When anxiety becomes a problem it's hard to cultivate solutions. Instead, you're more likely to focus on the problem itself, or maybe even uncovering some quick way of making it all stop, which makes sense. Yet, as natural as this instinct is, what happens when this quick solution doesn't materialize? In my experience, people usually become frustrated with their inability to overcome this major life issue. That's why when you feel stuck with anxiety it is critical that you go back to the beginning and figure out the most basic details of your
Archives for November 2015
How to Defeat Persistent Anxiety
When you're faced with relapse or persistent anxiety part of you might feel defeated. Like no matter what you do you just can't seem to get the upper hand against your anxiety. I certainly felt that way when I had a few good days in a row followed by a return of anxious thoughts or symptoms. In my view, it is okay to acknowledge how you feel in those dark, lonely moments. Yet, it can be dangerous to linger too long on those kinds of negative thoughts. Dangerous in that anxiety tends to build on itself and the more you stand still and ponder how
How to Avoid the Gloom of Anxiety
At the peak of my anxiety I was miserable. I missed out on all kinds of fun because of it. But at the time it was hard to not feel that way. Anxiety always seemed busy producing a never-ending lineup of frightening symptoms for me to contend with. It started with palpitations, then stomach problems, then out of control worry. And every time I mastered one symptom a brand new one would sprout up in its place. What made things worse is that I didn't spend my time trying to get better. I just dove deeper into my little self-created hell. In fact,