This site stopped being about me a long time ago. That's how I like it. It's always been far more important to me to reach out to you and share what I know. The hope has always been to write something or produce a podcast that spoke to you on some basic, but relevent level. But all good intentions aside, sometimes I guess as to what you want. Honestly, I don't know what that is. I've been in your shoes, so I have some idea. I know that you want to know about chest pain, or some other anxiety symptom. I know that you want to get
Archives for January 2012
How to Take Charge Of Your Anxiety Symptoms
Every week I get emails from readers that want to know more about their anxiety symptoms. They want this information because they're terrified. They're convinced that anxiety is going to kill them. I reckon that you can relate to this feeling too. When I get these emails I feel bad because I know they don't need to feel that way. I try to help, but I'm not sure that I'm always successful in my attempts to ease their fears. So, I'd like to try one more time in this post. It's important to get a handle on your anxiety symptoms