Definitions In their quest for peace of mind and reassurance anxiety sufferers will often seek answers and details about their condition wherever they can find them. Answers that inevitably have to do with their chronic symptoms, whether it be headaches, muscle twitch, dizziness, panic, chest pain or any other symptom in the never ending list of anxiety manifestations. And of all the tools that help facilitate the search for further understanding of anxiety disorders the internet is perhaps the most used, influential, and potentially
Archives for October 2009
The Power Of Compassion
To feel persistent fear is to be miserable, to feel sad because of fear is painful, to feel alone is what anxiety can make you. But it isn't simply the fear, sadness or isolation that bends our will and weakens our resolve. No, it's more than this. It is the final culmination of all that we hate about anxiety - the final turn inward, the path away from the outside, away from what we all understand as normal and inside our minds in search of a way out. What then can we implement to counter this inward, self reflective, even self-absorbed
“Depression, Anxiety Linked to Weight Gain”
Click the image to read the full story.