Memory is really a gift when you think about it. The bad news is that for all the good memory brings into our lives it also has a dark side.
Memory feeds anxiety, tangles the truth, and stays with you forever. If you understand how this happens though it won’t happen as much.
1. Misery Enhances Memory
When you experience a profound emotional event you’re more likely to remember it. There’s more clarity, detail and impact involved with memories based on strong emotional reactions.
Situations that call into question your safety (Or sanity) cause you to remember far more because the emotional impact is far greater.
This makes anxious memories sticky and more likely to play a factor in future feelings of anxiety.
2. Memory Activates Fear
Studies have shown that when people undergo fMRI brain scans while looking at images that provoke strong emotions the amygdala becomes activated.
This is crucial because the amygdala is responsible for regulating fear, secreting stress hormones and forming emotional and long term memories (endless implications).
Fear based memories build up over time and strengthen your feelings of fear and vulnerability. It’s a vicious cycle.
3. Emotions Recall Memory
When you feel anxious you’re more likely to recall anxiety related memories. This in turn enhances the effects of anxiety, turns your judgment upside down and suspends your ability to think logically.
In this state, you’re more likely to see your anxiety as threatening which sustains your anxious mood and the never ending cycle you’re stuck in.
Can You Make It Stop?
Something sparked your abnormal anxiety and the memory of that ‘thing’ continues to feed your fear. That being said, I hope you don’t remain in awe of it because there is something you can do.
Learn to leave the past and the future out of your thoughts when anxiety strikes. It’s a game changer.
I am in total agreement; memories of past panic situations have absolutely put me into panic mode again when in a similar situation. It’s so very difficult, but you have to have faith in yourself that just because it happened once doesn’t mean it will happen again. If you let this kind of thinking win out, it can paralyze you. I know this from experience. It’s been one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done, but I made a promise to myself that I don’t want to be at my 80th birthday party (thinking positively here) and realize that my panic disorder has prevented me from enjoying the one and only life I was given. My heart and strength goes out to all of you that strive to put this disease behind you. 🙂
Amen Kim,
I think people forget that they die – seriously. You only live once. After that I have no clue what happens but I’d rather err on the side of caution and live the best life I can now. Way to stay positive. =)
“Learn to leave the past and the future out of your thoughts when anxiety strikes. It’s a game changer.”
The best thing that I’ve read on the internet this week!!
Thanks Megan. Very kind of you!
I just came across your site tonight, and I can’t stop reading! You seem to hit the nail on the head. I started my own blog a little while ago about my struggle with anxiety and depression, and how things have gotten better for me ( Thanks for the helpful words! 🙂
I had such a serious traumatic childhood that seeing toys, memory things of those years send me into a spiral of anxiety. My husband had a peacefuland happy childhood. Always looking for ways to replace, repair, make what he grew up with.
That is extremely difficult for me to see and hear and see him bringing thes items into my sight. He’s happy and I want that. How do I handle my trauma reactions to seeing these same things I saw in childhood?
I too have lived with anxiety and panic since 27 years old havi g lost my 25 year old brother to cancer i too lived all these years with panic but i managed to control it so as to be able to do things as my kids grew .now last year i lost my husband and wee grandson and my anxietys been bad .no panics but tingly burny cold nerve sensations that pop on my skin .for last 18months .it started with what dr said were a few shingles blisters around knee but now herpetic neuralgia ive never taken meds but its driving me nuts ..