG i flipped and almost past out! they didnt realize i hurd that and when the nurse came in i asked her about it she said o the dr will look at it we get that alot its nothing to worry about! well i thought to myself omg im borderline to death omg omg!!well they came in and said your blood work is fine your EKG Is fine and your X ray is fine all set to go home!! well i went home and worried about what i ahd hurd i worried so bad i ended up takeing myself back to the we going to the er again! they came back said blood work is good x ray good and ekg is good i interupted and said not borderline???? he said it looks good to me abnormalities that are nothing to cause pain or alarm anyone well all the rest of the ER Said the same thing and that dr i went to said that if she took a ekg of everyone sitting in the office alot of them would read the same way!! well im sorry LADY but im not buying it i was so shook up i cried and she said ok to ease your mind im going to hook you up with an event moniter and i said dear god thank you!! then we went on talking and she prescribed me anacid and paxel im not takeing paxel at all but i will take the anacid!! after we got to talking i mentioned the other ER i had visited and she said o my goodness girl im going to send you to a carioolgist for your own peace of mind i said o thank you so much! but im still so shook up over that all my EKG reading that non specific or abnormalities or borderline crap!! and even tho all the er visits and the urgent care visit and the dr office visit say that abnormality is nothing im still sicked over it everytime i get a shooting sharp pain into my chest!i worry i worry so bad that im going to die my kids will be without me i worry and i cry im not myself im so scared over them ekg and the persistant pain! i have the event moniter and tehy are scheduleing me to a cardiogist 4 peacea mind but im worried sick! i need help i neeed someone who nos what im talking about to talk to them please
Hi Makenzie,
I’m really sorry to hear about your ordeal. Sounds like you’ve been through a lot.
But given that you’ve had all these tests done, and because the results were negative, I think you should give yourself a break.
And although the “borderline” doctor was careless, I don’t think he/she was wrong.
For moral, ethical, and simple insurance/legal/financial reasons, the hospital won’t let you walk out if they suspect a real problem.
At this point you’re being fueled by anxiety and worry. And if you were prescribed antacids, it’s because they probably suspect that your chest pain is related to heart burn or GERD.
So take it easy and try the best you can to relax. I think you’ll be just fine.
Hi Makenzie,
Sorry to hear you have been having trouble. I just wanted to let you know I have had GERD for many years since I am a bit overweight, and I know that the excess weight can push the stomach up a bit and cause the stomach acid to come back up. I find eliminating chocolate, coffee, and other irritating foods, even peppermint tea, helps keep the stomach acid at bay and helps a lot. I have been in emergency more times than I can count for a bad attack that felt like my heart, with pains so sharp I could barely breathe. I take my Losec (Prilosec in the US) and it works quite well. I also have fibromyalgia, so I get a lot of chest wall pain, which also scares me, but if in doubt, I go get it checked out just to be sure.
It’s hard to relax when your body is in pain, but try to, and watch your diet, because I have found that makes a huge difference. There’s lots of info out there on what not to eat for GERD, and I have found that not eating for a few hours before bed can help a lot.
Take care and let us know how things are working out for you. 🙂
tahnk you everyone!! but for some reason i dont think its gerd im so set on thinking its my heart just because of the feelings in my chest that charp pain the discomfort ughhh idk im looseing my mind im drownding in a lake of worry ! how can gerd cause such sharp apins and i never had an issue before and i feel pain when i take a deep breath o man im so stressed over this hole thing
Makenzkie, I have been told that if it is sharp pain that is usually not heart related, it’s probably a nerve that is getting pinched or impinged. Check on your posture because I have crap posture and Iget a lot of sharp pings and pangs all over my neck and back and chest and shoulders. Anxiety can cause this stuff, too because of muscle tension. try doing some guided imagery and deep breathing. The pain when you breathe makes me think it is not the heart. when you can produce the pain through movement that’s not heart pain. I think your anxiety is amplifying everything. I have been taking more xanax and have less chest pains so maybe ask your doc about that (if you’re nursing a baby xanax isn’t the best but you can have it in very small dozes now and again, check Dr Hale’s website for info on medications while nursing.) I have had chest pains of all kinds for over 15 years.
