To answer my own question, yes I do daydream a lot. Believe it or not daydreaming is a symptom of anxiety disorder and depression. So chances are if you're an anxious person you spend much of your time in la la land, fantasizing about a very cool version of yourself doing extraordinary things. But why? Most shrinks think that daydreaming is a self defense mechanism. Daydreaming is a form of escapism. As you well know, when you have an anxiety disorder things can get negative and intense. Not only that, but all that negativity can get
Archives for January 2010
Study: Antidepressants May Not Work on Mild Depression
Story Hightlights Study says that antidepressants may not be effective on mild depression. Placebo and antidepressants performed similarly in people with mild depression. Study is limited however because only Paxil and Tofranil were studied. Over 2,164 clinical trials examined for study. Critics claim that the clinical trials examined were too short. Antidepressants still effective in people with major depression. To read the whole story CLICK HERE. Goal: $200 Donations: $25 Every Dollar Matters Find out why I'm
How to Stop the Mind Shift
The mind shift is the switch from normal thinking to saying to yourself something like, "oh no!" or "I'm going to die!" It's the dividing line between regular thoughts and panicked thoughts. It's easy to recognize this shift in thinking, and once you do it well, it can help you to reduce and shorten your bouts of anxiety and panic. This mind shift happens fast, and many times it happens so fast that you seem to fall into a panic state without even knowing how it happened. That's why you'll often hear people say that they were doing