You ever sit up in bed from a restful sleep and then immediately start scanning your brain for anxiety and sources of worry? I have and I've done so plenty of times. I seriously doubt that this is intentional on our part, it's more of a habit you see. A habit which can unfortunately throw a wrench into our entire day. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and along those same lines I'd say that just as important is your first thought (or more likely series of thoughts) of the day. To have a set of positive first
Archives for July 2009
Reuters: Brain Implant Approved For OCD Treatment In Europe
photo credit: Roadside Guitars Article Highlights: Medtronic recently received approval for an implantable brain device to treat OCD in Europe. The device is designed to stimulate certain parts of the brain to help with OCD symptoms. The device uses technology similar to other devices used to treat Parkinson's Disease. Research indicates that up to 2/3 of patients using the implants see improvement in their OCD symptoms. Click the image or click here to read the full story.
The Habit Of Fear
After 10 years of not being able to rid myself of anxiety I've learned a lot. And perhaps one of the most significant lessons I've learned about anxiety is that much of my own anxiety is self inflicted and habitual. It sucks to say but it seems to me that at times I'm my own worst enemy. The fact that fear can even be habitual is not surprising when you think about it. I think the same can be said of any thought or feeling that evokes an intense emotional reaction. For example, if someone tells themselves that they are fat, well
NY Times: Major League Anxiety
photo credit: Bari D Article Highlights: Several players in major league baseball are currently struggling with anxiety disorders. Most players don't want to seek help because they're afraid of being perceived as vulnerable. More players missing playing time because of anxiety issues. Players are bombarded with many stressful situations on a regular basis. Many players with anxiety issues are staging comebacks. Click the image or click here to read the full article.
A Guide To Reduce Stress, Anxiety, And Fear
Recently I ranted on the forum about my current anxiety episode. For the past 10 days I've been in the midst of a terrible anxiety ordeal. In the past I've spoken about the two types of anxiety, the physical and mentally based kind. Well my current state of anxiety is fully mental and sadly rather debilitating. But this post is not really about that. What I actually wanted to say is that as a result of being in so much mental distress I've been searching for information to reinforce all I know about anxiety to help me
Don’t Let Your Fear Of Flying Keep You Down
Article Highlights: Recent media coverage of airline disasters has scared many anxious fliers. 1 in 6 people are afraid to fly. It is possible to overcome your fear of flying. Flying is still the safest form of travel. For more information about how to overcome your fear of flying visit Click the image or click here to read the full article.
Real Life Anxiety
Last night just by chance I happen to catch an episode of A&E's new show called "Obsessed". This episode was about a young woman with OCD and claustrophobia and another woman with anxiety issues related to being obsessed with clutter. I have to say that I found the show to be rather compelling. What really caught my attention was the young lady. There was a scene were she was supposed to ride an elevator as part of her exposure therapy and she simply couldn't do it. But the captivating part was this young girls emotional anguish, I
How To Stop Racing Thoughts
What should you do when your thoughts won't stop racing? How should one react when our minds are filled with speeding negative thoughts that make us anxious and fearful? There are a couple of things you can do, but perhaps the most effective thing is to tell your mind to just stop it. Known as the "Stop Technique," it is simply you yelling the word stop to yourself. Of course because this might make you look like you're crazy in public you could also do this silently. Also, you may have to say stop! to yourself many times. It's a very
10 Easy Tips To Help You Reduce Stress And Anxiety
If you're like me in anyway you sometimes get desperate for a solution to your nervous problem. After all anxiety and stress can pile on the mental and phyiscal pain until all we want is to make it all stop, like now. This of course is tricky business but after a decade of struggling with this I've learned that in order to achieve more peace in your life you have to do things, and repeat them often. Here are ten ways to do just that. 1. Identify Your Anxiety Triggers: We all have a set of things, people, places, or situations that set off