Hello all, I have just read over all of the posts, and WOW I am right there with all of you. I am a 29 year old female, with high cholesterol and I smoke. So when I get all the pain I “what if” it to death because of the smoking and cholesterol. I have had hundreds of EKG’s, blood work ups, 3 stress echo’s. Even after all of that and my doctor and cardi telling me that my heart was fine, I had another episode with chest pain, went to the ER they did the EKG and took me in and gave me nitro, asprin, and kept me over night. I have never been so scared in my life, not to mention my panic went through the roof. I had another stress echo that came out perfect after that, the abnormal EKG was explained to be normal for me. Then after months of still feeling bad and not taking my zoloft, I called my cardi and went through a heart cath. An invasive test when all was clear on stress echo, my cardi only did it to put my mind at ease, and I am only 29. When I went into the hospital to get the cath done, I was crying and the hospital called the cardi and let me speak to him., He told me that it was up to me and that he did not feel that I needed it done, but I needed peace of mind. I had the test, and once I got all my results, he told me my arteries were all BRAND NEW, no blockage, no narrowing, they were great. That was less than 6 months ago and since I have felt great, and now for the past few days all the symptoms have came back and I try to tell myself that I am find I had a heart cath for petes sake, I am good, but sometimes it does not work. I know were all of you are coming from. And speaking from my heart, I wish is would all disapear for us all and things would be “normal”. Checking the internet though, for ones like us that have these anxiety issues is not the best thing. If we google chest pain we read all about heart attacks, and then we have all the symptoms. Relax everyone, and just as I say that I am flushed and the left arm pain is bothering me. If you have had an all clear from your doctor GREAT!! I hope that we all feel better soon. Here is a new “what if” for all of us. What if, we find a new friend with panic and anxiety attacks, and we can make a difference in their lives because we are there to help!!! Love to all
I have been suffering from Anxiety/Panic Attacks/Chest Pains for around 10 years.I am better now and can see light at the end of the tunnel but hey! its always there ,,,,waiting. It comes back when u thought u were over it.The symptoms come in all shapes but the most popular! were
Chest pains
Acute pain in shoulder joints
stomach pains especially on your left side
acute tiredness
neck tension
panic attacks
not wanting to speak to anyone especially your loved ones
Nausea in mornings
Well I think ill stop there 🙂
At the mom, after a 5 month spell of being well I have now acute chest pains but even though I am AFRAID, yes scaresd I know its come back so I will not visit the A & E dept in Hospital for another check since I feel need to fight it again. Chest pain make u terribly anxious and wind u up in your mind! 🙁 but unfortunately we have to get thru this ourselves with the help of our loved ones. My advise…..if you have to get medication..it got me thru the worse of it! If you can try meditation and Yoga….its incredible how good they are for you. But dont expect a speedy recovery, they take time to do their job. Hope all the best for you all. Keep fighting it , only you can do it!!
Hi so im 18 years old and have had very little anxiety when around big crowds… 5 months ago I moved out of my parents house with my boyfriend… We’re out in the middle of nowhere, 65 miles away from all of my friends, miles away from anything really. His car broke down, I became very lazy and sleep all the time or am on the computer… I’ve been outside maybe like 20 times since I’ve been here… and drank nothing but soda… So we’re moving back soon and I was packing, all out of nowhere my heart was beating really fast,I was shivering ,I kept thinking about it and it got worse i waited hours before I decided to go to the hospital by that point I had a chest pain… well not really pain it feels like my chest is heavy… I went to to E.R they said it was just anxiety and everything else was fine.
But my chest still feels this way and I keep freaking out over it.. The feeling went away a few times but keeps comming back. I can’t keep my mind off of it and its really starting to make me sick. Now I’m getting headaches, fevers, chills and can’t finish meals. What should I do? 🙁
Hi Candy, You could A. Go back for a second check up or B. You could see these symptoms as something related to anxiety. Also, keep in mind that anxiety tends to spike when we are undergoing significant life changes. But, if you do decide to get a second check up and all is good, then know that it is anxiety and it will pass.
Okay So the chest pains basically went away, they come and go when I think about it.
I always worry, And have always freaked out over everything.
When I was just 5 years old I would ask my parents if I was going to live in the morning.
My uncle died about a year ago of a brain tumor and everytime i get a headache i think its happening to me. So As you see I drive myself crazy… And All this stuff that came up is probably stressing me out and making my whole body go crazy. 5 months of staying inside doing nothing, seeing no friends or family. But I talked to a friend of mine and remembered that he suffers from anxiety so bad that he gets scared to go out of the house sometimes and he’s had attacks like mine. So it makes me feel a little better. but my mind still wonders off in the “what if this” “What if that” and it keeps buiding up and I start freaking out. It’s really hard to relax. xanex helps a little. I think everything will get better once i move back in where my family is and stuff. blah anxiety SUCKS.
