The other day we had several people over for barbecue and good times, but before the soiree took place I vowed to do two things - 1. Get drunk and 2. Be alright with being drunk. Usually I'd tell you that alcohol and anxiety just don't mix, and I think this is still the case. Lots of people use alcohol to cope with anxiety but inevitably this leads to alcohol dependence and - ironically - more anxiety. So it really is a non-starter. But this post isn't a celebration of alcohol or alcohol influenced text messages (of which I indulged in
Archives for April 2010
Is Massage a Better Anxiety Reducer than Deep Breathing?
According to a new study in the Journal Depression and Anxiety the answer is no. Massage is not better than deep breathing or other commonly used techniques to reduce anxiety. But my question is: Is that really a surprise? When feeling anxious the last thing I want is a rub down. Massages usually require close contact with a stranger and stillness - and I have both in very short supply when I'm jazzed on anxiety. Theoretically, I could see why getting a massage would seem soothing - and it could be - but I think that it's more likely to
Anxiety Guru Q&A
Recently I've noticed an uptick in the amount of questions and requests for podcast that I get via email. Both of these developments are great and so I've decided to combine the two into a Q&A. So, if you have a question or problem that you want discussed please send it to the email address and in the subject line put QA. I plan to put this all together as soon as I have enough viable questions to address. I usually think of subjects to talk about on my own, but given all the recent emails I've received there