You're probably not always confident about your ability to be okay. And I understand why. You are filled with doubt, negative anticipation, and fear, which isn't exactly a recipe for confidence, right? When you're calm you can tell yourself a hundred logical reasons why you are going to be okay, and in the moment things feel manageable. But the minute that anxiety knocks at your door, you freeze and wonder if this is the end - the day that your worst nightmare comes to life. This happens for several reasons, chief among them is the fact
Archives for February 2015
9 Ways to Stay Motivated During the Recovery Process
Are you sick and tired of feeling anxious and unmotivated at the same time? Millions of anxious people just like you experience terrible symptoms every day but struggle to do something about it. What if I told you that there was a better way? Well, there is, and today I'm going to tell you how it's done. First, let me back up a bit - when I was at the height of my anxiety I convinced myself that feeling other emotions was bad. Sure, I got anxious, but I couldn't control that. So, to maintain what little control I did have, I bottled-up
This Simple Change Will Double Your Chances of Recovery
My earliest memory of abnormal anxiety centers on my first panic attack. I remember everything about that night, including how confused I was afterward. I imagine that you must have felt something similar when this all started for you as well, right? You ended up confused, mentally paralyzed, and worst of all, stuck in a useless, unproductive cycle of worry and reassurance seeking. This, of course, is a problem if you ever intend to get better. You need direction; a firm expectation of full recovery. Not everyone would agree with me