Hi all,
I have a question. I’ve been going through all the same things over the last year again. I have been to the doctor and he explained to me the tests and procedures. I’ve done the EKG’s, blood work-ups, and stress tests too. Mine is more heart palpitations. Where it feels like your heart pauses for a second and then beats really hard. My doctor says there is no major concern, that my blood work-ups are okay, blood pressure is great. He then said he recommended a heart cath. He said that the scans from the stress test were a little off. Now I’m not sure that’s what I want to do or not, considering everything has come back okay. Any advice?
Hi Jeremy, Well considering that you’ve gone this far you might want to just follow through. Both to follow doctors orders and to put your mind at ease. Because what might happen if you don’t do the cath is that you might have lingering doubts that could feed your anxiety to a greater degree. Plus, given all the test results so far, I’d bet you’re ok.
Thanks for this article, somewhat helps with the anxiety I’ve been having relating to pretty much the same symptoms everyone else here have described. I also have another dental/oral surgery issue that I’ll explain a little further.
First I am 25 and 160 pounds, and relatively inactive and mostly sit down most of the day on the computer or watching tv.
I have high blood pressure and take medication to control it (Lisinopril 10mg daily). When these pains happen I usually check it, and its slightly high, but nothing to be worried about (130/85-90). Trust me, it’s been much higher at the ER that prescribed the blood pressure medication, something like 170/130. They pretty much felt it was anxiety related and referred me to a cardiologist which I have yet to do because of money problems. They also said my blood work and EKG were fine; but heres the kicker: the nurse said I would have a heart attack or a stroke before im 26 if I don’t get my blood pressure under control. It was less then a month away from my birthday when she said that! How evil for someone to tell you this during a panic attack!
I believe my high blood pressure is from my sometimes excessive binge drinking and heavy smoking. 1-2 pack a day smoker and could drink 15-16 beers without issue, seriously. I have since quit both recently.
Other issue causing extreme anxiety: Oral Surgery?
I went to the dentist a couple months ago for a toothache/what I thought was an abscess tooth. After the X-rays the one nurse walks in and says: “We don’t know what this is.” I instantly freak out and all most scream at her “What do you mean you don’t know what it is.”
Anyway, a dentist seen me for all of 1 minute and explained it appears to be a cyst of some kind with a secondary infection and recommended a oral surgeon visit a couple days later. Problem is, the secondary infection popped THE DAY of the appointment and I started freaking out.
Hours go by, waiting for the office to open to call and find out what I should do. Last thing I remember I’m going to the bathroom, the next I wake up with paramedics asking me all the usual questions, what is your name, who is the president, what year is it, etc. I had a seizure that lasted 4-5 minutes I am told. I ended up staying at the hospital for a couple days or so until I couldn’t take the thought of how much it was costing and how I have absolutely no money; besides anything I can get needs to go this oral surgeon (none will accept payments), and besides.. all the tests were fine and my blood pressure was good. Chest xray, MRI, lumbar puncture, many blood tests and an EKG. Lots of medication for blood pressure and anxiety which worked well but they did not prescribe anything upon me leaving against their advice. I know, bad idea.
I do eventually get to see the oral surgeon, he does his usually test and informs me I have a cyst about the size of a quarter, to a silver dollar, between one of my front teeth, incisor, and possibly canine or whatever, and says it’ll cost between $1000-1700 to have it removed. He also reminded me I don’t take payments and this visit is going to cost you today as well. So I’ve been kinda stressed, scared, that I have to wait to have this done until I save this up. In a few more weeks, probably shortly after July 1st I’ll have this monster yanked out and I can stop worrying about it.
Anyway, I’m having these chest pains since all of this and after reading these posts and other peoples concerns the pains have subsided somewhat, doing deep breathing and counting and just trying my hardest to take my mind off “I’m going to die.” thought. I just wanted to say thanks I really appreciate everyone’s posts and sorry about the long story of crazyness 🙂
Very interesting site and helpful. I’ve been doing some research into this and what helps for panic attacks:
Start with small dose, mix and drink the entire day
Also, something new I wanted to try from George Eby (taurine info from his research helped a lot)
High dose zinc for 2 weeks (w copper as zinc depletes copper)
Hi y’all. This site truly gave me a measure of comfort. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. Here’s my story as I have been compelled to share mine. Maybe some of you will relate on the anxiety and chest pain issue.
Recently, I have had a minimally invasive procedure scheduled by my doctor for varicose veins. One of my veins has a valve that is not working properly and thus not returning blood efficiently to the main vein in the leg that then goes back to the heart – (a condition called saphenous incompetence which is not a real threat to quality of life), Essentially, the Doc heats the malfunctioning vein with a laser beam until it is sealed, and blood flow is directed elsewhere to healthy veins. The Doctor’s office says I can go shopping the same day of the procedure if I want to like it is no big deal.
I am 31 and I have been called a health nut, I exercise regularly and varicose veins do not run in my family. Anyway, I got them. Now, I do not mean to scare anyone who already may be a bit sqeamish about things like this; you may imagine what is running through my mind as I am someone who will turn white as a ghost, become nauseas, and lose consciousness when getting blood work. Anyway, I began thinking about how my leg may now be in jeopardy for the rest of my life, that it may not be able to hold the kids I have yet to have, or stand and pound the nails of my first house.
After being unemployed for a year and still managing not to take on any debt because I managed my money well, I just landed a great job as a counselor; something I always wanted to do. I thought to myself I finally have a chance; a chance to get this thing going – and now I may not be able to walk which is essentiall for my job.
I began to worry intensely that my leg may fail, that the procedure won’t work and they will have to take more and more veins out unitl I am cripple, (This got me thinking about how blessed I am and how absolutely important it is to bring pleasure and quality of life to those who are truly afflicted). Thats funny because in my new job, I certainly would have the opportunity to help folks in need. I have to make a point to remember that. Anyway, I began to worry, even temporarily moved back in with my parents; sleeping on a inflatable bed in the living room. God bless my parents; they gave me food, shelter, and love. I felt paralyzed, I could not think straight or make simple decsions like if I wanted eggs or cereal for breakfast, I was consumed with worry about my leg and how it effected blood flow to my heart. The Doc told me that although the vein in my leg was not functioning properly this should not cause chest pain. Well, I had fleeting chest pain and a zinging sensations go down my left arm that would come and go seemingly at random. I thought my heart was impaired somehow by the issue with my leg. After reading the testimonies on this site, I am more inclinded to believe my Doctor that the pain in my chest and sensations in my left arm was from being in a perpetual state of fear, panic, and worry.
I wept when looking at the stars at night with my Mother by my side in her night gown because they were so beautiful and mystifying that I could not bear that I have not pondered their mysteries nearly enough while I have been alive. I think I was unconsciously preparing myself to die. Anyway, I told my primary care doctor about my chest pains and feelings in my arm (I wondered if I was having a heart attck over the past few days – that will get you thinking). The Doc gave me an EKG which turned out normal and kind of just scratched his head and asked basic questions, I felt like I was not getting anywhere, until he asked if I have been under any stress, I told him about my leg issue and he said I had non caridiac chest pain that is brought on by stress. I half believed him, thinking something was really wrong, I could not believe how all these peoples’ stories closely resmbled mine with the need for reassurance toward a healthy heart. Its strange, the busier I was the less I felt the chest pain and zinging sensations down my left arm. Things like walking the dog, petting the cat, doing dishes, taking the garbage out (yes even at 31 years of age I took the garbage out at my parents house, I was happy to do it unlike when I was 13 or so – ha!)
Anyway, your stories have given me comfort, knowing that other people deal with this and that there is not a phantom in my chest.
And by the way folks, embrace your anxiety, it gives you heightened awareness, focus the energy. Strangely, breathe into the chest pain let it happen, be like a blade of grass in the wind; flexible, and you will not get bent out of shape. Yes there may be torment, but dog gone it your alive, cease your anxiety and chest pain, acknowledge it and know that your capacity for worry is of a greater detriment than what is actually going on physically. Be submissive to the physical sypmtom and you will pluck it at its root; anxiety.
Love who you are and think for me on this, my perception of anxiety:
“Anxiety is not a stone in my gut but rather, a gem in my heart.”
Folks be submissive to the anxiety admit defeat and the pressure will paradoxically release from you, maybe not all at once, the anxiety may summon a revolt against your new mind set but be straighforward in your acceptance of the human condition and the beautiful resiliency of the miralculaous human body and spirit will reveal their deep healing power. Know that aches and pains are our bodies communicating with us. If we have trouble interpreting their meaning or cause, try to have faith in loved ones opinions; talk closely and perceptively with them and also invest some faith in the doctors who have devoted years of their lives making this sort of thing their business.
Embrace your faith as well to draw strength that is beyond your sight of your understanding. If we needed complete understanding to exist at peace with ourselves we would all be a wreck, faith enables us to surpass ourselves toward that healer who breathed life into us to begin with.
Stay strong folks, put your anxiety to work, write, paint, play in the garden, visit your parents and take out the trash like I did.